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Is It Just Me Or Are Corpus Just Far Too Weak?


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I'm considering these could be the reasons that they don't prove to be a 'challenge' for you:

1. You focus more on low to mid tier Corpus planets (Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Europa)

2. Rhino/Loki/Trinity with Corrupted builds or some form of build to make you last

3. Probably using a Forma'd weapon with maxed DPS build

4. None of the above and I'm entirely wrong.

1) that's called farming, of cuz farming zones aren't meant to be a place for challenges...

2) That's OP, go mod-less if u want challenge.

3) shields are the weakest hitpoint (correct me if wrong) which comes is massive amount of values but decrease insanely fast.

4) err, no includes other OP frame builds?

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Infested are walking bags of exp. They need a complete 2.0 overhaul.


Lol, I doubt it. Maybe a ranged enemy type but not an overhaul.


Why and what would they completely change about the infested if they were to?

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I don't see how Infested are easy.. Do you guys just play around till 5minutes/waves and say that they're easy? As far as I know they can be deadly pretty well on high level things. Especially when there's a large group of ancient disrupters around.

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I don't see how Infested are easy.. Do you guys just play around till 5minutes/waves and say that they're easy? As far as I know they can be deadly pretty well on high level things. Especially when there's a large group of ancient disrupters around.


Entirely this.

The point of infested is to distract you with high-damage, faster yet weaker units whilst giving time for the ancients to move in. If you takes too long to kill a small group of chargers, you will get beaten up by the ancients that follow. First it will be the healers (which aren't a huge problem), then the disrupters and then the toxics. Once you get knocked to the floor and are either (a) surrounded by more infested or (b) lose all of your energy to a disrupter, you are pretty much forced to run from them.

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I don't see how Infested are easy.. Do you guys just play around till 5minutes/waves and say that they're easy? As far as I know they can be deadly pretty well on high level things. Especially when there's a large group of ancient disrupters around.


Yeah, pretty sure all the "Infested are too ez!" stuff is down to people not playing higher survival or defence against them. They start off trivially easy, and that's good, because it lets weaker players (whether weaker through skill or just low-level weapons/frames) engage with them, but they ramp up pretty fast, and unless you're perma-immune to knockdown somehow (and maxed Handspring sure is not that!), they can rapidly (well, by wave 20 or so) turn into a force to be reckoned with.


There are some terrain exploits in some places which trivialize them, but that's something that needs to be fixed about the terrain, not infestation. I could see them (and all factions in fact, maybe minus Corpus) needing a couple more units (I'd suggest a high-HP ranged infestation unit with a weak, slow-firing attack that always caused strong knockback, to get people off things).


Corrupted and Grineer remain the strongest (I guess we can include Tenno as well, now, they're in a similar place to those two), but Corpus are pretty close, and depending on the exact situation, can actually be more of a menace than Grineer. So I don't think they need much changing.

Edited by Eurhetemec
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Raptor can easily be cheesed out by hiding inside the central house, then popping out to shoot when its wings expand. Hide, rinse, repeat.


Have you tried this recently? With Damage 2.0, Raptor's missiles started having a blast that passes directly through the roof and has a very wide radius (5m, maybe) - so if you do this and Raptor decides to do a missile volley, you can easily die in the "safety" of the house, especially if you aren't on Rhino and have Iron Skin on, or if you don't run in the right direction at the right moment (and even then it can be touch-and-go). He's still pretty doable, but not as trivial as he was prior to damage 2.0.


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Entirely this.

The point of infested is to distract you with high-damage, faster yet weaker units whilst giving time for the ancients to move in. If you takes too long to kill a small group of chargers, you will get beaten up by the ancients that follow. First it will be the healers (which aren't a huge problem), then the disrupters and then the toxics. Once you get knocked to the floor and are either (a) surrounded by more infested or (b) lose all of your energy to a disrupter, you are pretty much forced to run from them.


Ancients are the main problem. Also those leapers. Once you let one get you down you're about done. I have been disrupted more than enough to actually say they're weak... Yes Corpus and Grineer have these enemies BUT they're the special type. Ancient Disrupters are basic enemies in high level missions Ancient healers, I really don't see what they do... Disrupters are okay but Toxics are ****** when LS goes out. Once you reach the 5HP mark. There little AOE gets you if they're in the way.

Corpus... Oh noes they have those shield Ospreys. Which is only a problem in the start but later, people just ignore them and kill the enemies anyway. Shockwave MOA take at least a second before using a stomp which can be stopped in enough time. There's rail MOAs but they're kinda meh?

Grineer, Bombards and Heavies instantly use there fist which takes about half a second to work. Which is dangerous due to the fact that Heavies will just destroy you with the Gorgon and if it's not heavies it's bombards which still screw with you. They use that and than they Ogris you till death.

Corpus don't have anything that's actually decent. There knockbacks are slow, shield ospreys are ignored after a while. There aiming maybe bad? I did a mission in Jupiter and was hacking security. Surprise suprise there was a Corpus Crewman that literally missed me (Frost Prime) when I was about 5 meters away in game. He probably did 10-20 shots and only got 2-3. Corpus = Warframe Stormtrooper

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1) that's called farming, of cuz farming zones aren't meant to be a place for challenges...

2) That's OP, go mod-less if u want challenge.

3) shields are the weakest hitpoint (correct me if wrong) which comes is massive amount of values but decrease insanely fast.

4) err, no includes other OP frame builds?

1. not necessarily just for farming, I occasionally solo random missions for fun or join random cells to help out players.

2. agreed. OP, note that down.

