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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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Codename: Mother


Behavior: Medium speed spider like mover attaching all in their wake. Very aggressive and contains 10-20 "Babies" that ride on their back that are released when the enemy is killed. Babies are fast moving low health low attach. Can climb walls, objects, tenno, and ceiling dropping on unsuspecting victims.


Attacks: Mother attacks with front legs for low to medium damage, and front pinchers for medium to high damage melee type. Long range attacks done with "Web" Shots for low damage ( rifle type ) or spread ( shotgun type ) damage which can also inflict a slow status for short periods of time. Babies are low melee damage and can attach to Tenno which can only be removed by, activating ability, slide, or other Tenno attacks.


Environmental Restrictions: Indoor environments only


Reference Images


Google Carolina Wolf Spider with Spiderlings


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Name: Stickers 


Behavior: Beware Tenno, Stickers stay in packs, they stick to walls to attack from afar by shooting bulbs of toxic waste at you. They might seem harmless, but in packs they can be deadly and quite annoying.


Attacks: Stickers have the ability to stick to walls & jump from walls to another. Their main ability is to shoot toxic bulbs at Tennos, slowing them down & causing toxic damage over time. Their second ability only applies if they are in a pack of 3 or more, which is to send a volley of toxic needles which will knock down Tennos.


Environmental Restriction: The only restriction is the height of which they can climb, meaning they need to be at good range for normal rifles to hit them (Normal Rifle: Boltor, Braton, etc), so you dont need snipers on every infested mission.

Edited by Hellmax243
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Name Suggestion: Hopper



Hoppers actively try to stay away (25-30m) from Tenno/enemies by using quick bursts of energy to hop from one position to another (Potentially make him have an energy pool, allowing magnetic to prevent him from hopping for a short while).  They stay down on all four legs at all times in a crabwalk position, and besides hopping their only method of movement is crab walking at normal tenno walking speed.  If (technically speaking) possible, he can cling to walls.




The highlight of the hopper, they have morphed working vulkars into their left shoulder just below the collar bone.   It uses naturally created reinforced bone fragments as ammunition that are infested with extremely toxic chemicals which can cause toxin procs. Due to the sped up process, the bone fragments are shaped and weigh differently from one another, causing varying degrees of damage every shot. 

These shots are launched under high pressure by a visible sac which expands and contracts as shots are fired.


If close up they can breathe toxic chemicals, similar to embolist.  Range is extremely short though (3m or less).



Environment Restrictions: New Infested tileset/none.




Edited by (PS4)KalGerion_Beast
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Name : Unknown [to scare]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Behavior : like all infested it lives in body it host but this one is diffrent stronger and this allows him to take over a body of fallen tenno...                    Attacks :  it uses abilities and melee weapon of tenno he is in control of to strike down those who oppose hin he always fight till the end for he has his pride like tenno and fury of a infested .                                                                                                                                                                                    Environmental restrictions : like stalker he only appears when player kills a set number of infested for he hears when they scream in pain from tennos strikes                                                                                                                                                           

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Name: Spitter (variations are Caustic Spitter and Electric Spitter

Description: the spitter is a quadruped formed from the body of a grineer napalm. It is slightly larger than an infested charger, and its 4 legs are spindly. It accompanies medium to large groups of infested, and is somewhat skittish. It prefers to engage targets at range with a back mounted bio-weapon.

Attacks: Its main feature is a bio-weapon mounted on its back. This weapon can unleash a volley of darts, a poison cloud like the torid (caustic spitter) or an electrical pulse similar to the synapse (electric spitter). The pulse from the electric spitter is momentary. All attacks proc (puncture, toxin, or electric). It has no way of defending itself at melee range, so that is the most prudent way of dispatching them.

Environment restrictions: None, but electric only appear on corpus tilesets and derelicts and the caustic only appear on grineer tilesets and in the derelicts.

