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Oberon: Super-Tank


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I'm sure this has been done before, but it gives kinda crazy results: I want to analyze Oberon's tankiness.



Oberon + Rage + Quick Thinking + (Intensify + Fleeting Expertise + Streamline) + Renewal + Flow

All maxed, except Streamline to only 15%, because any more wastes it.

Renewal gives 10.4 HP/second. This can be increased further with Blind Rage, if desired, but I took a maximum efficiency build. 


This gives you incredible amounts of effective health.


Once you start taking health damage, activate Renewal. In lower levels (<20), this will be all you need to keep a full health AND energy bar.

If the enemies start getting stronger, this is where the combo gets a bit more interesting. Renewal's healing makes it so that 10.4 HP is converted to energy per second.

That's 4.16 energy converted per second, with no net loss of HP, if enemies do a total of 10.4 DPS. This is still an increase in Energy. For the 25 second duration of Renewal, this should be 104 energy. Enough to do 4 Reckonings, or at least to extend the duration of Renewal about 5 times.


But what if enemies are still stronger than that? That's where Quick Thinking comes in. Our 4.16 energy per second is equal to an extra 9.99 health per second. Enemies with a total of 20.4 DPS are the only ones that can even reduce your energy.

This is also with no mitigation of damage, unlike Valkyr.


So how much effective health is this?

Obviously, this depends on the rate of the damage, because Renewal can only heal so fast (the earlier bug that revived you when you went down would have made this even crazier.)

But against enemies with less than 20 DPS total, this is effectively an immortality build. (This includes everything, except T3 Defense/Survival)

In others:

At 50 DPS, this gives you 24 seconds to kill everything that threatens you. This is an extra 1200 HP.

At 120 DPS, you still have 7.2 seconds to find cover. This is an extra 864 HP. And this, in part due to the horrid aim of most Warframe enemies, is only achieved in the very latest of Tower survival and defense - basically never seen.

In extreme cases: With 750 DPS - enough to shred every other frame in seconds, this gives you an extra second. Just enough to loose a shot, or get back in the safety of the Snowglobe. But I cannot understand what place would have enemies that deal 750 damage, EVERY SECOND.

*times are given AFTER you run out of health and shields, and enemy DPS are given AFTER reduction from warframe armor.



Note, if facing very high leveled enemies, it is in your best interest to drop Fleeting Expertise and build only +Duration and +Power Strength, as that would give the strongest heal per second.

So, on a whim, let's calculate that. (Max Narrow Minded, Continuity, Constitution, Intensify, and Blind Rage)

It comes out to 117.4 HP/second for ~4 seconds.

That's a damage mitigation of 230.1 per second for 4 seconds. - as in complete balance. No loss of HP or energy.

Unless you face an enemy that one-shots Tenno, this kind of healing would not be necessary (It's why I stuck to max Efficiency over this).


And if you combine this with a Life Strike modded Dragon Nikana, you will not die, except when every single enemy is out of reach.




I'm not saying Oberon is overpowered, nor that it needs to be nerfed. Half the mods required are end-game mods, so any build with these mods SHOULD have a strong output. But maybe this encourages you to pull out that dusty Oberon again, and try it out again. Oberon is a strong frame, and not enough people realize that.

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Oberon is the very definition of mediocre. It is painful to look at the rate your 3 heals you in comparison to trinities well of life.


It is painful to even equip smite or hallowed ground. Reckoning is useless after enemies are lv 30 or more.


So basically what you are telling is that oberon is strong because he can heal 10hp/s ?


I would much rather have 3 people with much better warframes using rejuvenate and said mods and actually using useful abilities, something oberon lacks.


Dont get me wrong though, you do have a very good build for your oberon, my nekros uses a similar one and so does my ash/excalibur full melee builds, but that doesnt make them less in need of a buff, all of the previous mentioned ones : oberon, ash, excal, nekros...

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Oberon is the very definition of mediocre. It is painful to look at the rate your 3 heals you in comparison to trinities well of life.


It is painful to even equip smite or hallowed ground. Reckoning is useless after enemies are lv 30 or more.


So basically what you are telling is that oberon is strong because he can heal 10hp/s ?


I would much rather have 3 people with much better warframes using rejuvenate and said mods and actually using useful abilities, something oberon lacks.


Dont get me wrong though, you do have a very good build for your oberon, my nekros uses a similar one and so does my ash/excalibur full melee builds, but that doesnt make them less in need of a buff, all of the previous mentioned ones : oberon, ash, excal, nekros...

