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[Suggestion] Xp Pot, Tenno History, And Bear Frame.


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I am not sure where to post my suggestions. If I'm at the wrong place could any mod or DE move me to the proper thread for player suggestions. Thank you.


          I had these ideas for a while, an XP pot were you store overflowed XP from lvl 30 frames, weapons and sentinels. A Orikin Tower boss that reveals the tennos dark history. Some sort of a time traveler boss that warps you to the past and fight your previous self. Or a boss that once it dies it retuns some of your memories. Secrets of the tennos dark history as well as the location and intentions of the lotus and her secrets. Lastly a shot in the dark for me, a bear frame. Figure that one out why i suggest that one. X3




          As i play Warframe with a level 30 rhino and equipment, i feel like its a waste to just throw away overflowed XP. I was ponder how to make use of it with out braking the game. XP Pot* came to mind. A somesort of container that only absorbs overflown XP from lvl 30 frames or equipment.


          How is it obtainable? Blueprint from the market should be how. 50k credits seem reasonable enough and like the extractors it can be made multiple times. However in order not to brake the game one 1 XP Pot* can be made at a time from the blueprint.


          How does it work? Like the vault keys or the codex scanner. It should be equipped in the gear wheel. Once a frame or weapon reaches lvl 30 the XP Pot* will begin to take the overflown xp from the lvl 30 equipment or frame. However it can only hold a certain amount of the overflown XP. 50k XP is a reasonable example of XP limit it could hold. Once use, in your arsenal you can pick were the XP from the XP Pot* would go into. It would be also be better if the XP Pot* is destroy apon use.


          If this suggestion goes through and approved. I would like to see some dev alterations, devs knows best.


*Temporary name, depending on devs.


Tenno History/Orikin Tower Boss


          I always wonder why is the stalker to vengeful and hated the tenno. I personally would love to know what happen. Who were there? who stopped us? what kind of civilization was it that the tenno use to live? Who is tha stalker before he is who he is today? I want to hear or see these questions answered by the dev themselves. Speculation and rumors are a good stepping stone but it isn't the mainland of the story. As well as who is the lotus? why havent we meet her in person? is she even real? Why is she hidden from us? Does she have any secret intentions?


          I've wondering this for so long that I've gotten headaches over it. I was also thinking how would we know? or how would the tenno remember? So as a second suggestion. An orikin tower boss that reveals the tennos dark history. A boss that becomes the lotus main concern and worries who it is a boss with mass knowledge. A proper name would be Exodus, would that be right? Anyways The boss design and development would go to the devs,  have my own as sort of a "wall boss" and the stage were it is fought would be a library like arena.


           Anyways i really really REALLY would love to know the dark history of the tennos. Its been giving me headaches and driving me nuts.


Bear Warframe: Urises*


          Yea this a personal suggestion from me. Bear frame: Urises* :3 A semi tank based frame, but more focused in ability strengh, 3rd tankies frame. for how it looks, that is up to the devs, i tried to design my own, never comes up looking close for the lore. (my art is either to Mecha-ish or to Monster-like)


          Urises* abilities would be:

> Hunting Claws* - 25 energy - Single Target -Pouncing forward on a target pining them on the floor and slashing them. Strength mods mod for more damage. Duration mods for more slashes. Range mods for longer range pouncing.


> Hurnger Growl* - 50 Energy -  AOE - Loudly roars causing enemys speed, attack, and armor to drop also a chance of stunning. Duration and Range mods are affected.


> Hibernate* - 75 Energy - AOE Self/Team - Heals and regenerates Health for self and team slowly, removing as well as being immune to enemy status affects, However Urises* will be immobilized during this time. Strength mods improve in health regeneration. Duration mod and Range mods would improve the time of heal and AOE.


> Wild Call* - 100 Energy - Self/Team - Identically duplicates you and your team. (clones are AI controlled) At unrank you summon 1 copy of your team. With every rank you ad 1 more copy, by max you would have 4 copies. However they are only equipped with melee weapon that current have on. They also have only 2/4 of heath the original host. (example: if a frame with 700 health. the copy would have 350 health). Only strength mod would improve the damage and health of the copys.


               lvl 1   lvl 30

health     100 - 400
power     100 - 150
armor      250
shield      100 - 300
Sprint      1
stamina   100
plrty         4x= 1x- 1xV
aura plrty -


Offense-tank is roughly what i was thinking. Also note how furious bears are.

Rhino is just Defense-Tank and Frost is Tactical-Tank.


*Temporary name, depending on devs.


          I would really like to a DE see this i think these are great suggestions to to game. Please lets make this post "Hot" so Steve or Scott see this. Please support this suggestion and comment about anything on what you think. I would appreciate it. :D



Edited by CombatTeddy
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I do like this XP Pot idea. Would indeed help for people who use forma on a Frame or Weapon. Yet to use another forma. Makes this painful process of regression much easier. This has to go through, It's to ideal to be missed.


Edit: Orikin Idea Is fine too, I too wonder as well of our ominous Tenno history. However for that frame, I wouldn't get my hopes up.

Edited by JudgeSatoris
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Here is something you could do. Give your frame some stats so that we know what you mean of "Semi-Tank"



Its hard to balance our this frame because I'm not trying to make it broken fr the game. I want a frame that focus on tanking for health and armor but Valkyr is already the frame for that. So i guess this follows in those footsteps of health and armor?


               lvl 1   lvl 30

health     100 - 400

power     100 - 150

armor      250

shield      100 - 300

Sprint      1

stamina   100

plrty         4x= 1x- 1xV

aura plrty -


Offense-tank is roughly what i was thinking. Also note how furious bears are.

Rhino is just Defense-Tank and Frost is Tactical-Tank.

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