Edited by thegravecrawler
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Name Suggestion: Clinger

Behavior: Will only attack one enemy at time. Clings and walks on walls and roofs and stalks prey until the prey's back is turned. Then leaps at the prey and leaps back to a wall or a roof. once the clinger has done its first leap then he will continue to quickly jump between walls and prey until the prey dies. When the Clinger is below 50% health he will then fall off the wall or roof he is on and run up to the prey and attack directly while dashing rapidly to avoid damage.

Attacks: when jumping from wall to prey the prey will be knocked down and hurt a moderate amount, afterwards he will jump directly back to a wall or the roof. When below 50% health and knocked off of the wall he will attack similar to the charger but attacks will be faster and do slightly less damage.

Environmental restrictions: Will only be able to move along walls and roofs when health is higher then 50%.


As a side note that dose not fit in the format, the clinger will walk on all 4s and will be of ancient class, as it will be a complete infested and be very strong with high armor.

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Name Suggestion: Infested Vometeur

Behaviour:  It would be a big green and slow guy but with lots of health (hard to kill).

Attacks: It would vomit burning acid that can get through tenno shields and armor. Upon death it would explode (limited radius) like the Stugs bullet dealing, huge toxin damage, so you would not want to melee attack it .

Environment restrictions:  none

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Name Suggestion: Tick

Behaviour:  Very small almost unnoticable insect that ataches to the back  of tenno. Once attached only other tenno could kill it off. Very quick, agile jumps far and high. It would grow bigger and bigger with every life point sucked. After destroing the tick blood would spill on tenno and he would become extremely atractive to other infested. [Could also be other variations like Energy Tick, Stamina Tick, Damage Tick].

Attacks: When attached to tenno it would suck his life points quickly (no damage on shields). 

Environment restrictions:  none

(Optional) Art or Reference Images: http://media.outsideonline.com/images/black-legged-tick_si.jpg

Edited by Karine_Sraige
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Ok here goes.


Name: Fuzer


Size/Physical Appearance: This infested of old would be in similiar size and stature to the leapers and runners. It would have a similiar appearance, although it would be a pitch black color with red flecks decorating it's body, similiar to lizards and reptiles. It would have thin arms and thin legs, and would be the height of the Ancients, or perhaps a little taller.


Behavior: Now this is where it gets interesting.

The fuzer on its own is fairly weak. Having such thin arms and thin legs it would move quickly but it would do very little damage. However in the presence of an enemy it will acquire two nearby infested of the same type, consume them, and add them to his body. For example, two nearby chargers would run toward the fuzer and he would drain their life force. It would give the Fuzer armored plates on his body, and buffed up arms and legs, and increase it's movement speed and attack speed. Below I listed several other iterations of this fuzion behavior, as the idea is it uses the "swarm" mentality, combining weaker infested to create a stronger one. The Fuzer would grow in size when it consumes two of its allies. It can only fuse once and with two allies that are the same.


2 Chargers = Changes name to Berserker. It would have armored plating all over its body which would be similiar to the Charger appearance. It would move faster and charge at its enemies, wrecking havok with strong melee attacks. It would have much higher armor ratings compared to the unfused version. This enemy would be extremely dangerous on its own or in a group with other Infested.


2 Leapers = Changes name to Splitter. The legs and arms would get much larger and more massive, and the texture of its body would become similiar  to leapers. It does not move faster, but instead engages its enemies with powerful long-ranged jumps. When it lands it creates a small shockwave, similiar to Shockwave Moas, but definetely not the same animation. This iteration is more of a support, as its damage is not as high as the Charger version, but the knockdown and knockback would give its allies plenty of time to rip you up.


2 Runners = Changes name to Sprinter. It would grow an additional two arms that would be bulked up and it would run extremely fast. The texturing would be similiar to the Runners currently in the game. It would run quickly at its enemies, much faster than Tenno can sprint on their own, and launch barrages of fast, multi hit attacks with its four arms. This enemy would be extremely dangerous if left to hit you, as its hits could quickly wear down your health and shields. It does not stun with its attacks though


2 Volatile Runners = Changes name to Gripper. Its midsection would grow in size and would form a mouth/tentacled area like an Ancient's face. The arms would be lengthened but not increased in density. It runs at its enemies and grabs them with its elongated arms and chest/mouth, preventing them from using melee or escaping. After a brief moment it would explode, dealing large damage to the gripped enemy and enemies around it. It would be very dangerous when paired with groups of other infested, as the large damage would leave a Warframe vulnerable to follow up attacks.