This is true. Oberon is a not as good as Trinity at healing. This is a matter of Trinity needing a nerf, not the other way around.


However, I do think Oberon DOES need a buff. For instance, "un-fix" the glitch that allowed Renewal to revive. It made Renewal have an interesting mechanic that added to the game.


But the point is that, Oberon is NOT that weak. It's not in as dire need of a fix. The only thing is that there's not distinguishing characteristic that sets it apart from other frames.

Edited by ShardsSuperior
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If I was going to do a build similar to this, I would do it in this way:



Slightly less heal per second than going for pure +Duration, but it would be far more energy efficient.


The build isn't a bad idea at all (I'm all for any attempt to try to make Oberon less underrated), but even this has to spend the time to actually CAST Renewal (and it has a fairly long cast time). He does need some buffs, but he's more than playable.

I personally use a build I've dubbed Oberon Kenobi which is max power, duration, and streamline combined with Equilibrium for energy and health restore off of Reckoning. Keep the force in balance.


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The only thing is that there's not distinguishing characteristic that sets it apart from other frames.


Well... it's that and the inability to scale to content, given that all of his skills have flat damage values and relatively little CC (staggers notwithstanding - primarily just his ultimate's knockdown).


And that Renewal costs 3x Well of Life (which has never been called a problem skill, and in several cases has been referred to as the only well-balanced skill in Trinity's arsenal) for half the maximum healing.

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Reckoning doesn't have to kill to be useful.  The OP's build seems pretty nice, but I'd be using all that energy on nigh-constant reckonings on very high level content (while Renewal is active, of course).  People on their asses deal significantly less damage, and the animation lock isn't too bad. 


First big buff Oberon truly needs: The ability for Renewal to activate on people already at full health (projectile hits when you see their shields fail but they haven't taken damage, now you need a whole new cast to heal them which is useless to everyone else).

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Doesnt work at high levels (and that is 30+), cause you die to burst damage.



here is a simple test of how its not working in T3 exterminate vs lvl30-35 mobs




Going frame by frame lvl31 corrupted Fusion MOA alone does 258 DPS to shields (possibly not an accurate number cause shiled/health counter doesnt updates instantly to continuous fire ).  


But that is an issue with Oberon heal - way to slow to counter the damage of even a single enemy -  you cant tank, you have to take cover and regen.

Edited by Monolake
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This is true. Oberon is a not as good as Trinity at healing. This is a matter of Trinity needing a nerf, not the other way around.


No, it's a matter of Oberon being tankier, and having more direct offense abilities, including an AoE-ragdoll skill.


A narrow comparison is no comparison at all.

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No, it's a matter of Oberon being tankier


I would not call him Tankier with one healing spell. Yes, he has slightly higher base health and armor, but she has Link (4x health modifier pre-Power Strength?) and an infinite energy pool.


You'll find the substantial differences benefit her.

Edited by Archwizard
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Renewal reviving while active again would be a more-than-welcome change for me. Being deadlocked because the napalms killing me before I could even get up was really amusing. If Trinity's blessing is a full heal, "bugged" Renewal was all about turning you into an undead for a certain amount of time.

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Reckoning could be made better and cooler if the enemies that are slammed onto the ground each release a shockwave that deals damage and knocks down anything standing (like the effects of Heavy Impact) so this makes it much better to be used on crowds, as more enemies slammed onto the ground = more shockwaves = more damage = decent CC

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As said, Oberon is just meh. He does nothing well, and some things poorly. His 1 and 2 are lacking, his 3 is acceptable, his ult is ok with a helpful on kill ability. If his 1 had seeking secondary projectiles, his 2 was a slow or ally buff or both, and his 3 didn't turn off when health maxed out and/or was based on a percent of the ally's health, he'd have a niche.


The ideas for each ability as is are ok, but the fact is that most of the community views him as underwhelming and you get threads like this one that aim to prove everyone wrong by making him good at something but that's just it. You shouldn't HAVE to make a herculean effort to make a frame seem viable to the public, and the fact that all of these such threads I've yet seen require endgame/expensive corrupted mods just proves the community right, as any frame is effective as hell with all the bells and whistles you've given to Oberon. If you love him so much, then you'll love him even more when DE buffs him as the majority of the community wants, so why resist?

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This build really isn't anything special, it's basically Rage + Quick Thinking +Healing skill which now every frame can do with Life Strike. Oberon is underpowered, and he shouldn't have to rely on so many rare mods to be useful. And this is coming from someone who runs Oberon 80% of the time.

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