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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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Enemy Name: Arc Serpents


Behaviour: Arc Serpents show up in sets of three. They float fairly slowly to a location, settle in it and then arc a powerful bolt of electricity between them, then into their target. Upon killing the first one the remaining two will move and charge their attack quicker, but will not do as much damage. Upon killing the second the last will fly into its target attempting to come in contact with it. If it manages to make contact it with electrify the target (setting an electric D.O.T. on it). They are specialy vulnerable to slash, and corrosive damage as they are mostly fleshy. Arc Serpents may choose to move again, instead of attack, after relocating.


Attacks: Heavy hitting, charged, lightning bolt attack; Moderatly damaging lighting bolt attack; Electrical melee D.O.T. attack.


Environmental Restrictions: Claustrophobia, and Aquaphobia. Will not follow targets into small spaces. will not go over water.

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Name: Lobber


Behavior: Infested Grineer Scorch infantry with bi-pedal movement(but using all three limbs when moving full speed). Attempts to stay at the back of the group and attack from mid range. If player gets too close it moves in and uses its secondary attack.

Long Range - Launches a short-fuse-grenade type projectile at the player. Explodes after maybe 1-2 seconds of contact with a surface/player dealing damage
Short Range - Fires a continuous stream of muck that deals damage at a a short distance.
Explodes on death maybe with a delay




Edited by Rhimrifer
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Name Suggestion: Sporangea

Behaviour:  Spores stick to player clothes and lure all infested (work in a similar of pheromone https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pheromone).

Attacks: throws disputes (spores, sporule) in the nearest player. 

Environment restrictions:  in close quarters

(Optional) Art or Reference Images: it should be imperceptibly, http://half-life.wikia.com/wiki/Pheropods?file=Bugbait_view_separate.jpg

Edited by Numitor
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Name suggestion:Curminus


Behavior:It is a dragon type infested.It flies trough the air above the tenno,but in smaller rooms in does not fly and just stands on the ground.It becomes a bit weaker on the ground.When on the ground it goes on all 4 legs.


Attacks:It graps players in to the air and attacks them from above. She has toxic claws wich deal of course toxic damage. When on the ground she will bite players dealing viral damage and out of her mouth comes gas, the gas does gas damage to players.


Enviroment restructions: It spawns on every map.Because it flies and walks.



(the looks are up to you guys, it is a dragon by the way)

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Name: Infected (Insert Warfame name eg. Excalibur)


Behavior: The behavior of the infected warframe varies from each warframe such as for example banshee can block out your sound of her so she remains a stealthy infested while a rhino may charge into battle as most rhinos will do. They will act like most infested which usually seems to be that they will aimlessly wander around the area they are in and when you are in their field of view like any infested they will come charging at you using anything they have at their disposal to kill you. 


Attacks: The enemy can use the melee weapons that are stuck on on their hands due to the over growth of the infection, they have the ability to use some of the abilities from that they are able to use which are altered to take the effects of infested mobs. For example, Infected Nyx can use an altered version of Psychic Bolts that can either inflict poison or drain some energy, is equipped with a skana, obex or anyother melee weapon.


Environmental restrictions: Yes, only in orokin derelict as there seems to be open cryopods, they have either escaped or fallen to the infection.

Edited by RainbowMeatBun
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Name: Goliath


Behaviour: Slow moving, content, low detection, will mostly ignore players unless attack is provoked allowing for strategic take down. However it does have a close radius detection. Will scream or roar upon detection, much like the Phorid.


Attacks: Large arm can be used for a radial ground slam attack as most heavy units have this, larger arm can also be used as a push back if player gets too close (can be a swing or stomping motion). Supra arm can be used however it can't be mobile while firing and can only aim in a 180 - 200 degree radius. During roar or detection as well as in battle it may use a damage buff similar to Rhino Roar giving nearby infested a damage buff. Enemy also explodes upon death killing anything in its radius.


Environmental Restrictions: Anything infested related including derelicts and invasion missions.


Concept drawings created by a dear friend of mine (check out his deviant http://crazymoh11.deviantart.com/gallery/) Poorly done colouring indicating what parts are supposed to be (roughly) by me, scaling image also created by me, and descriptions and visual design created by me.





Very cool design! +1

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Name Suggestion: Nautiloid

Behavior: Nautiloids are heavily evolved Grineer Hellions and float high above the ground or hide in dark corners. When potential prey is near the Nautiloid uses the integrated jetpack to close in on a target or get away if it runs into more trouble than it anticipated.


Attacks: The Nautiloid uses the Hellion's jetpack in various ways. It will try to ram a target with its shell first using a jetpack blast to propel itself towards an enemy. After hitting its prey it will try to grab the target with its tentacles and use a lower powered jetpack blast as a flamethrower. Finally when escaping combat it will create a stronger fireblast to propel itself away from the enemy burning bystanders.


Environment restrictions: open spaces, not good in hallways

Optional Art




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Name:Infested Flyer?......

