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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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Name Suggestion: Liquidor

Behaviour:Aggressive, stealthy, light-armoured infested mob. "Camouflage" ability to hide in water and to hook the enemies towards itself. AOE-DPS aura just like the toxic ancients; damages shield, then health.

Attacks: While camouflaging in water, it hooks nearby enemies towards itself. Enemies are slowed and take DPS damage on shields, then health, while near the Liquidor.

Environmental Restrictions: Found in water.

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Name Suggestion: PESTILENCE



Codenamed ‘PESTILENCE’, mimics the apparance of a tenno or an existing teammate to get near and possess YOU

It mimics the apparance in 2 situations :

- As an excalibur joining from the start of the game (if there are empty slots) waiting to strike when you least expect it .

- As a tenno that is the furthest back from the group (making it possible for him to be spoted)

Its original apparance is similar to infested slime covering the tile sets, Using it to spawn out, back in and a means of travel.

Prefering to jump on you form different angles out of the walls, rarely the ground. 

It will avoid a direct fight often jumping back in the slime to save itself or change positions from which to jump on you. (Using slime similar to portals)


Attacks: harvested from past tenno

1. Mimic (to get near, so it can attach itself to you)

2 .Bolts (Viral) that also drain energy

3 .Molt

4 .Infest (Take control over)


IF it manages to overwhelm an unsuspecting tenno 

IT will infest the player, adding some infested slime and tentacles to his apparance (can be general similar to the syandana) The screen will turn green and you will be helpless and without control as you kill and hunt other tenno . 

If you manage the defeat this vile creature 

Before it infests you it will crawl back to the slime it came from leaving behind dead peaces.

(or)After the infested tenno is downed a weakend pestilance will be revealed.


Environment restrictions: Infested slime on maps, until it manages to TAKE OVER someone. Horizontal and vertical slime.


Notes :  Idea is to infest rather than fight. (Thought as a stalker equivalent for infested)

Edited by Elestor
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Name Suggestion: Spore Host 


Behaviour: Codename "spore host" is mostly a static unit on a wall , occasionally moving and attacking tenno that pass .

It initially crawls up on walls fixing itself in a spot from which it shoots Tenno. Due to its small size ,while shooting it , if you miss, it  will stand up and move a small distance in any direction and fix itself again to the wall all the while continuing to attack.


Attacks: It shoots out large spore like beings that stick to tenno dealing viral damage and draining life directly passing shields. 50% of life stolen by spores will recover when effect ends. 


Environment restrictions: flat surface and a small area for it to move .


Note : similar to arc traps. 

Edited by Elestor
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Name Suggestion: Glaucus

Behaviour:  Quickly slithers but moves through the air about head high. Moves much like a centipede.

Attacks: Shoots poisonous darts out of its mouth from a distance. It also can strike with its many tentacles. It's most devastating attack comes from its tail of which it can strike a tenno and instantly drain all shields and then uses that energy as a weapon that it can shoot as an electrical strike out of its mouth at another tenno or the tenno that it just drained, it can damage the other tenno using the tenno's power against them.Much like the real creature does it sucks poison out of different jellyfish to create one of the if not the most powerful poisons on earth.

Environment restrictions:  It does not fly higher than 10ft or so. 


Edited by (PS4)Amac_308
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Name Suggestion: Defiler


Behavior:  The Defiler is a large, heavy, and agile infested unit that rapidly harries Tenno, or leads them into traps. Generally, the Defiler will actively play at being wounded to lure the Tenno into a false sense of security before springing its deadliest traps and only attack with its full power when it has the absolute advantage. Watch yourself Tenno, the Defiler gives a mean hug.


Attacks: The Defiler will first approach a Tenno cell, probing their capabilities cautiously while trying to minimize its exposure, and appear as something different, such as a Charger under the shadows. After taking 35% damage to its health, the Defiler opens fully with a deafening screech that can stagger unprepared Tenno, at which point it attacks with rapid claw swipes and bites. Occasionally, the Defiler will attempt to grapple, wrapping its tongue around the Tenno and dragging it into its claw range, where it will attack with rapid flurries of its claws.


After being reduced to one quarter of its health, the defiler will attempt to retreat slowly, now attempting to lure targets into larger packs of enemies, while calling out for any nearby Infested to come to its aid. At this point, the Defiler will also remove badly damaged parts from its body and attempt to throw them at the Tenno, in order to cause damage and splatter the Tenno with its blood. Tenno splattered with the Defiler’s blood are more likely to draw aggro from nearby Infested Units.


Environment Restrictions:  Dark, narrow tunnels with some wide open spaces; areas that would be best for hit-and-run ambushes.