Crawlers will not be used as they are not really very strong. The Fuzer would use the typical enemies to become more powerful, not weaker.


2 Ancients = Changes name to Old One. This would be the ultimate iteration of the Fuzer, and would be less common to occur as it requires two ancients of the same type to be near the Fuzer at the same time. The Fuzer would grow 1 1/2 times its size and be considerably stronger, and would grow an additional pair of arms and legs. The arms would have tentacles on it similiar to the Ancients' faces, and would have considerable hitting range. Its four legs would allow it to sprint in bursts, like the current ancients. It would sprint at enemies and hit them multiple times with its arms. If it fuses with two healing ancients, it would emit mini healing pulses around itself, with smaller range but more frequency, making it a dangerous healer. If it fuses with two disruptors, its hits would not instantly drain shield, but instead drain energy with every hit. If it fuses with two toxic ancients it would gain poison tipped arms that deal direct health damage on hit, although this damage would be lower than the other iterations to prevent warframes from being one-shotted.



Core Topics: The idea behind this enemy is that it is supposed to be very dangerous. Most infested you can run up and slice up, without fear of dying for the most part. With this enemy, you would want to kill him before he fuzes with other enemies, and if he hits the fuzion stage he would become incredibly powerful. Killing him would be best done at a distance, and for the first time, you will run away from an Infested enemy. His experience would reflect the dangerousness of his power, so he would give lots of experience when he is fuzed. It also gives a lot of different enemy types for DE to play with, instead of just one. The customization allows a lot of flexibility.

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Name: Infested Ponderer


Behaviour: Stays hidden in nooks and crannys of the ship, hanging cheerfully from the ceiling or standing in a corner surrounded by lesser infected. Enhances abilites and intelligence of nearby allies Giving them the ability to set up traps making volatile runners hide behind the corner and explode when Tenno come close enough and allowing chargers to run on the walls and ceiling and waiting for prey. Doesn't attack by itself unless tenno get too close, when in critical condition beggs them to leave it alone promising to make other infested not attack Tenno unless in self-defense. The general idea is that this enemy should make the player wonder how fast is the infestation progressing and what'll be it's final form. Looking like a giant deformed head (over 2meters high) complete with grineer and corpus heads sticking out of it would be a hideous sight, even if not really dangerous if left alone.


Attacks: Uses nearby infested to block Tenno's path to itself, In close-mid range uses blade-like tendrills and flesh spikes in melee range. It's panic attack would be Psychic Bolts. When attacked from range uses flying infested tissue (the glowing one seen in infested missions) to block damage to some degree.


Environment Restrictions: New infested levels, ceilings and corners of infested levels. Prefers cramped place where it can hide. Doesn't spawn on Extermination.


Poorly Drawn example:


Edited by Ereus
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Name Suggestion:  Dark Matter Ancient


Behaviour: It has no physical form but it is a large mass of darkness with thousands of glowing red eyes in it, it soars around very quickly in the air like those weird floating thingies you see in the air when you fight infested. When one appears the entire map darkens, like rather than the lights flickering, the lights stay off.


Attacks:  I have a few ideas for attacks, you may either choose one or choose all or even come up with your own, I even have names for them. You may also use these attacks for other infested if you wish to~




The Dark Matter Ancient dives downwards swarming the Tenno like a swarm of locusts or bats, immobilizing the Tenno lifting him in the air for a short time while dealing slow damage to both shields and health. The downside to this attack however is that it's vulnerable to attack by other Tenno when it's swarming another Tenno.




