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Fellow Tenno; What Is Your Clan Origin Story?


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How did you meet your clanmates? How are your relations with them. Or did you start the clan yourself ? share your story :)


I'll start with mine.


I met my to be clan leader legacite while looking for someone to do a T2 void survival. It was my first. It was epic , we lasted about and hour and 20 minutes   , and after many revives and down to our last lives  he managed to get to extraction. We became friends and  the 4 of us started the clan. 


We're now 60 members and growing :)

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My clan spawned out of the ashes of an inactive one after Zephyr came out. About 5 members of the 100 strong clan were on regularly and donating Oxium. We then formed the Professionals and are a 30 person clan. 


The name came from us setting records on defence and survival missions.

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Went on Recruiting channel to find a squad for the Void, christ knows what mission or tier. We talked a lot, laughs were had and we enjoyed each other's company. Then the two (who'll remain unnamed, since we only accept people who fill our criteria) asked me and the other person if we wanted to join their clan and because I didn't have one, I accepted while the other refused. A few months later and we're the 3 Musketenno or something, wielding the powers of Melee 2.0.

Edited by Blackout751
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I started playing warframe because I was looking for a coop game to play with my brother.

When I started playing he was still playing some other stupid game on the ps,

so I yelled to him OMG THIS GAME IS SO AWESOME!!

and 5 minutes later I yelled,



So 5 minutes later from that moment we made a clan,

started to message some friends who I knew they would like warframe that they should try it.

and now we have a ghost clan with 3 of my rl friends, my brother, 2 people I met in warframe and myself.

So a nice ghost clan with 7 people :P

Edited by TheSevenSeas
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Well simply put me I met my clan warlord in another game (Space marine) I recruited him to my chapter (Clan) in that game and we played that a hell of a lot won some tournaments to, but when the multi player scene for that game finally died me and him moved on to mass effect 3 then after several months of us playing that I upgraded my laptop and was trying a lot of free to play games and stumbled upon warframe and started playing that and mentioned in passing to him that I played it well turns out he had been playing it for months beforehand and was even a founder. So ye that is basically it.

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My clan actually has been around for about 4 years. It actually originated in a certain other game you all may find hilarious. Lego Universe.

Now that you've stopped laughing, LU eventually closed and we all had become active on the Lego Message Boards, mainly in the RP forums. Eventually we got an offer from a guy to form a blog on Wordpress that is still there today for our private use.

We span many games, but I got into Warframe and recently told my friends of it, one had the audacity to form a clan immediately so here we are. :P

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I once was in a bigger clan.

Then I noticed that the bosses were placing decorations such as plants on the ceiling.

I didn't think this was funny at all, so I quit and made my own clan.

The end.

This, but it was more because I wanted to place my own plants on the ceiling ... and I wasn't exactly invested in the Final Fantasy sub-theme of the clan I was in. Now I can just throw plat at my personal dojo to see what I like, and I scrap / reclaim / reiterate modular layouts as new stuff is released.

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After making the Steam group Chop That Wood, I wanted to make a clan, so I asked one of Chop That Wood's members (there are only three of us) and he said potato. We had no idea catalysts and reactors were called potatoes, but it stuck. And thus, Chop That Potato was born.

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