Art/Reference Images:


Edited by RedSkittlez
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Name: Infected Swarm


Moves : flies in a semi random swurling patters, glowing, and hissing, looking for a freash fleash to infect and and spread its Infection. ONLY Attacks something MOVING! grener,corp



Short ranged attack Flies and attaches  its self to a host  bleeding its health  slowly till death OR...a teno findsOne to Three Health orbes  while



Environmental restrictions:

Level 13 and above, spawning in Grineer and Corpus tilesets only


Description/reference: those flying embers you see during a infestation mission.


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Name: Chiroptylus


Behaviour:  Codenamed 'Chiroptylus', is a type of flying infested with sharp claws made ​​of bones and cartilage. 


Attacks: Typically attack in groups of four or five. It is an enemy with high mobility and speed, with attacks that causes bleeding for a long time, to kill them easily use fire attacks.


Environment Restrictions: Yes, only inhabits open environments, not ideal for closed palces.


Optional Art6HfgvV0.jpg

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Name: Brood Mother


Behaviour: Tends to move slowly around with a pack of it's off spring always following it. While big in size it mainly gets around by rolling and favors open spaces for it's nest.


Attacks: Will spawn infested by regurgitation. While rolling, it has spikes to ram targets into the ground or to the wall. While brood mother is in area any damage it might take will alert infested around the map which will be come into an enraged state increasing their speed and damage to hunt the targets.


Environment restrictions: Dislikes the heat and can't fit through doorways due to their size.


Art: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-7b0hihK4PVI/Tf889A9WLrI/AAAAAAAAACg/SEci9iaJTSo/s1600/metabo.jpg

With Lephantis large mouth scaled and bigger body


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I don't have time to draw but I was thinking why not create infested children?


Name Suggestion: Tainted Nestlings


Behaviour:  They sit on the ground in groups and when a enemy runs past them they chase and attack that enemy.


Attacks:   The Tainted Nestlings run as fast as Tennos and attack you in groups with a piercing weapon. They attack through your shield and drain small portions of your health during missions. If someone runs defense or survival the health drainage increases with level.


Environment restrictions:  They aren’t able to climb or jump and are easily killed on outside environments because it affects their ability to remain together.







Edited by (PS4)truelight4u
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please give honest feed back 


name: Infected warframe/tenno


behavior: this dead and corupped warframe/tenno haunts the orikin derelict missions and also leads and army of nfected

in invading planets and all there inhabitants.


attacks: fights very fast and is a wild brute using the weapons that has also been infected gives it the edge in battle though unable to use its former ablilties it makes up for it with its ruthless style and cunning yet wild attacks.


enviormental: appears only on infested missions.


This could be used as the infested hunter kinda like the g3 and harvester or as a new infested boss or and a new enemy that reguardless of base mission level will scale to players warframe level 



what it could look like credit to whom ever made it 



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Name: Hawks

Behavior:Infested Hawks are avian creatures that fly around and stay near Ancients and will sometimes perch on the spines on their back like a infested Ancient will scream when seeing a Tenno alerting other infested of the intruder although fairly weak their speed and numbers ranging from 2 to 3 at a time can confuse or harass the enemy  

Attack:Like Mine Ospreys they will drop a payload depending on the Ancient (Healer:Drops Healing pods on infested,Disrupter: Drops magnetized pods,Toxic: Toxic Gas pods. etc) when the Ancient that had the Hawks is killed they will attempt to dive bomb with/without their payload onto the Tenno and commet suicide.

Environment Restrictions: Orokin Derelict & Infested Tileset and tier 3 (wave 15 and up) infested defence missions

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Something has been bothering for quite some time now.

We've seen infested life grow on just about everything from the ground to orokin machinery, turning the grineer and corpus into biological playthings.

So I introduce... Infected MOA!

It doesn't seem too far fetched to me that the same infection that works on orokin systems could infect and control a drone like a MOA or an Osprey, especially with electric bio-reactions occuring in crawlers and the synapse already implemented.


Infected MOA


Behavior- Same as any ordinary MOA, if infected with an electric variety of the virus it would behave more like a fusion MOA or corrupted MOA, getting in range and using the lightning like it's usual laser attack.


Environment- Any corpus venue, if corrupted, Derelict only.


Other ideas would be for Osprey and/or Roller infected to add variety without needing to reinvent too much content.


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Name: Tunneler

Behaviour: Lightly armored, fast moving unit that digs through the hardest of materials to incapacitate a prey from below.