The large glowing red eyes shoots out a parasite half the size of a Tenno that wraps around its warframe, the Tenno wrapped with the parasite cannot get it off and it will drain shields very slowly as well as decrease armor. Only another Tenno can get it off by shooting it off, or cutting it off.




All the lights in the map goes off, until the Dark Matter Ancient is killed, the Dark Matter Ancient's glowing deep blood red eyes will be the only thing clearly visible.


This ability is meant to disrupt Tenno visibility. Are You afraid of the dark?







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Name Suggestion: Infested Skorpionoid

Behavior: This enemy, the name "scorpion" dangerous kind of huge infected moves slowly with helps three pairs of legs, he can crawl on the ground the ceiling or walls is immune to radiation.

Attacks: This kind of infected dangerous because of the toxic sting, its venom is able to paralyze Tenno for a few seconds, it also shreds Tenno by means its huge claws.


Environment restrictions: None

Art: Image is created not by me http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070713195303/godzilla/images/a/aa/Ts-eh-Go.jpg

Edited by K0LESN1K0FF
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Name Suggestion: nascondere

Behaviour:  Hides around the corner to attack running tenno (knock down). Looks like a morphed tenno with only one hand and the hand is super morphed to knock down. The knock down is based off of the annoying corpus missions with the cameras that activate the trap.

Attacks: Knocks down tenno quickly, and slow slashes.

Environment restrictions:  anywhere, specifically stationary.


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Name Suggestion: Infested tenno

Behaviour:200 words) Achient tenno felled by the infested are reborn into malformed commanders that direct the infested when simple brute force cannot overcome the enemy

Attacks: (max 200 words)  utilize infested weaponry like: tysis, torid

Environment restrictions:  (max 20 words) can wall run/walk    



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Name Suggestion: Hopper


Behavior:  Born of the Grineer Hellion, the Hopper utilizes Infested bio-weapons in tandem with the jump-pack of the Hellion. Hoppers possess both ranged and melee capabilities, allowing them to engage from multiple angles. Hoppers can cling to walls, but can only use their ranged attack. They cannot use their ranged attack while in the air. When idling, Hoppers are hunched over with both arms held tight to their chests. The bladder attached to the bottom of its skull, similar to the human heart, inflates and deflates as it breathes. 


Attacks: The Hopper is a versatile enemy, with a, Ichor hand-axe at the end of one limb, and a bio-weapon similar to the Tysis on the other. The Ichor axe they have lacks the pure Toxin damage of the Tenno version, instead using physical damage, naturally focused on Slash. The Tysis still deals Corrosive damage, but lacks the high proc. chance and pinpoint accuracy of the Tenno version. When in melee, the hopper will swing its arms in frenzy, spinning around and using the Grineer jump-pack to add momentum and force to the blows at times, using both the Ichor and the Tysis to less effect. Sometimes the Hopper will swoop down from the skies to try and knock Tenno down. When at range, it behaves much more cautiously, darting about and taking pot shots.


Environment restrictions:  No Restrictions


Art or Reference Images:


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Name suggestion: Autila (land nautilus)


How they will behave: These walking creatures act as artillery and support for their infested brethren. Slower than MOA’s at maximum speed but faster than your average ancient. On the back of their shells are openings that house the support drones, they are like hornets. The shells are armoured to resist damage but are not very resilient, like the fossilized armour ancients have. The only weak point of the whole creature is the face specifically the eyes. It walks with 6 sharp pincer claw like limbs like ants. Nobody knows where they came from, some think earth but they seem as old as the ancients themselves and are just as dangerous.




Pierce: When you come into close proximity with tem you will be stabbed by the sharp legs doing 30 puncture per hit, although a lot they prefer to run away and do other attacks, this is truly last stand.


Spit cannon: This is the long range artillery support, which is common. Spits a large cold projectile that does area of effect damage. This projectile has a high status proc chance.


Drone defense: The drones are releases from its back to protect the Autila and or surrounding creatures. Does minimal damage like 1-2 puncture damage per second. The flying drones stop bullets but continuous stream weapons and melee attacks can still go through this shield. When in defense mode the Autila moves slightly slower. Will not trigger if there are no enemies in a 15-25m radius.


