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Map Errors, Invisible Walls, Interesting Places, Etc.


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Am I going crazy or was there a wall here... 






Video incoming, if I can find it again. This has randomly turned into the rarest tile and I can see why. Great job on all the other fixes, though.


Edited by Tenebraex
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Yup, same as what I just posted but with DOF turned on. At least I didn't imagine it. Things must be getting pretty hectic in the office for a whole wall to be removed without anyone noticing.

Edited by Tenebraex
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Played a bit today to check, whether the screen shaking is fixed... it isn't and while checking it I wandered into a place I've never seen before and found out, that there is yet another stupid invisible wall/safety zone there - seriously Mr. particular level designer, that is so cheap, safety zone instead of proper ceiling, seriously?


Is it not enough there are safety zones in the shallow gaps we would be able to jump from?




Also, preparing a simple site with map errors and their condition.

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So, I kinda broke one of the Grineer Asteroid tiles over my knee.


At this point in the world, I can use my Warframe's edge grab...


To get here. This is still kinda within bounds. But then I cornerjump


Those poles in the background on the track I'm standing on. I can access both sides of the track. The side my Warframe occupies here is on the way to the next spot:


This area is a lot of fun to practice free-running in. I can do horizontal to vertical wallrun transitions all over the place in here. Lots of fun, I wish we had "legal" areas to do this kind of stuff.


You can also jump off the rail into the center pillar and clip into this drill(?). I'm assuming this area will probably get Link to the Past-ed.



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I was running Valefor on the newer defense map, and I managed to get stuck inside the wall after grabbing an invisible ledge and jumping through the wall while wall running on it.





Had to bail on that one since I couldn't get out regardless of what I tried.

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Definately gamebreaking bug, as you can obviously see I have to go through this door to the next room to destroy a mining machine, yet there is no room.

I'm assuming if you stepped through you'd fall off the map infinitely, can't remember which map but this once happened during a grineer boss round, a giant piece of wall missing, I jumped through wondering what would happen.

Current screen is of Portia, sabotage, as far as I've encountered, missing walls/rooms only happens during Asteroid Base missions.

As you can see the door is completely recolored, almost as if it's in the standard Corpus area.

Perhaps the room on the other side controlled the shading for the door, and there was no room, so no shading?

You could re-do the shading to cover current ares around the light, but then, I have Dynamic Lighting off so that's probably the reason.

Anywhom, please get on this devs, I hope it doesn't happen again game-breakingly like this.


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Playing a bit today, getting stuck in a map and noticing lot of gaps, which were reported here or elsewhere on the forum but not yet addressed I finally decided to create a little page, where I would keep all the current errors in a probably long well arranged list hoping that with each new patch, I delete few of the errors, because they would be properly corrected.


Feel free to contribute.



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Not sure if this has been mentioned before... looked through a lot of the posts here, but not all. Just want to make sure someone's aware. Was in an alert mission, exterminate, 7.5k credits bonus... not sure of the rest. Kinda just did it. Anyway, grineer mining base, versus infested. Was heading through the vent tunnels, when suddenly... ROCK. Just a giant rock, right in the way of everything. In a tunnel. Bigger than the tunnel itself. It was even hanging out through the bottom of the tunnel into the room below. I've got links to a few pictures. A bit dim, but... should be enough to show it.


From below, in the room under it:



Several angles showing the rock itself in the tunnels:





And lastly, I was using Banshee, who has the indirect Sound Quake. Which means I could hit the enemies gathered on the other side of the rock THROUGH it. Like so.



Anyway, this rock completely blocked off more than half the mission. I found absolutely no way past it. Complete game (mission?) breaker. So it's definitely something that needs fixing...

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Here's an invisible wall you don't have to go far (or unintended places) to find:


On this defense mission, if you're standing on top of that big container and shoot to where the red arrows point, your shots get obstructed by an invisible wall (shooting in the green arrows' direction is fine though).











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Long time no see and why not start with two little places, that will force you to abort mission, because you can't get out of there normally...


Corpus Outpost Starting location - http://zelgaris.com/_temp/wf/wf-7-11-1-co-start-01.jpg


1) There is a skew long orange container near the wall and there is a gap between it and the wall. Once falling into the gap, it's an abort time :(

This was already reported here, weeks ago, not corrected yet.




2) There is also one container at the bottom part of the section, also possible to stuck there (once you duck you cannot even stand up).




3) And considering the same section and the big gray stands with round platforms on top (where you start in case it is a starting point), there are still some completely messed up invisible walls/boxes around them. You can't even get close to the walls at most points, but you can "walk on air" (check the shadow of warframe) and do an invisible wall climb.

This was also already reported here, weeks ago, not corrected yet - at least it doesn't force you to abort the mission.




4) Nearby rocks are pretty non-solid on many places, such as...








So related question to devs/level designers, who are hopefully checking this thread.


Is it really that hard to make the collisions, solidity of objects/terrain properly? I am just curious about this, really.


Bi-weekly level correction passes, eh?

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  • 2 months later...

Ah, new tile set, with so many non-sense invisible walls and many gaps (seriously, there is just piece of floor missing in normally used corridor) so maybe it's the right time to resurrect this thread and recheck all the good old map errors.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh hi there fellow tennos, long time no see.

It's about time to revive this thread, don't you think? :)


Corpus Ship

Got there completely accidentally, when jumping around and fighting moas.


It is possible to get to the red marked location by falling there from the orange box.



And once there, it's impossible to get out.


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