Attacks: The Tunneler shuffles around underground, reaching for the Tenno's legs and preventing them to move, leaving them vulnerable to other units attacks. (DoT to shields)

Environment restrictions: Cannot move inside of walls.

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NAME: T LEECH (Technocyte Leech)

BEHAVIOUR:  Forming inside egg sacs in infested areas, these creatures tend to either fall on or crawl unto unsuspecting hosts when they hatch. They are usually stationary, waiting for a prey. They may look sluggish; but beware, Tenno, for when these creatures set sight on a host, they will use up all their energy to attach themselves. In doing so gives a huge amount of strain on their bodies. Furthermore, as aggressive as they are, their life span is very short. When they die, the host will become confused, and may attack both enemies and allies. In addition, their skin acts like a chameleon’s; adapting to the color it attaches to. Making this enemy very dangerous when neglected. Kill it before it dies.

ATTACKS: Attaches itself to a host; it deals minimal damage over time, while it is attached and still alive. It dies after a certain amount of time, leaving the host in a confused state. Its movement speed is more or less like that of a Grineer Latcher.

ENVIRONMENT RESTRICTIONS: Affected by gravity. Unable to stick or crawl on walls, as it heavily strains their bodies. They are mainly stationary, waiting for a prey to attach themselves on.



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Name Suggestion: Unintentionally Turtle

Behaviour:  Agile creature with a Shield Lancer shield mutated on to it's back, it charges at it's enemy with no fear of being damaged. It is not advised to try and melee this creature because of the toxic trail it leaves as it moves.

Attacks: A charge attack as fast an oxium osprey, at a force that is able to knock a tenno down. Once the victim is lying down, it retreats to a distance in which it can initiate another attack.

Environment restrictions:  Not advised in tight areas in which they could fall.

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Snare Crawler


Behavior: Moves identically to other Crawler types,but attempts to stay in the middle of an existing crowds of Infested. When lacking cover,it will attempt to grab the nearest player,prioritizing lowest maximum HP.

Attacks: Tentacle: The Snare Crawler launches a tentacle (25 meter range) which,on impact,staggers the victim,whereupon it will reel itself in. Once attached,it will drain shields,then health,by way of beating on the Warframe like a cheap drum,while at the same time slowing them down. Can be removed by victim's melee strikes,based on weapon damage. Allies can fire on it. Claws: The Snare Crawler savagely lashes out with its claws,dealing moderate damage per swipe.

Environmental Restriction: None,though more populous on Corpus tilesets,as it was once a Corpus Crewman.

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Name Suggestion:




Parasitizes other Infested. Usually lurking in the host's body. 

When the host died, Ophiocordyceps will be born and control the host's corpse to attack.



The ability to maintain the host, but attack host's body will be invalid. 

If you want to defeat it completely, you need to break its core(Ophiocordyceps).

And Ophiocordyceps can spray corrosive spores.


Environment restrictions:

Infested corpses.


Art or Reference Images:



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Name Suggestion: Infested Sleeper



Climbs primarily on ceilings/walls and only drops down to attack tenno. Main job is to cause staggers and moderate damage onto players. General disruption. When Magnetic procs, Sleeper will drop onto the floor, screaming, allowing for players to inflict massive damage/execute the enemy.



Rush - Sleeper shrieks violently, then rushes forward at an incredible pace, staggering and lightly damaging players who are in the line of movement. 


Ceiling Sweep - Sleeper hangs onto the ceiling with its posterior limbs and sweeps its bladed forelimbs at players twice. Deals moderate damage, but has a short range


Coolant Leak - After loosing a deafening screech, Sleeper expels coolant, temporarily slowing and staggering players caught in the blast. Uses after attacks or when in danger.


Leaping Claw - Rushes players and sweeps forelimbs once, dealing moderate damage. Short range on claw, long leap distance, and high stagger rate. Will use on walls or ceilings if Tenno are not in range for Ceiling sweep


Environment restrictions:

Sleeper is limited to areas that have walls or ceilings. Otherwise it can fight and spawn in any location.



Art or Reference Images:


Inspired by the cryopod found during defense missions and derelicts, this infested creature preys on inattentive tenno and will perform hit and run tactics if ignored. While not a threat by itself, it will pose a great threat if paired with its more prevalent and powerful brethren. This enemy is a direct result of the infestation successfully overtaking a Tenno cryopod and its sleeping inhabitant - hence the name. 




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Name Suggestion: Infested Reaper


Behavior: only a handful can be found in each mission and it crawls on walls or ceilings. When threatened it shines bright red and produces a unique screech that warns other players of incoming danger. it has incredible agility and can be very fierce in combat, it utilizes it's powerful legs to move around the tenno while spitting hazardous substances using its tail and impaling the tenno using its sword-like front legs if it catches it off-guard for even a second. The armor around its body can only be damaged by corrosive, blast, and puncture weapons but the head, grineer arm, and open tail flap are susceptible to any type of damage.