3. not for Zanuka :P

4. Booben's Bastille+Vortex build, Nyx Chaos build, Trinity Link+Blessing+Stug/Castanuts/Penta combo, Mag Pull+Shield Polarize build and some other OP builds I can't think of for the moment


I wouldn't even wish this on my worst enemy.

I know you want to



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I don't see how Infested are easy.. Do you guys just play around till 5minutes/waves and say that they're easy? As far as I know they can be deadly pretty well on high level things. Especially when there's a large group of ancient disrupters around.

If you're having problems vs infested you need to rethink your strategy. They are literall walking bags of exp. Kite, spam melee attack(immune to knockdowns), sit on top of things, AOE them, CC them, etc. They are too easy to counter, how do you counter 500 grineer/corpus shooting lasers/bullets/grenades/napalms/rockets at you that kill you in 1-2 hits? You don't, but you can counter infested and never get hit by them EASILY.

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Corpus don't have anything that's actually decent. There knockbacks are slow, shield ospreys are ignored after a while. There aiming maybe bad? I did a mission in Jupiter and was hacking security. Surprise suprise there was a Corpus Crewman that literally missed me (Frost Prime) when I was about 5 meters away in game. He probably did 10-20 shots and only got 2-3. Corpus = Warframe Stormtrooper


I find their danger lies in the proxies. Much like infested leapers/runners/chargers/etc, they are meant to draw attention from crewman. Just like the infested mooks, they dish out a lot of damage consistantly, but are reckless and ofter throw themselves out in the open. But that's the point: they get in the way and force you to deal with them first.


I find that the corpus heavies (forgot what they are called) need a buff. I haven't seen one spawn a shield osprey in ages. Maybe what might be a good idea is for them to have an option to spawn imobile turrets with weapons similar to the standard moa? I dunno. That or they need to spawn mre eximus units.

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If you're having problems vs infested you need to rethink your strategy. They are literall walking bags of exp. Kite, spam melee attack(immune to knockdowns), sit on top of things, AOE them, CC them, etc. They are too easy to counter, how do you counter 500 grineer/corpus shooting lasers/bullets/grenades/napalms/rockets at you that kill you in 1-2 hits? You don't, but you can counter infested and never get hit by them EASILY.


Oh yeah, they are... when you have energy.


Sorry, but going under the assumption that you will always be able to cast rhino stomp doesn't make infested "easy". Disrupters do exist and knockdown is a prevelant ability that a lot of infested units have. And don't forget the toxin ancients.

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I find the relentless hail of energy weapons to be pretty much on par with the Grineer "actual battle tactics" and Infested slapfights. Individually they're not much, but just a few MOAs can keep you from getting any peace to recharge and reload, and those Tech Repeaters just shred anything that isn't using Iron Skin or Turbulence. Add in the questionable "head" area on the bots, two or three Shield Ospreys at once, and mines everywhere, and until they start just making a carpet out of Rollers I'd rather fight Grineer.

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It would be awesome if they gave corpus crewmen some exo-skeleton suits or something like that. (yes they need it because technology and stuff). For example - grineer have these bombards/napalms (kinda hard on lvl 50) so why dont we give corpus some exo skeleton suits and make them more of a challenge.

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Corpus are the only faction where I can regularly be one shot from full health, full shields with a high rank Vitality, Redirection and Steel Fiber. In non-endless modes.


Seriously, some of their weapons do absolutely sick DPS (True, most of it is projectile based and thus is possible to dodge, BUT tight corridors and small rooms prevent that - As does the silly spawning mechanics that some game modes use where things can pop into existence literally 3 feet in front of you)


Corpus Techs, the Drone from Fusion MOA (Not the MOA itself - That's pathetic, but the drone it spawns has pretty high DPS gun) and some capture targets/wardens have high DPS or DPH weapons (Techs and Drones are high DPS, Warden/Capture Targets have a Rifle that can 1 shot me...)


They also have some annoying (But not deadly) units - Oxium Ospreys (So annoying to kill), Frost and Shock Eximus (Frost is annoying to take out without explosives, Shock can just be there and wipe your energy) - Most Ospreys are just annoying to hit, especially if trying for a melee run, especially as Exterminates require them all to die.


If anything, Infested are the weak faction - The majority of their units literally do nothing and can be mowed through with most melee weapons and punch through guns. Disruptors are the only dangerous unit they have, due to energy drain and inherent ability to be stun-locked by mass Ancients - But that said, they can be dispatched from range, various ways to prevent being knocked down when they're in melee (Be it the CC immunity from Momentum that's now on all melee or the ease of stun locking with melee now that most hits will stagger targets)


Grineer are only strong because they have significantly more heavy units, all of which can be dangerous (2x Bombard can keep you almost permenantly stun locked, Heavy Gunner can dish out some decent damage, Napalm can both CC and deal out damage) which spawn much more often than other factions.

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"By using terrain exploits that need to get fixed", is the subtext here, I believe.

Wrong. Vortex, Chaos, Bastille, constantly melee attacking to be immune to knockdown, holding WASD, etc all COMPLETELY counter a 100% melee faction.


As I said, if you're having trouble vs infested you're doing something completely wrong.

Edited by Kiaru
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Wrong. Vortex, Chaos, Bastille, constantly melee attacking to be immune to knockdown, holding WASD, etc all COMPLETELY counter a 100% melee faction.


As I said, if you're having trouble vs infested you're doing something completely wrong.


Once again, assuming you have energy and are in ODD   -.-


They aren't easy, or too hard. They are fine. But new long range unit would spice things up a bit.

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