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So Whats The Deal With Ember Prime.


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Why is does every prime warframe have 3 polarities, and Ember prime only has 2?


Is this intended?

Does DE have something against flaming chickens?

Is this some kinda conspiracy to sabotage the rise of the flaming chickens?

Seriously What gives?


Legit question here.

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She is hot




I want my bar polarities back though. And that aside, the V and D are still useful.



EDIT: OK... a friend pointed out to me that the line above sounded a bit awkward.

Edited by Arunafeltz
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I think the main reason is because instead of just an additional polarity, she had both of hers changed. The - polarity isn't used as much on the frame for the expensive mods as the Y or D polarities are.

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From the wiki:


Possesses a 18px-V.png and a 17px-D.png polarity, compared to Ember's double 19px-Bar.png. Granting her more offense and defensive potential.


It is intended, and seeing as Ember is De_Megan's favorite Warframe (from what she lets on, at least), they don't have anything against flaming chickens. You also have to remember that DE is run by many people, some of which may not care for Ember. Other than that, I'd say no, no one has anything against her.


Hope this helps at least a little.

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I think the main reason is because instead of just an additional polarity, she had both of hers changed. The - polarity isn't used as much on the frame for the expensive mods as the Y or D polarities are.

Bar mods may not be very expensive(with the exception of Constitution?), but bar polarities are still used on every polarized Warframe. But hey Ember Prime's polarities fit my Narrow Minded and Intensify perfectly so I won't complain

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I think the main reason is because instead of just an additional polarity, she had both of hers changed. The - polarity isn't used as much on the frame for the expensive mods as the Y or D polarities are.


Excalibur has a V and D polarity, Excalibur Prime has 2 V's and D (changing one polarity and adding one polarity so so slots changed.

Rhino has 2 D polarities, Rhino Prime has 2 D's and 1 V polarity (no change on the polarities adding one polarity slot.

Mag has 2 - Polarities, Mag prime has 2 - polarities and 1 V polarity (no change on polarities adding on polarity slot.


I guess your right the only exclusion from that is Excalibur prime who well was a 250$ warframe that leaves some food for thought.

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This question is so "legit" you had to make 2 threads...

Yes one for general discussion to hear people's opinion.

And one for bug reporting for DE to see it.


I know you aren't new to forums because u have 1912 post so your trying to be asinine i take it?

Don't do that man doesn't look good on people who bought the founders pack.

Edited by Mageroeth
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And one for bug reporting for DE to see it..

But it's not a bug.

As stated earlier in this thread, rather than having a polarized slot added, ember had her polarities changed.

Nobody ever said every prime warframe had to have more polarized slots than their non-primed counterparts.

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But it's not a bug.

As stated earlier in this thread, rather than having a polarized slot added, ember had her polarities changed.

Nobody ever said every prime warframe had to have more polarized slots than their non-primed counterparts.

As far as im am concerned I'm reporting to what feels out of place.

If you have a post where it says this is intended ill love to see it.

I also goto warframe wikia but thats user generated content, so i can't trust it either.

So please if you have anything thats cannon ill gladly report both my threads and close them.

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