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End Game Weapons Trade - Primes, Brakk And Detron.


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Hey all,

Now, I've posted a couple of times in regards to putting two of the more end game weapons, the Brakk and Detron, in the same league as the Primes. It's almost 3am here so I'm going to keep it fairly short.


In very simple terms, the Brakk and the Detron are in a similar league as the Primes, in the fact that their parts are fairly trying to obtain. In my farming for both Primes and the Brakk and Detron, I've found that both groups are very based on RNG. Simply put, I believe that the parts for both the Brakk and Detron should be made tradeable. This would potentially alleviate some of the farming for the parts, similarly to the current Prime trading market.


Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Edited by JathaalDeath
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No. The brakk should have even been a drop int the first place and now that it is we got people who use this kind of gear on lower level sets. And now people are like "its not as good as brakk, so it sucks" blah blah blah. It should have stayed gravidius only and if you did not get it, deal with it.


I Rhino I Soma I Brakk I Orthos Prime I


Power Creeps that use this gear on mercury.

The same goes for the detron, suck it up and farm it. It took me 1 day to get all the parts (the day it released) so it is possible.

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I Rhino I Soma I Brakk I Orthos Prime I


Power Creeps that use this gear on mercury.

The same goes for the detron, suck it up and farm it. It took me 1 day to get all the parts (the day it released) so it is possible.


Rhino Prime / Boltor Prime / Brakk / Dragon Animetana is the new standard, broseph.

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IF all of you have brakk from the gradivus event, i would suggest you guys to try getting another set of brakk now.

Dont consider the first day G3 is released because that time they just drop everything upon death.


For this matter, i dont think they need to be made available for trade but at the very least spawn rate Or RNG need to be revise.

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