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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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Name: Infested Agent


Behavior: Moves slowly but focuses upon sneak attacks by using a weaker Loki like camouflage, they are generally aggressive but will stop attempting to silently kill a Tenno if they lose half of their base health; after losing half of the base health they will go into a rage mode where they gain shields and shriek bringing other infested agents out of hiding and forcing them into rage mode as well.


Attacks: It will use a infested Paris with tendrils pulsing on the arrow tips, it will stick to medium and long range unless it enters rage mode it will use infested fangs. The're weapons will work at half the speed of a regular Tenno.


Environmental Restrictions:Level 30 and above, Spawning in Infested and Grineer tile sets, if they step in water their invisibility will shortly be disrupted until they're out of the water.


Appearance: Walks on 2 legs wearing black armor covering it's body. Once it enters it's rage mode it drops to all fours and will stick to using melee based attacks that are coupled with poisons.

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how about a infested that infect the grineer and corpus and mutates them ( also can infect the tenno and take control of them for a short amount of time and causing  damage to the player while being controlled) if anyone want to change it up, draw the infested, give it a name, or give it abilities its cool with me i only did this so i can give a good idea to someone 

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Name: Predator


Behavior: Fast and agile but very easy to kill. Has the ability to go practically invisible leaving the only warning to its presence to the sounds it makes. They are able to climb walls and ceilings for a short time.


Attacks: Quick but deadly attacks from it's sword-like arms.


Environmental Restrictions: Predators are very territorial so there is only one in a mission. Because of their lack of protection, they are never in areas with fire

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Name: Venomorphs


Behaviour: Tend to be very hidden crawling on wall and ceilings and other surfaces.They are attracted to dead corpses whether grineer, corpus or even the infested enemies they grab corpses and drag them to dark corners or underground where they inject them with the Technocyte virus morphing them into infested enemies. Change depends on body types. Rumor is they can even morph tenno into infested bosses so beware  


Attacks: If no corpses are present they attack in large groups very stealthy and agile attacking enemies from behind jumping on enemies back slicing their throats and injecting them with the Technocyte virus that begins the morphing process and then proceeding to drag them away


Environment restrictions: They can spawn anywhere but will not venture into large open areas they prefer dark areas where they can stay hidden. Spawn Rate in grineer or corpus maps is very low only appearing once in a while but in large groups kind of like being marked by stalker

Edited by (PS4)V-FlaMeS
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boss infested




has many planets have much more boss grinners corpus or why not a new boss infested creature ...: scorpition ... ability: in your &#! Souta a ball of poison ... vay hek style can fly ... and more ...


infested hunter




creature style g3 or zanuka or stalker but put against that ta against infested in operation. creature: crush. ability: let u with poison when'll be close to him and carries a large scoliac. drop: neurodes, rare mods, a new weapon or know it ...


infested creature




very dangerous creature like a much more dangerous owl.
creature: oxium harpy. ability: more like oxium Osprey infested with preção goes straight to tenno style and explodes. drop: oxium

(Excuse the spelling mistakes ñ because I'm good at English so I need the help of google translator it may well err on the translation I tried ... more
hope you like it ps: I'm Brazilian)
nick : TheUndertaker_Br
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Infested principle have to attack from afar would be very annoying.

Name: Fang Old

Behavior: aggressive, looking for the weakest or support first enemy. Only infested herd attacks rarely alone reduced their exo-skeletal armor, largely immune defense and stun little impact life movement.

Attacks: Slow and continuous attacks on their bones tusks protruding from his arms, (can be as many attacks as corrosive poison).

Environmental Compensation: Where the infestation will be translated will be.

Reference: http://pimpandhost.com/image/31284988-medium.html

Como principio tener un Infestado que ataque de lejos seria muy molesto 
Nombre: Colmillo Antiguo
Comportamiento: agresivo, busca el enemigo mas débil o de apoyo en primer lugar.Solo ataca en manada de infestados, raramente solo, movimiento reducido por su armadura  exo-esquelética, gran defensa inmune a impacto y aturdimiento poca vida.
Ataques: ataques lentos y continuos con sus Huesos en forma de colmillos que sobresalen de sus brazos (pueden ser ataques de veneno tantos como corrosivos).
Retribución Ambiental: Donde la infestacion se plasme, el estara.