When it gets heavily damage it will attempt to flee from the players to avoid getting killed.


NOTE: it can see invisible warframes since it uses heat and movement to detect preys





Impale: Uses its front sword-like legs to shred warframes. Deals Poison DOT and slash proc


Acid Spit: using its tail it spits a corrosive liquid AOE that contaminates the area for a while making it a corrosive hazard while dealing DOT to whom ever is standing on it


Goo: it can regurgitate a slimy projectile that slows movement by 75% of anything it hits within an AOE including enemies.


Grapple: Using its tongue it can grapple any tenno trying to escape and pull it towards it before it shreds it using its front legs, though you can shoot it off before it pulls you any closer.


Screech: To warn other players of its presence.


Red Glow: for the Fear Factor.



Environment restrictions:  


It only exists in the new infested tile set due to its matured percepts and developed body



Art or Reference Images: 




NOTE: I may have misspelled some words so please forgive me :)

Edited by H.Katsura_999
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Name: Ancient Mimus


Behavior: Slow, tries to avoid direct confrontations, prefers to sneak up when player is dealing with a mob of chargers and other 'pawn' infested. Pretty rare. 


Attacks: Only one, the extending grapple arm. The player who gets grappled is stunned and gets his face latched on to while the infested 'copies' his warframe, which takes about 5 seconds or so. While copying the warframe, the grappling arm of the ancient splits to reveal a network of veins, which is weak to slash damage and can be severed to kill the ancient. If the copying is successful, the ancient transforms into an infested version of the copied warframe, which is an exact copy of the original warframe (all stats and abilities copied) except shields are replaced by sinew and health is replaced by infested flesh. 


Environmental restrictions: None. 


Description: Exactly like an ancient, except its arm splits into a network of veins when grappling a warframe. Perhaps yellow coloured.

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Name Suggestion: Ancient Thrasher

Behaviour:  (Alone) The Ancient Thrasher waits in the dark until an unsuspecting prey is within range.

                   (In a group with other infested) Stays behind the front line and lashes its tendrils out to enemies. Approaches enemies slowly (like the other ancients) 

Attacks: Uses its long tendril arms to attack. The Thrasher lunges from behind and unleashes a powerful swipe with its two arms, knocking multiple enemies/tenno down within a small aoe and staggering others that are further away.   

Environment restrictions:  Very sensitive to light so it prefers dark places such as indoors or at night.

(Optional) Art or Reference Images:


Edited by Kimmushi
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Name: Primeval Shadow


Behavior. First, the lights turn off and two shadows crosses the room, across corners and walls. This is only shadows, and judging by its position, they can determine which cover will it come from. But, to trick the players up, there will be two shadows per Primeval Shadow. Then, suddenly, a figure runs from behind cover at a player. If not killed before reaching player, it will hit the player with a stealth multiplier and an assassination animation. Afterwards, it disappears and will appear again the next time another Primeval Shadow appear, it will appear with it (can stack to a certain limit). Adds creepiness.


Attacks: Stealth attack, doing a high amount of puncture and slash damage. All infested will also have a small damage increase during lights off time except the Primevals.


Environmental restrictions: Small rooms with lots of cover makes this enemy extremely deadly, as it can appear behind any cover.


Appearance: No pics, might give one if finished before due date

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Name: Hunter


Behaviour: Fast-moving, crawls on walls/ceilings using its 6 arm-like appendages, its appetite is only outclassed by its disturbing resemblence to tenno.


Attacks: fast, weak claw attacks with a 30% chance to proc crippling viral damage.


Drops from a ceiling/wall on an  unsuspecting tenno, knocking them down and dealing massive viral damage.


Spits noxious balls at fleeing tenno, which release a neuro-toxic gas, dealing gas damage and slowing tenno's movement speed.


Environmental Restrictions: Does not appear in open environments.



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Grineer type-

Dog like enemy-
 warped in color and in shape. A broken looking back, six legs, two heads, and blinding speed are the first things the tenno will notice upon seeing the wretched beast. It can corrode through tenno armor with the acid that leaks from its teeth, and its claws are that 100x sharper then and skana.

behavior - it is a ground type enemy that rushes at any tenno it sees. they roam around maps tracking the scent of the tenno making them incredibly dangerous in stealth missions, however they can not wall run or jump as high as other enemies making evading them easy...if it were not for there speed that is...


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