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Theoretical Enemies.


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You are on your merry way down a corridor, and you turn to see a LEVEL 1005 INFESTED DISRUPTER?


Well, whilst you proceed to crap your Tenno armor, let's speculate just how much bulk this bad boy has got, and just how many shots of your Ignis is going to take it. Or a better question, how long you'll have to hold that trigger.


First off, let's see his health.


True health is, as I've shown before, calculated like this:

True health = (Base health * 0.015 * (Level Difference)2 ) + Base Health


And the Base health is 400 Fossilized flesh.


Let's get to work.


(1005-5)2 * 0.015 * 400) + 400 = 6000400 Fossilized health.


Well you're most definitely #*($%%@.


I mean, coughs hastily not to worry! This seems to be the only enemy around you for miles! How queer?


Back to the math! Your mighty Ignis is as follows:



Because I am lazy.



Well anyways, you have the mighty Ignis with Max damage, max blast and Corrosive, and even a maxed Bane mod!


You are clearly a force to be reckoned with!


So let's break down just how much damage you'll be dealing.


The ignis deals a chunky 10 Heat damage per second.


Soo, let's break this down by each mod added on. You have for damage, Max serration and Max heavy caliber for a 330% more damage.


10 + (10 * 3.3) = 43 Fire damage per second.


Now you also have a split chamber maxed which is only 90% multishot. Now how do we calculate this as damage? Well if it were, (AND WE ALL HATE THAT IT ISN'T) 100% multishot, we'd simply add another helping of the base damage to itself, making the 43 damage, a 86 damage per shot, due to it hitting twice. But this isn't a fair world, and split chamber's max is 90%. So we'll multiply it by 90%.


43 + (43 * .9) = 81.7


Now, we can add together the elemental mods, which goes as 90% Fire, 90% Ice for 180% Blast; and 90% Toxic with 90% Electric for 180% Corrosive. Add those values to the base fire, and we'll see how we stand with damage.


81.7 + (81.7 * 1.8) = 228.76 Blast damage. (The base fire becomes blast typing due to the addition of a fire mod.)


81.7 * 1.8 = 147.06 Corrosive damage


Together, we get 228.76 Blast and 147.06 Corrosive damage per second.


So, now we finally add in the bane mod. This mod adds an additional 30% to all damage dealt to infested. Lucky for you, the angry Disrupter before you is considering himself quite the infested today.


228.76 + (228.76 * 0.3) = 297.39


147.06 + (147.06 * 0.3) = 191.178


Great! But "gasp!" you exclaim, as you realize that as little as it may freaking occur, you could per chance crit that poor beast! What ever shall you do!!


Well, there is a simple fix to this!


First, take your damage altogether: 488.57


Now take your Crit multiplier of 200% and your chance of 5%.


Multiply them out to see how much extra damage you'll be doing when you do crit.


(488.57 * (200% - 1) * 5%) = 24.43 extra damage per every clip of ammunition.


You can now take this and add it to your final damage for a FINAL final damage per second.


513 Damage per second, or in other words:

312.26 Blast DPS 200.74 Corrosive DPS


OKAY. So now your infested compadre is getting a bit fed up with your mathematical shenanigans, and is now quickly pacing towards you, with the intent to maim.


The ignis has a mighty clip of 100 rounds with a mighty fire rate of a mighty 10 rounds per second.


Word of the day is mighty! Brought to you by the letter H for Holy S#&$ that Disrupter is getting pissed.


Okay quick! Use this information to see how much damage you'll be doing and how long you'll be doing it for!


100 Rounds / 1 second to fire 10 = 10 seconds to fire all 100 rounds.


513 * 10 = 5130 Burst DPS.

WOO, with that in mind, how do we factor in the reloading times?


(Disrupter: FOR FUCKS SAKE)



Well, if you are taking 10 seconds to spew out your 513 damage, and then have to take 2 seconds to reload, the total amount of time it takes to fire and reload is 12 seconds.


So 10/12 is .833333 (repeating of course)


So that means you'll be firing 83.33% of the time, ALRIGHT GUYS LET'S DO THIS.



5130 * .8333333 = ~4275 sustained damage per second.


FINALLY, I can see clearly now that the math is gone! Well wipe away all those thoughts just yet, we still have an angst filled Ancient, ready to burst all over your bountiful Valkyr's behind...




Wow this went south.


SO, to gather us from that tangent, let's take a look back at our buddies health. 6,000,400 Fossilized Health.


Oh S#&$, I just realized. We forgot BONUSESESESESES.


Let's just take it from the top,


312.26 * 1.5 = 468.39 Blast DPS

200.74 * 1.75 = 351.295 corrosive DPS


Add these up and multiply by 10.


8196.85 Burst Damage per second


Quick! think fast! Multiply in that reloading delay!


8196.85 * .833333 = 6830.71 Sustained DPS




6000400 / 6830.71 = 878.44 Seconds, which means 14.64 minutes, which means










Thank you for reading, I hope it didn't take you all that long to read this. This has been another waste of my time, by-


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I especially love the part where you admit that you were wasting your time. But still. Good job. As a normal player, I can't even do the math like this mainly because i choose not to, that's how I enjoy the game. in hindsight, why would you be carrying an Ignis to battle a lvl 1005 Infested Ancient when you can use Melee which probably does more damage?

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Oh look! It's the cute one again! :o

Gotta admit, this was way funnier than I thought it would be. I actually had to wave some people away cause they thought I was dying of severe constipation by the road.

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Oh look! It's the cute one again! :o

Gotta admit, this was way funnier than I thought it would be. I actually had to wave some people away cause they thought I was dying of severe constipation by the road.

...I'm real conflicted-like whaaa-


I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm also slightly mortified by you, but thaanks all the same, xD

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Worth a read! The funny comments sure do help reading this pillar of text.


14 minutes? Holy banana!

Thanks for reading!


Conclusion: You're screwed...

But... but dat deeps? D:

Edited by Jeerome0406
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...I'm real conflicted-like whaaa-


I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm also slightly mortified by you, but thaanks all the same, xD

I think I'm the conflicted one. Anyone who can speak deeps in such gut-wrenching humour has my +1.

And my guts. Of course.

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