Drone attack: The drones attack the enemies in random patterns. Does minimal to moderate damage per hit 10-15 per hit with a small chance to proc puncture and poison.


Drone support: This tells the drones to fly to allies, attach and buff. The buffs are simple; increased attack, speed, armour, health etc. All effects are removed when the drone is killed.


Restrictions: Unfortunately because of its preference for water it can only be found on places where there is naturally water.


Concept art:

This is drawn by me, I know that it isn't the best but this is just a rough concept. Idea based on the nautilus


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I just think about Infested Hive.

Send enermy to attack other faction (Invasion)


Phorid is the boss that protect the hive.

Just like First slay Phorid then Attack the hive (just like sabotage mission).


And put J-3 to invade the tenno that attacked the hive.(Just like Stalker/ G3 / Harvester)


J-3 will hunt tenno that got infected by Virus(Got infect because attack the hive too many time/ just like other mark)


If tenno lost to J-3. They will wake up in the Hive and got corrupted by posion (just like dragon keys effect).

This is escape mission like harvester.


After escape mission. The infected Tenno need antidote to heal them self.

Lotus will send the massage to them and give the Blueprint to craft antidote!


Thank you for read.

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Name Suggestion: Infested Assailant

Behaviour:  Uses illusions to fool its enemies and attack from behind

Attacks: This infested can use its own flesh as a decoy to distract its enemies and can drag them away. When

it drags its enemy away, other nearby infested come in to help kill the captured enemy. The assailant can also use 

sound to trick the enemy to thinking it is right behind them, only to be grabbed behind as they turn around.


Environment restrictions:  This infested has no environment restrictions


Gameplay wise, the player can try to break from its grasp by hitting the melee button at the right times to break free.

The player can also parry their grapple if they are fast enough

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Name suggestion: Infested Carrier


Behaviour: The Infested Carrier is a larger, more advanced form of infestation. In nature, slightly similar to the Volatile Runner, larger in size and different in appearance. The Carrier is presumed to have evolved from a Grineer trooper over a longer period of time in contrast with most other infested. The Carrier has small legs in comparison to its giant swollen torso, making it a slow mover -to make up for this, it grew two long tenticles as substitutes for its arms making it very dangerous to anything nearby.

The Carrier cannot attack from a distance, not unlike most infested, it relies on its tenticles to reach prey.

The Carrier spends its time wandering aimlessly and moaning until it notices prey, once it does it will slowly creep its way up to the prey (stealth not being on its side since it is quite large) and, once it is within good range, begin its signature attack.


Attacks: The Carriers signature attack is its ability to explode and release, from its big belly, dozens of small infested units which can become quite troublesome if lacking good equipement for crowd-control. These little buggers move fast but usually don't seperate, they lunge towards prey and if they successfuly make contact will attempt to infect the prey, turning it into one of its own (imagine these little guys flying at you while you play a nice game of fruit slice with them and your Dragon Nikana), them being on you causes damage over time to health.

The Carriers secondary attack is composed of nothing more than swinging its tenticles in self-defence or violently smashing them into the ground causing stager. It will use its secondary attack if it is damaged before it is able to execute its primary attack. 

It has a weak spot on its body which can cause it to die without releasing little ones, shooting it anywhere can kill it but it will still release little ones.


Environment Restrictions: Big, slow moving. Can be anywhere on ground apart from really tight spaces. Little ones can go anywhere, even walls.


Optional Art: UiniWIQ.png


very rough sketch of what it could look like (I used MS Paint, kinda ironic), I could add a sketch of what the little guys could look like if you REALLY want me to.

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With so many submissions I didn't have time to read them all...Hope this is new and not just a re-issued Idea...


