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Removing Stat Helms Gives Older Players Yet Another Advantage

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because mod slots are too precious to waste? let alone the points used to put in these stats. also maximization is brought in here. trinity helm adds power duration, this makes ALL of it's powers much more useful, after the change you can't get that, meaning any new trinity players will never be able to get the duration of the ones with the helmet.

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because mod slots are too precious to waste? let alone the points used to put in these stats. also maximization is brought in here. trinity helm adds power duration, this makes ALL of it's powers much more useful, after the change you can't get that, meaning any new trinity players will never be able to get the duration of the ones with the helmet.

You can easily hit any of the existing caps with a Corrupted Mod alone, or a Corrupted Mod + it's normal counterpart if you want to minimize disadvantages, and the rest of the stats will barely show any difference w/o a helmet unless you're attempting something like a 3 hour survival, since the Corrupted Mod is providing most of the stat boost. Honestly, you don't even need the maximization in most cases -  for example, I've found a Rank 4 Fleeting Expertise by itself (50% power efficiency) generally covers most of my power needs well enough (very useful when I don't want to potato a frame).

Edited by ZephyrPhantom
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You can easily hit any of the caps with a Corrupted Mod alone, or a Corrupted Mod + it's normal counterpart if you want to minimize disadvantages. Honestly, you don't even need the maximization in most cases -  for example, I've found a Rank 4 Fleeting Expertise by itself (50% power efficiency) generally covers most of my power needs well enough (very useful when I don't want to potato a frame).

too bad only power efficiency has a hard cap. 


even if other things did,  your solution of "hur hur use 2 mods not 1" still puts future players at a disadvantage. 

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too bad only power efficiency has a hard cap. 


even if other things did,  your solution of "hur hur use 2 mods not 1" still puts future players at a disadvantage. 

Power Range also has a hard cap due to ingame limitations. You seem to be forgetting that helmets reduce another stat in exchange for their given boost, which is essentially the equivalent of swapping out one mod for another. Sure, Rhino Vanguard will be super speedy, but he will deal less damage in the long run. Trinity may have longer power duration, but she'll be slightly weaker (which will actually matter a lot seeing as Blessing is getting nerfed).


Even with that considered, you're still talking about things that make very small differences except at very late levels of survival and defense. Is getting the highest number in a game really that important to your ego?

Edited by ZephyrPhantom
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This surpize me!


too bad only power efficiency has a hard cap. 


even if other things did,  your solution of "hur hur use 2 mods not 1" still puts future players at a disadvantage. 

60 mod + 15 helm,so that give u boner?
Future player must suffer,since whos idea gonna take down this stat anyway.
Seeing statless helm these day already make no intent to use it.Default nekros helm look fine!

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Considering how small the stat boost is (And the fact that it comes with a negative stat) I do not see a problem with the way it is being handled. 

If it's so small then you shouldn't have a problem with the stat being removed entirely.


Please  globally remove them entirely. This coming from someone with every helm they want or will ever want.

Edited by Kiaru
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Imo, they should just nerf the stats of the overpowered helmets like the Vanguard Helmet. They could lower the values or simply just make it so that the debuff is much higher. After all, -25% Power Strength for +25% sprint speed would make it more reasonable for it to be so optional. And I say this as someone who owns a Vanguard helmet, in case you were wondering.

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If it's so small then you shouldn't have a problem with the stat being removed entirely.


Please don't remove stats on helms or globally remove them entirely. This coming from someone with every helm they want or will ever want.


Exactly this.  The stats matter, and we all know it.  It's for that exact reason that some want them to stay, some want them gone.


It's because they matter that I'm honestly surprised DE doesn't remove them across the board.  You don't just give some players an advantage "because they were here first".  I mean I love my Loki, Nyx and Trin helms especially, but it's the principal of the matter.  They should either stay for all or go for all.


Smh, devs.  Smh.

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To be honest, I have all the stat helms, and EVEN THEN, I wouldn't give a -donkey- about the stats being removed or not. I don't even use the alternate stats because some of the negative stats that come along with it is $&*&*#(%&, in my opinion. Some of the trade offs, I understand, but still think it's stupid.


Now for the alternate helms themselves? Im sorry but alot of them are just fugly as hell (just my opinion, of course).


Ember's phoenix helm? ew. It just reminds me of a chicken (way too much in fact). The original helm is at least a bit cuter, the primed version? it's cool with the flames but again, that duck face beak thing, I didn't like it. The backdraft one, while it does look kinda cool, it throws me off in that it has a weird masculine feel to it.


Excalibur's alternates? Holy sht..... the pendragon makes me flinch and the avalon looks so weird and disproportionate from the rest of the body I twitch when I see it on my Excalibur (I don't give a damn about other people using it, since at least it's not on my frame). The primed version? ugh...I don't care for that steampunk ocean diver theme for it. At the moment, I have the proto-skin equipped which places over the body and helm, and I'll admit... sick as -donkey-.