Behavior:Very agile and aware of it's surrounding and dodges gunfire very fast.Also it is slightly larger than most frames and will always try to knockdown and pound them.Can see anything behind it but with a limited range,but has full vision of anything infront,above,below,and at it's sides.Very aggressive and also very fast.Tends to always stay in mid-air and flies absurdly.

Attacks:Uses a spike ranged attack on its tail with high puncture damage.Also can spit a toxic acid from its mouth which deals AoE damage for several seconds.Can fly to players,but in a very unpredictable flight path and constantly still avoiding gunfire,once it reached the player it will knock it down and stay on top of the player and will attack the player with  claws at the tip of it's wings and will try to bite the player for poison damage,at this state the player can only use pistols or a new mechanic in which there would appear an action button at the perfect moment when the creature tries to bite the player and shove the creature off if the player managed to press it the right time.If not,it will deal high poison damage from it's bite.

Environment:Any infested room with high enough ceilings for them to fly.

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Name Suggestion: Infested Sprayer

Behaviour:  This transformed version of the corpus Osprey flies over the bodies of other Infested, and once they spot targets, they quickly zoom over the target’s head, and release their immobilizing spray onto their victims, to slow down the target for other Infested to attack with ease. The only way to stop the attack is if the Sprayer dies, or somehow decides to go after a new target. Due to (insert Deus ex Machina here), Sprayers cannot be targeted by Sentinels.

Attacks: The only attack is an immobilizing spray that drastically reduces movement and melee attack speed of the target. The spray is comparable (in range and size) to the Embolist pistol and has slight toxic/corrosive/etc damage.

Environment restrictions: Same restrictions as Corpus Ospreys.



Appearance: It’s an infested Osprey. DE may want to make the Sprayer compact, so that it is more difficult to shoot. 




Potential future variant: Infested Layer (same model and behavior as Sprayer, but instead drops the toxic gas pods of the Torid) 

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Name Suggestion: The Nex'sting

Behaviour:  Slow moving hive-mind comander creature the is aways in the middle of a mob of lesser infested. It is a heavely armored abomination of greener bombards and jackal-like four legged tank. It grabs low on healt infested and eats them then after a short time from its back a batch of 6-10 little creatures, leapers, chargers, crowlers.

Attacks: This tank-like creature has a stomp attack for any Tenno that come to close to it and a ranged attack from a mess of technology and biomass that looks like a tail rapidly firing bone-shrapnels. If the former is too much it can be a support unit with the ability to spawn more infested from the dead bodies of the fallen.

Environment restrictions:  Every where the Greener and Corpus fight for control and the Infested can spread to...

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how about a another assasin but for the infested side.grineer already had three assasins and the infested have none. it would be nice to have something bigger and stronger chase you and you need all four ppl in the game to beat it, like a " miniboss".

or if it is not just one maybe a little horde of infested creatures that chase you.

or what about an infested creature that spreads a virus when you fight it and touch it. like a symbiot that lives of of you and changes you and you need to find an antidot to get rid of it. it enables your warframe until you find it.

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Project information: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/225737-enemies-of-the-tenno-design-project/


Please submit a design idea for a new Infested enemy type.


Required Format:


Name Suggestion: (1-2 words max)

Behaviour:  (max 200 words)

Attacks: (max 200 words)  

Environment restrictions:  (max 20 words)

(Optional) Art or Reference Images: (Max 3 images).




Name Suggestion: Carbuncula

Behaviour: This enemy, codenamed ‘Carbuncula’, is stationary on walls and ceilings with a long tendril waiting to grapple any who walk by.

Attacks: This infested enemy type has a long tendril that can grab Tenno and pull them toward it’s toothy mouth. Melee attacks are the only option when grappled to kill the Carbuncula, otherwise your health will be drained until death!

Environment restrictions: Yes, only inhabits walls or ceilings, not ideal for open environments.

Optional Art: http://normalaquatics.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/sea_cucumber.jpg




1 Submission per user.

Submissions must be for INFESTED enemy type.

No bosses - these are for regular mission encounters.

No Reserving spots.

No breaking format/exceeding image cap or wordcount.

Post locks May 9th at 12:00 noon EDT!

Extreme runner




When unwarned, they walk like other Infested such as Leaper and others... When alerted, They run at very high rate to player and will knock down players.... If it can't knock down player, they swipe like leapers. How ever, it will rush faster then chagers and swipe faster then leaper and they will try to knock the player down again and again and again




Knock the player down, And hit another player by swiping. dealing more impact damage.

Can damage and effect damage over time by using it's posion cloud every 1 minute if the player can't kill it.


Environmental restrictions:


Level 16 and above,  apper in all tileset after Jupiter.




Corpus crewmen infested parts such as Leapers.

Have a black infested parts.

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Name Suggestion: Ancient Hauler


Behaviour: Slow yet durable (high HP). Spawns and stays within the horde of various Infested (Walkers, Crawlers etc.) They tend to be outside of

the battle but likes to wreck havoc to campers or busy Tennos by pull them from safety into the horde!