Name: Overlord


Behavior: The Smart Infested...(Inspired by Starship Troopers Brain Bug) So its a Med - Large Infested.. probably slower moving with a fair amount of armor/defense.. I think it should coordinate all infested in the area... Mental communication, a Hive Mind... but allow the infested to pic a target or targets.... Charge in formations or other pack tactics...I think this infested should also inspire like a leader should and maybe it raises the level of infested around it by +10 or so.. 


Attacks:  I would think most of its attack power is derived by increasing and commanding those around it.. Secondary attack could be like Nyx's Psychic Attacks..



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Name Suggestion: (Evolved) Hunter


Behavior: Hunters are fast moving, terrifying, and relentless in the pursuit of prey. Hunters prefer dark cramped environments, aboard Grineer and Corpus ships that have been consumed by the infestation. The evolution of this new breed of enemy has an unknown origin but one thing is certain, they must be exterminated as soon as they are detected. If a pack manages to sense you Tenno, do not attempt to run. The longer they are alerted to your presence the stronger their black carapace armor becomes and deadly blades become exposed from their extremities. They will always try to attack from behind, retreating into the shadows when seen, they seem to have an exceptional skill of blending into even the dimmest of shadows. However, there is a way to expose and destroy them. The node spores spread around their body emit a low light source pertaining to a certain type of elemental power. If the matching elemental damage type is used, these nodes will emit high levels of light and expose the soft glowing pouch in their abdomen. This is their weak point and your target. However, using the wrong elemental damage proves futile against their body armor. Inspiration from Grineer Prosecutors.


Attacks: Hunters remain hidden in shadows in a state of hibernation unless they are awoken by loud noises. Once they have been disturbed they will use any means necessary to blindside their prey. They deal high damage and strike quickly. Climbing on walls and ceilings very quickly as they have an insatiable hunger, hence why they reserve their energy in slumber. As the hunt extends over long periods of time Hunters become “Evolved.” They will rapidly evolve traits to better equip themselves for the hunt. The Hunter will adapt long claws sharp enough to pierce warframe armor and their carapace will become more resistant to damage. They deal even higher damage when in Evolved state, move quicker, and resist greater damage. The only form of weapons Hunters have are their claws on their hands and feet and will attack in a flurry if made vulnerable by elemental damage in a desperate attempt to finish you against its natural instincts.


Environment Restrictions: Yes, Hunters only appear on dark worlds or dark cramped interiors. Never appear in bright open environments.


Rough Concept:




Toxic Version(Different color nodes: Yellow/Orange- Fire, Green- Toxic, Cyan- Frost, Blue- Electric)


Edited by J_Trofa
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Имя Предложение:древние мстители!

Поведение: они мстители ! когда  несколько раз играть против зараженных когда вспышка зараженных идет на планетах! они охотники как и сталкер, грастрагская тройка и как жнец! перед появлений древних мигает свет ! когда тенно убьет  выпадают коса, редкий мод или только 1 раз редкая сандана! и только можно убить  только с помощью пистолетах или ближних боях! иначе никак !


Атаки:атаки древних мстители  как и простые древние но  у них одна рука коса ! 

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Name: Ogre


Behavior: Think 'Ancient'. In a nutshell, that's what it does. However, its size(2x-3x that of Anceint) makes it hard to move in tight spots.



Slam: Swings a mighty 'fist', tumbling any poor sap in its path.

Grab/Throw: picks something up(Ally, Enemy, Storage Container) and throws it.

Shout: Rallies 'his' allies, making them hit harder.


Enviroment Restrictions: His massive size is his downfall in tight spaces.


Weakness: A Tenno can climb on from behind, Permitting a Brutal hit. Weak to Radiation, Puncture.


Appearence: Two to three times an Ancient. Bulkier. Skull-like Head?

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Name: Wailers


- destroy light sources.

- travel in pack in a loose formation but only one make sound.

- hide from Tenno.

- cry softly with a child's voice.

- screech out still with a child's voice to attract other Wailers


- ambush player.

- attack from the back can knock down.

- violent claw and teeth attack.


- hate sun light- don't spawn in open air tileset in daylight.

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