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Ps4 Update?

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The post saying it had been submitted was posted on Thursday stating it had been submitted "Late last night". 


There's a large number of players who feel something's not quite right when the general rule is, PC is updated on a regular basis and new content is rolled out providing something new to keep players interested, Ps4 gets Updates and new content whenever DE get around to it.  If it were a simple case of PC getting Update 13/14 etc and Ps4 two weeks later it would be fine, but there's no such luck.  The Ps4 Updates happen almost at random which means there can be long periods where the game simply gets dull.

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I agree, but you still have tomorrow. If not tomorrow, then next Tuesday for sure, unless it needs to be fixed.


That's exactly the point I'm making, it could be tomorrow, or next week, or in the event of a serious major flaw another few weeks.  The fact that we have no idea if or when an update will come drives people mad when you know others are enjoying regular updates and new content.  Warframe's seriously addictive and I love playing it, but without new stuff to keep it fresh it becomes dull and lifeless. 


I get that people will defend DE to the death here, but the current set up just isn't working.

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We want it now, many of us are sort of stuck at that point where we are waiting for the update for new content and a new warframe. Rumor mill on ps4 is going crazy over this update.

Comments like this do nothing but make you sound like a bunch of whiners. 

The Update has been sent to Sony for Cert, it's out of DE's hands. As has been said multiple times already in multiple different threads.

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That's exactly the point I'm making, it could be tomorrow, or next week, or in the event of a serious major flaw another few weeks.  The fact that we have no idea if or when an update will come drives people mad when you know others are enjoying regular updates and new content.  Warframe's seriously addictive and I love playing it, but without new stuff to keep it fresh it becomes dull and lifeless. 


I get that people will defend DE to the death here, but the current set up just isn't working.

Unfortunately this is just the way it has to be. The only option other option is to holdback the PC version so both systems get the update at the same time, and that isn't an option.

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Comments like this do nothing but make you sound like a bunch of whiners. 

The Update has been sent to Sony for Cert, it's out of DE's hands. As has been said multiple times already in multiple different threads.


You're right, we should just be content with table scraps and stop complaining, after all it's not like the Ps4 guys have invested time or money.

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Comments like this do nothing but make you sound like a bunch of whiners. 

The Update has been sent to Sony for Cert, it's out of DE's hands. As has been said multiple times already in multiple different threads.


Making a statement thus doesn't allow you to treat me like a piece of crap kid......Last I checked I'm in this position I'm stuck I need new items to boost so don't go off to judge me when you don't know me.

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Please, do not generalize our player-base. People are just annoyed with waiting 1.5 months for an update. DE clearly needs more staff.

Comments like this do nothing but make you sound like a bunch of whiners. 

The Update has been sent to Sony for Cert, it's out of DE's hands. As has been said multiple times already in multiple different threads.

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Unfortunately this is just the way it has to be. The only option other option is to holdback the PC version so both systems get the update at the same time, and that isn't an option.


Not asking for the PC versions to be held back, The PC gets multiple updates for every one the Ps4 gets, so asking that we get ours two, or three weeks after the big PC update, with the same timeframe each month, isn't all that much to ask.  If you guys get Update 14 and we know it'll hit the Ps4 in three weeks then you know what's going on, however when it's just a case of it dropping at some random time in the future, that isn't good enough.

Edited by (PS4)GunnerNiv
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Umm, dude it's been to submitted to cert, It's in sony's hands. give it a week or two.

its not about being submitted to cert im fine with waiting a week. its about how long it takes DE to convert/port the update to ps4 when it should have been made with/alongside the pc. it would take longer but when you would press go on the update for pc you would submit it to sony and we would wait a week not a month. 

Edited by (PS4)Redempiton885
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Did you read the part about the 1.5month wait before sending to cert, or nah?

Instead of asking DE go to Sony's forum, twitter page or anything and ask Sony not DE i also am very very anxious for this update in fact im not even playing since im done with everything. But im not asking DE because its not in there hands anymore

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Instead of asking DE go to Sony's forum, twitter page or anything and ask Sony not DE i also am very very anxious for this update in fact im not even playing since im done with everything. But im not asking DE because its not in there hands anymore


It's easy to point the finger elsewhere, but when this is a regular thing where the PC eats first and Ps4 is left to watch with no clue as to when we'll get anything..  It gets old fast.  We're asking for a timeframe, if DE knows it could take up to two weeks to have an update rubber stamped then plan accordingly.  They know roughly how long it takes to port an update, they know how long it takes for approval so giving us a concrete timeframe shouldn't be that hard. 

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its not about being submitted to cert im fine with waiting a week. its about how long it takes DE to convert/port the update to ps4 when it should have been made with/alongside the pc. it would take longer but when you would press go on the update for pc you would submit it to sony and we would wait a week not a month. 

true,so true... ps4 players like me arent getting mad were just getting smarter about this whole process,and seeing PC gamers get the updates a month before we do reminds me of "xbox 360" gamers getting the "Call of Duty" "DLC" before we did on the PS3,we still played but we all knew we were not the main focus of the company.At least we knew a definitive "Drop Date" for that,this is brutal,jus saying.ill collect my resources from my extractors then im off,dont get me wrong im still a "loyal warframe gamer" but yeah.......we seriously need a release date either on DE end or on Sonys end. Now back to waiting. 


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Did you read the part about the 1.5month wait before sending to cert, or nah?

Dont need too cause im a PS4 player too so i know through exp. But i do agree that its insane to wait for something that by the time we get it its starting to get old for PC players instead of sharing the great experience with PC but i dont think it will ever change

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It's easy to point the finger elsewhere, but when this is a regular thing where the PC eats first and Ps4 is left to watch with no clue as to when we'll get anything.. It gets old fast. We're asking for a timeframe, if DE knows it could take up to two weeks to have an update rubber stamped then plan accordingly. They know roughly how long it takes to port an update, they know how long it takes for approval so giving us a concrete timeframe shouldn't be that hard.

I'd rather to be kept in the dark and get a few info each week than be told a day and if it does not happened and wait more and more days to get mad and start saying " Wheres the update DE you said it would be out (X) hours ago". Edited by (PS4)Brako_El_Mostro
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