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Name: The Deranged


Behavior and Appearance: A Nimble Tenno


Attacks: Any Weaponry that is Primed In addition to the whole complimentory amount of his warframe abillities.


Enviromental Restriction: Only Appearing after repeadingly finnishing T3 Missions.


Description: An uncareful Tenno that was Taken by the Neural Sentry and now becomes a tool to the Tower to fend off any intruder. Will often comment on Tenno Tresspassing as an Act of desecration and will try anything in its might to Stop them from exploiting the Knowledge in the Tower.

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Leaping abomination

This abomination is an infested crewman unfortunately fused to a moa.
It attacks Players by leaping on them from short to medium distances knocking them down. Once the player is trapped on the ground by Leaping abomination it can't move. The L.a. will stand over the tenno attacking (maybe biting) him until another player (or the sentinel) deals enough damage to him, or after few standard seconds of attack.
This Enemy will appear alone, or in small packs, and will jump on player as soon as the player will be on range.

No enviroment restrictions. maybe only the fact that it can be found in restricted spaces and not in large areas, that could vanificates his strategy.

Art done by me:


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These lumbering beasts are swollen conglomerates of several infested Grineer. The rapid mutation of multiple bodies into one creates unstable chemistry within its body, corrosive blood melting it from the inside out over its short life.


They resemble the shape of a gorilla, with massive arms in the front. its back is covered by steaming sores and tendrils, similar to the infested growths you see on the walls and floor. Under its gaping mouth is a frog-like sack that it uses to hold and expel the slime that is its main method of attack. An agile or prepared Tenno would be able to dodge or get out of range while the Stugger fills its throat sack in preparation. therefore the Stugger takes advantage of distance and the distraction of melee infested.


Slower than the rest of the pack, the Stugger stays behind its brethren where its ranged abilities can shine.



The Stug pistol has its name for a reason. The Infested Stugger spits globs of corrosive glue that slow their targets before exploding. 

When it is pressed with melee combat, the Stugger uses its strong arms to knock enemies back.

When a Stugger dies, its caustic innards burst out, covering the ground with a dangerous and sticky puddle of acid, slowing and damaging those within for a short duration.


Environment Restrictions:

No restriction, despite its slow speed, the Stugger's strong arms can carry it to the same places as most of its more agile brethren.


Edited by The_Kungulator
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Name Suggestion: Agitated Blaster 


Behaviour:  Carries an (insert Infested primary gun or side arm) in one hand, gets angry if it cannot hit target.


Attacks: Will fire its weapon with random accuracy, only gets better when close. If a Tenno dodges fire or takes cover, Agitated Blaster will get frustrated, wail & run after Tenno attempting to smack a Tenno with it's gun, it's (melee) has a intermittent knockdown effect.


Environment restrictions:  If anything, any location with a lot of barriers will drive Agitated Blaster into a rage so it will not fire its weapon if it cannot get a clear shot.

Edited by Genjinaro
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Name: Ring Leader


Faction: Infested


Look: Its almost like an ancient healer or disruptor, only its red or orange, a little shorter, and harder to kill.


Power: Spawns additional enemies around it. The higher the level it is, the tougher the enemies become.


Behavior: Likes to stay in the back of a large group of enemies. Doesnt try to get to close, almost like its observing whats going on around it. The longer it lives, the more enemies it spaws, until you are overwhelmed. When it feels its about to die, it goes into a beserk state and tries to kill whatever is in its path until its killed.

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When I began playing warframe, I was avoiding the little yellow buglike swarm which I didn't know what it was at the time.

The Swarm

Behaviour: It is not an enemy in itself, but acting as a hive mind for the infested units.

* It swarms around and notifies nearby units much better than any security cam does.

* When an ancient is around, it can also control the swarm for their assistance. It can't attack with it, but can gather the swarm to it's protection, which basically lowers the damage caused by Tenno powers because of it's technocyte nature. It won't help against physical attacks (bullets or melee weapons) and not completely dispels the powers but lowers their effect on infested units inside the swarm.

