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Why Don't Volatile Runner's Deal Damage?


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The last time I played this game over a year ago, these exploding mobs, volatile runners, were pretty deadly. If i let them explode on me they did ton of damage and were very scary.  Now? They do less than 50 damage, I had a level 35 volatile runner explode right on TOP of me for a grand total of 25 damage. Meanwhile, every other level 35 infested on me, including chargers, were auto-attacking me for nearly 300 damage.


Why do volatile runners deal such little damage? Why aren't they a threat at all? Why were they so heavily nerfed?  What happened to them?


Actually, why are all infested so weak and easy to deal with? Why are all infested no threat at all? Last time I played ALL infested were scary and could kill me so quickly, now infested are very boring to fight because I'm never in any threat of dying. Why is this? What happened to the infested?


Does anyone know what happened? Or why volatile runners don't deal any damage?

Edited by Kiaru
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They do deal damage.


Just a pathetic amount of it.


That said, i think theyre just better off being removed from the game at this point. Theyre no threat at all at any level and they dont make good enough meatshields for the chargers.

Edited by Dualstar
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DE nerfed Toxic Ancients, one of the major Infested threats. In my opinion, overnerfed. No one respects Toxic Ancients anymore and it has a big effect on the rest of the faction.


Massive power creep in ranged weapons and mods also plays a part. It's not as apparent against the other factions because you're not going to win a straight-up shootout with multiple high level Corpus Techs/Heavy Gunners/Napalms etc.

Edited by holdenagincourt
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they could use a blast radius buff. if you hug one, it stings a little more. they tend to pop themselves at the edge of their blast radius.

radius and damage need a buffing. im assuming that DE doesnt want to because warframes have bigger problems then a deadbeat enemy and the possible avalanche of hate-mail filling Scott's and Steve's inboxes when they change anything by 0.004%

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try lvl 120 volatile runners they do, get this, 30 damage, BOOM just blew your mind right there gg bet you think that these guys aren't so weak after all


Don't use "Try level (insert ridiculous number) enemies, then they're strong." as an argument. That's just silly.


The reality is is that Infested are probably the weakest faction right now. And yet, that's all you fight in the dark sectors, the supposed endgame. It's kinda hilarious, really.

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Don't use "Try level (insert ridiculous number) enemies, then they're strong." as an argument. That's just silly.


The reality is is that Infested are probably the weakest faction right now. And yet, that's all you fight in the dark sectors, the supposed endgame. It's kinda hilarious, really.

He wasn't serious and said they did a 30 damage as a joke.


I can take on level 35 infested as a level10 frame with level 10 weapons, it's a joke :(

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The last time I played this game over a year ago, these exploding mobs, volatile runners, were pretty deadly. If i let them explode on me they did ton of damage and were very scary.  Now? They do less than 50 damage, I had a level 35 volatile runner explode right on TOP of me for a grand total of 25 damage. Meanwhile, every other level 35 infested on me, including chargers, were auto-attacking me for nearly 300 damage.


Why do volatile runners deal such little damage? Why aren't they a threat at all? Why were they so heavily nerfed?  What happened to them?


Actually, why are all infested so weak and easy to deal with? Why are all infested no threat at all? Last time I played ALL infested were scary and could kill me so quickly, now infested are very boring to fight because I'm never in any threat of dying. Why is this? What happened to the infested?


Does anyone know what happened? Or why volatile runners don't deal any damage?


That's why I said volatile runners and other infested corpus should hold onto the rifles they used to have as Corpus Crewmen!  Some of them, at least.  Not scary, sure, but while you are dealing with those chargers and crawlers and ancients, they are mowing down your shields with their laser weapons. 

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Yeah, DE seems to have completely forgotten to give them a role ever since Damage 2.0 hit. For all the role they have in combat, they're basically cute little Bonus Affinity Points! containers that disappear if you don't kill them fast enough.


A good chunk of the playerbase seems to be against re-introducing the stagger. I think a great way to give Volatile Runners a role again would be to either simply turn them into "kamikaze"-type enemies that deal devastating damage, or to keep the damage nice and low but to introduce a brief slowdown debuff on all players affected.

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I'd definitely love to see them become less frequent but deal massive amounts of damage in a small radius. Maybe even give them the ability to hurt other Infested, so a clever player can prioritize them to damage and send the rest of the hoard flying off in every direction.

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