Rhino's alternates? only the Thrak one looks kinda cool, but the stats again, turn me off. The primed version looks pretty sick.


Frost? I'll be honest the squal alternate looks nice with that spinning fan blade thing it's got going, but the overall design... no. The aurora helm looks nice, but the trade offs on the stats, I just didn't really care for si I end up sticking with the original. The primed version looks fugly, that's it, no explaination.


Saryn? oh boy... My first love....Her alternates.... I just didn't like....hemlock was just too weird, chlora? It looked cool on the picture and stuff but when it's actually equipped, it's like "wait...what? O.O" for me.


Banshee? I plain didn't like ANY of her helms, deleted her once I finished maxing her out.


Ash's helms, aren't that great either. Only used the original....


Volt? Only the original and the pulse helmet looked nice, but the trade off from pulse just turned me the -donkey- off....


Vauban? The original one cracks me up in that it seriously resembles an old man with a heavy beard. The alternates? ehh.... only gambit looked nice-ish, but the stat trade-offs? nope.


Nyx? ehh.... her helms look awkward. Vespa looks kinda cool, but still....ehh....


Nova? despite her weird giraffe neck? I'll still stick with the original helm. It just looks cute.


Loki... ehh... to be honest, I don't like any of his helms. The swindle LOOKS nice, but when it's actually equipped, like the chlora helm from Saryn. It throws me off.


Mag? Holy sht. no. Even her primed version....no. The original helm is much better.


Trinity... her original and the meridian is the only ones I like, but the trade-offs from the alternate state helms? throw me off a bit.


The rest of the warframes that came out don't have the stats on their alternate helms, so the opinions on the looks for them will just be moot as it's supposed to pertain to the looks of the alternate helms vs the stats and trade-offs from them.


Despite all the listing/ramblings of the alternate stat helms? I'll have to agree with some of the people here and say flat out, they aren't missing much. It's like the corrupted mods, It's only good on certain weapons. For this case, you can't swap warframe helms. They are locked to their warframe that it was designed for. Call me spoiled or whatever. I don't care about the "for more power you must sacrifice trade off something for it". In that case, I'll stick with what I have and only "trade-off" when there doesn't even really have a "trade-off". Ex: Throwing heavy caliber on ignis or flux rifle.

Edited by VoidWraith
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Id rather not have them be removed but they are


We cant take it away from old players despite the advantages (negative stats are almost always entirely negligible)


We cant leave them there either


DE is doing the only thing they think they can to fix a mistake


Though there are better ways to deal with it

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If it's so small then you shouldn't have a problem with the stat being removed entirely.


Please don't remove stats on helms or globally remove them entirely. This coming from someone with every helm they want or will ever want.

I never said I had a problem with the stats being removed from every helmet.

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I really like how people are trying to downplay a 25% movement speed boost like oh not even worth picking up, Rofl. I'm glad I've gotten mine.

25% more power duration, 15% power efficiency, 25% move speed, etc over other players. How is that a minor advantage? It's not, globally remove stats on helms.

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The problem is I was like "Cool, now I can use bad helmets that look good." But I realize that I won't, I'd take stats over looks any day. As much as I hate to say it they need to go for this reason and also your reason of hurting newer players being unable to have them.

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Oh noz! Old players might hit for 20,010 damage instead of just 20,000


This game is so easy you don't need the (Minor) Buffs the helmets give to one shot everything up to level 50

All you need to do is be good at making builds and patient enough to grind all those mod levels



That said I'd like to keep the buffs on all these helmets I paid for because of this whole removal thing. Either that or DE refunds me for all my helmets (including the ones I built, as without stats I would have built very few of these, ugly helmets are ugly and all) Plus it gives me a sort of "yeah! I was in beta!" item, like that damn Barton Vandal and Excalibur prime.

Edited by reltats
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Honestly the biggest hit players will be Rhino.

Because Vanguard gives a very needed speed boost.


Note I said Rhino not Rhino Prime.

Because Rhino is still slow as molasses while Rhino P is flying all over the place.

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ITT: more people who don't know how to properly use the word advantage in discussions about player power in relation to fundamental game design choices


Maybe the next thread will have people who understand that the technical definition isn't necessarily the correct definition in a given context. Dream the impossible dream.

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The stats are extremely small and come with a negative stat. I wouldnt necessarily say that it gives older players an advantage.


  • Power Efficiency +15%
  • Armor -5%

She has 15 armor, this is -1 armor for her. That's essentially no negative stat at all.



  • Movement Speed +25%
  • Power Strength -5%


  • Power duration +25%
  • Health Max -5% (Applies after all other bonuses)


  • Energy Max +25%
  • Shield Max -5%


25% is minor? No, 25% is gigantic and a huge advantage, especially on stats with no cap, and when you factor in that you can use this helmet on top of your weapons and your frame, and cannot gain these free 25% stat increases any other way besides helmets.


Also, if the stats are "extremely small"(they aren't, as I just showed you), why would you care if helmet stats were removed or not?

Edited by Kiaru
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