Attacks: They use their long, extendable (left) arm to grab Tennos from afar and pull them into the horde. Its attack animation would be scratching his victim to shreds with its claws. The Hauler also have a small radius (aura) that causes distortion to Tennos HUD, thus giving the sense of panic, fear and disorientation to its victims.


Environment restrictions:  Level 15 and above. Can spawn to any tileset.



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Name Suggestion: Lurking Maw

Behaviour:  The Lurking Maw is a large creature that is almost entirely stomach. It will find holes in various structures infested with the infestation, and burrow in. It then opens its large mouth, and waits for prey. Once something wanders close, a tentacle lashes out, draws in the victim, and drags them down into its stomach for digestion

Attacks: the Lurking Maw will lash out with a tentacle (similar to the Scorpion) and drag the player towards it once player is in very close proximity. Once inside, the player will be untargetable by allies (similar to when trapped by the Grustrag 3 after being downed), and will rapidly lose shields/health. The player can attack with their melee weapon to try to escape.

Environment restrictions:  will only be located inside the infested growths already seen in levels

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Name Suggestion: Infested Obsidian


Behaviour: These creatures are very strong but slow. Infested Obsidians' skills are very strong. Where they can place a spawning obsidian tomb or whatever, to reanimate his allies and bring them back to the battle. The radius to reanimate his allies are like maybe 650-850?. These creatures are invulnerable to a fire element. These infested creatures can only be spawned twice or thrice a game?, yeah maybe. These are rare infested creatures and hard to kill by the way, a chance to drop a very rare mod. 


Attacks: Slow attack animation with big damage. The first attack of Infested Obsidian will steal all of the warframe's energy and convert it to himself. Whenever the Infested Obsidian accidentally attacks his allies, his allies will explode and deal damage just like those infested creatures that will explode i forgot what their names are. 


Environment restrictions: Void Missions, Infested Capture, Assassination, Extermination, and Survival.


Appearance: I suck at painting, sorry. Maybe these creatures looks like a zombie covered with obsidian stones on their body.



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Name Suggestion: Infested Obsidian


Behaviour: These creatures are very strong but slow. Infested Obsidians' skills are very strong. Where they can place a spawning obsidian tomb or whatever, to reanimate his allies and bring them back to the battle. The radius to reanimate his allies are like maybe 650-850?. These creatures are invulnerable to a fire element. These infested creatures can only be spawned twice or thrice a game?, yeah maybe. These are rare infested creatures and hard to kill by the way, a chance to drop a very rare mod. 


Attacks: Slow attack animation with big damage. The first attack of Infested Obsidian will steal all of the warframe's energy and convert it to himself. Whenever the Infested Obsidian accidentally attacks his allies, his allies will explode and deal damage just like those infested creatures that will explode i forgot what their names are. 


Environment restrictions: Void Missions, Infested Capture, Assassination, Extermination, and Survival.


Appearance: I suck at painting, sorry. Maybe these creatures looks like a zombie covered with obsidian stones on their body.



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Name Suggestion: Defiler


Behavior:  The Defiler is a large, heavy, and agile infested unit that rapidly harries Tenno, or leads them into traps. Generally, the Defiler will actively play at being wounded to lure the Tenno into a false sense of security before springing its deadliest traps and only attack with its full power when it has the absolute advantage. Watch yourself Tenno, the Defiler gives a mean hug.


Attacks: The Defiler will first approach a Tenno cell, probing their capabilities cautiously while trying to minimize its exposure, and appear as something different, such as a Charger under the shadows. After taking 35% damage to its health, the Defiler opens fully with a deafening screech that can stagger unprepared Tenno, at which point it attacks with rapid claw swipes and bites. Occasionally, the Defiler will attempt to grapple, wrapping its tongue around the Tenno and dragging it into its claw range, where it will attack with rapid flurries of its claws.


After being reduced to one quarter of its health, the defiler will attempt to retreat slowly, now attempting to lure targets into larger packs of enemies, while calling out for any nearby Infested to come to its aid. At this point, the Defiler will also remove badly damaged parts from its body and attempt to throw them at the Tenno, in order to cause damage and splatter the Tenno with its blood. Tenno splattered with the Defiler’s blood are more likely to draw aggro from nearby Infested Units.


Environment Restrictions:  Dark, narrow tunnels with some wide open spaces; areas that would be best for hit-and-run ambushes.


Art/Reference Images:


This thing is dope!

And the name fits it and is a cool name in general! (compared to all the other uncreative names >. >)

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Name Suggestion:Infested Snatcher


Behaviour:Infested Snatcher was formerly a door inside ships and buildings. much like Corpus laser barriers or Grineer sensor bars, it traps those who try to pass through, by snatching those who try to pass through up in the air and make them vulnerable from attacks from other infesteds for some while

(the one who'd snatched can be saved before the Snatcher releases him/her by teammates)


Attacks:inflicts toxic DOT damage when snatched which lasts even after escaped


Environment restrictions:in door, on door

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Is this a submission? You didn't tell us any of it's abillies, and i don't think DE wants to take an enemy from another game and put it in their own.

thats from dead space good enemy but no i dont think they are going to like it

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