* Can also act like a door trap, drawing a bunch of other interesting and appropriate units from this thread :)

* Alternatively the swarm might have a very dangerous trait, it can infest health/energy orbs. Depending on which ancient controls it (toxic, disruptor, healer) infested orbs can do toxic damage, health damage or can lower your energy. Visually this would colorize the orb or alter it some way. This might help to introduce some tactics and yes, carrier sentinel will suffer, but for the good cause :)

The swarm is vulnerable to fire, physical (like banshee's first) or energy field (Vauban or nova) based attacks, but it just drives them away.

Environment: any infested maps

Concept drawing is not needed as it is already in the game, just the swarming system needs to be updated.

Edited by tmtke
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Name Suggestion: Infested Reaper    
Behaviour: Mutant Tenno Infested, limited tenno powers, smarter foe. Can regenerate when cut in half, creating two enemies.

Attacks: Mutate, can mutate other infested into reapers, Poison blade, permanently attached to arm. Mob minded. Can poison Tenno like ancient infested

Environment restrictions: None

(Optional) Art or Reference Images: (Max 3 images)

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Name Suggestion: Swooper

Behaviour:  A flying infested, mutated from a large predatory bird, usually "hovering" at head level, only dropping to the ground if its wings are damaged. Fast moving, agile, even when on the ground.

Attacks: A fast downwards swooping, staggering its enemies with its strong beak. Resorting to pecking if it's no longer able to fly.

Environment restrictions: Large, open areas such as Earth or Phobos, allowing it flight room.

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Name: Infested Goliath

Behavior: The Goliath is the iron-skinned rhino of the infested. Capable of sustaining heavy damage, the Goliath will act as a wall for it's weaker brethren if it should lay in front of their paths. Walking on two legs, with no arms, however it has a deformed, spiked tail that lashes out at enemies. The tail is the main attack method of the Goliath, but it has an empowering roar that grants it's allies faster attacks. The Goliath is capable of moving at a moderate pace.

Attacks: Using it's tail that whips out in 4-5 meter wide cones in any direction that deals out high impact damage, the Goliath is no trivial foe. The Goliath's roar has the ability to aid it's allies by supporting them with 20% (adjustable) faster attack speed. This affect would last 10 seconds and the Goliath can use the roar ability every 30-35 seconds.

Environmental Restrictions: Due to the Goliath's large size, it is unable to move down narrow hallways. In cold environments, it takes 15% extra damage due to it's exterior bone armor becoming more fragile.

Visual references: a meter taller than Phorid, the width of three ancients pressed against each other shoulder to shoulder. I have awful drawing skills and can't honestly think of a creature that resembles this. Hopefully you can see what I see.

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Name Suggestion: Brood Mother

Behaviour:  Slow movement but high health. Only has 2 arms and drags a large egg sack. Has a cowardly behavior, it never assaults unless the enemy is in range of its arms. When threatened from a distance, it lays facehugger-like larvae that attack the player like a headcrab. There's a chance for the larva to latch onto the player and continuously jab the players chest with its stinger until the player rolls it off.  If the player is in an inaccessible area that the brood mother can't reach, it sends hordes of larvae after the player to hunt him down. When the Brood Mother dies, it the egg sack explodes and 6 last larvae come spewing out.

Attacks: Melee attack: Uses its arms and swings at the player like a tiger/lion would attack an animal.

Scythe attack: Acts like a critical chance attack; instead of using its arms it uses its scythe like mandibles on its back to attack.

Egg Laying: Lays 6-8 larvae at a time to attack the player, it constantly replenishes fallen larvae when they die.

Environment restrictions:  Too heavy to jump high obstacles/ can't jump to higher floors but still can fall down floors.

(Optional) Art or Reference Images:


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Infested Osprey



Flies around groups of other infested due to the supportive nature of the creature and the mechanics of the previous machine. Like the Ancient Healers and Grineer Informers the Infested Osprey not only releases radial healing blasts but gives the infested around it buff by releasing pheromones when it senses danger. Infested Ospreys will always release healing blasts but will only secrete pheromones if a Tenno has been noticed. It will follow a group of infested (3 or more) anywhere but if there aren't enough in the area it will flee.



Radial Heal

Buff Allies


Environmental Restrictions:

Can occupy any space due to its relatively small size 

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Name Suggestion: shikaku (infested tenno)

Behaviour:  aggressive but not reckless ,schizophrenic(only answers to voice in his head known as "master" )   

Attacks: uses inested weapons (infested dark swords, infested lex, infested braton ) qiuck slash attacks, strong sliding attacks, specializing in corrosive and poison slashes and shots   

Environment restrictions: he really hates extreme heat so planets close to the sun


maybe he could look like an infested ash  

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Since we've already got the Stalker and Zanuka, why not a infested "hunter". It wouldn't appear the same way the stalker/zanuka, by killing a boss, since there are few players doing ODAs at the moment. My suggestion is a fallen tenno that has been killed by infested. With no one to help, he has fallen ill to the virus, and lost control of his mind.

Name Suggestion : Thanatos

Behaviour : This infested will hunt players much like stalker/zanuka, but as it lacks the technology to warn the players of their appearence, they won't. It will spawn at the same time as the player will, and will sneak across the map, getting closer and closer to the player, and attacking him/them. It will attack any living creature, either tenno, grinner,corpus, or even infested.

Attacks : This mob might have been a tenno who has lost his mind, but he did not forget how to use his tenno blade. He carries a long, sharp long sword. He features fast and vicious melee attacks. Once at half health or below, his attacks will start dealing a small poison damage buff. The infection has spread to his left arm, that has become a acid spitting weapon, reducing the players armor, but with low range. He also has a attack that jumps on  the player, reducing the range between them.

Environment restrictions: Level 15+, any tileset.

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Infested grabber



Being created from corpus that had stealth capabilities ,they have the ability to become invisible for a short duration.They will try to keep out of site.
They will only go invisiable if enemy is spotted.Moves quickly without hesitation.Unlike other infested they can only see you but not hear you.



After going invisiable it will go on the first target it spotted,thus striking puncture type attacks ,when out of invis (duration of this invisability may vary depending on levels, 5-15 seconds) it will grab the target and after 1-2 second delay it will deal a crit and knock the target down and go invis again moving to the next target or if no other target is around  it will hide and attack again after 10 seconds.
It`s higher level counterpart deals vitality dmg and does a distictive scream when doing the grab attack.


Environmental Restrictions:

Grabber is based on corpus thus he only spawns in corpus type locations(corpus outposts or ships).Most likely not a low level enemy.

Edited by inblood123
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Name Suggestion: Striker

Behaviour: The Striker will hang onto walls, waiting for something un-infested to pass by. Once something does, it will attempt to latch onto it with its large hooks. If the Striker is attacked or misses latching its target, it will leap off the walls and rush the target. If the Striker loses it target, it will grab onto a wall and continue waiting.

Attacks: Latching-the Striker will attempt to latch onto targets with its large hooks.

Rush-the Striker will rush towards the target, forgetting its own safety, in an attempt to knock them down.

Environment restrictions: Spawns only on walls when there is enough open space, very ill suited for wide room.

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Name: Shufflecut

Behaviour: Slowly shuffles towards players. Has heavy armor plating and deals damage back to player when melee is used. Intended as tank and melee deterrence. Essentially a sentient cactus.

Attacks: When close to a player it will lift up and slam its legs down onto the player. Can curl up and quickly roll over players similar to a Grineer Roller.

Environment Restrictions: None.

Art: i8y7oXz.png?1

Edited by UberLevi
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Name: corrosive chimera

Behavior: Will walks around the ships or maps, growls when players or other factions are near by, when it spots the player it will either roar or scream at the players that will take out a small amount of shields.

Attacks: 1. has heavy melee attacks

              2.shoots toxic at a med range( if player can not be hit but melee attack)

Environment Restrictions: Only spawns in large parts of the map where large groups of enemy are.

PIC or Concept:http://bulk.destructoid.com/ul/user/6/61934-220719-resi15monkeyPNG-620x.jpg




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