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An Idea I Had About Incorporating Lore


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I know this isn't a priority for DE, but I had a little idea.


Currently lore is comprised of codex text entries and little cutscene boss snippets that don't tell much.  Most people think more cutscenes sandwiched between missions, mastery ranks, etc, is the way to add lore, but I still think that leaves a divide between lore and game.  


My idea would be for the community to "collect" pieces of lore.  These could be Grineer army hologram transmissions found aboard a Grineer Galleon locker, old Orokin texts hidden in rooms in the Void, Corpus corporate manuals, etc.  DE could, say, release parts of a piece of lore into the solar system, and we'd have to find them (say, maybe 1000 pieces for each piece of lore).  Then, we can compile the parts into pieces that belong in a growing lore database that everyone has access to.


Now, I'm NOT saying grind for lore, (I know how bad the grind is for WF); DE should make the pieces of lore relatively easy to find.  Since this is a communal thing, it'd be awesome to be doing a mission, raiding some lockers, and then finding a piece of a piece of lore and feeling like a contributor to the WF community.  Also, each piece of lore could feature on somewhere the players who helped compile it.  It should be optimized so all the parts of the piece of lore should probably be found 2-3 days after its released to avoid grind feeling.


The benefits of this idea are that it'd be relatively easy to implement, DE can expand lore at their own pace (release a piece of lore at any time), players feel more connected with the lore, lore is tied in with game, fun diversion.


What do you guys think? 


(First long post btw, whew)

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I think if they do this it should be on a personal or clan basis, otherwise it would just be more things that new players would read without any involvement.


Well I thought of this as geared mainly towards veterans without much to do.  Plus, making it exclusive will definitely make it grindy (since people naturally crave what others have that they don't, even for something like this that doesn't affect the gameplay much).  Maybe clans have to build an archive to access the lore?  


And it doesn't have to be just text, it could be mini-scenes, hologram videos, artifacts, anything that gives us a clue about the past.


Thanks for the response!


Oh, and I forgot to add that this idea fits with the game as well, since we Tenno don't know anything since being awakened and are trying to piece together the past.

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I wouldn't mind more lore. Actually this game barely has a lore. It's just a vague introduction to the game. The events that are happening and getting recorded in our codexes are only relating to current events, not past events.


THEN AGAIN! We did wake up from amnesia from our cryogenic sleep. So.... perhaps we don't remember our history?


BUT THEN AGAIN! The Lotus seems to be VERY knowledgeable......


At the moment we don't even know what a Tenno is.... The rescue missions? those hostages are just Tenno sympathizers. They are a group/faction (rogue) that suuports the Tenno.

We build warframes (suits) and "equip" them, according to the game interface. Are we switching Tenno operatives? Are we just some advanced computer/AI beings that can transport our minds from one suit to the next? The new defense missions now have the rescue hostages in them. They are perhaps Tenno Sympathizers that are being transported for safety in cryo sleep? Who knows? The old skin of the defense mission suggested that, that was what we look like underneath the warframe suits, but again ingame interface of equipping warframe suits compared to switching tenno operatives for those warframe suits contradict eachother. You clearly have a male and female gendered/appearance of warframe suits afterall.


The trailer where it introduced Alad V, showed Excalibur being cut into pieces (brutal...). Yet we only see the scorched marks from the laser cuts. No blood. Arguments can be made that the laser cuts also cauterized the flesh, hence no blood. Fine. But we are still left with more questions than answers.


In game, one we get hit with bleeding effects from the slash type damages, you clearly see us bleeding (blood, or some type of fluid/liquid that looks like blood). The bosses will taunt our names, and refer to our warframe suits by it's "model". Like for example "Your Mag Warframe will look nicely on my trophy wall, Muahahahaha!". Or something along those lines.


The lore/history of the game is left vague and ambiguous. What we do know. Corpus are the merchant guild/faction that is trying to capitalize everything and their greed and ambition is based on money (credits). Grineer are a tyrannical and matriarchal faction (controlled by 2 queens apparently) that have gone through the process of cloning their army and civilization, suffering defects and such, so you see machinations to support/replace certain defects (you don't see this with the Corpus. Guess they reproduced normally? Or they have a more advanced cloning technology). Then you have the Tenno. A faction of self-proclaimed warriors that are fighting both factions to keep some kind of balance in the universe.


I said self-proclaimed warriors because the game was advertised to be "space ninjas". However some warframes don't necessarily fit that criteria. Some of them are slow or tanky like. Ninjas are supposed to be fast and stealth-like (there is barely any stealth mechanic in this game). With the warframes that are coming out, we are slowly moving away from "ninjas" to more like assassins (Saryn and Banshee). Then it feels more like mercenaries, because now we have an engineer/trap specialist who looks like an engineer, a necromancer, a berserker, and a paladin (Oberon, the fairy king satyr).


DE still like to remain ambiguous with their lores. They introduced clans and dojos, which was fine. Represents unity and all. All of us trying to form groups/communities with people we have more in common with (players in real-life or online friends).

Then they introduced a feature called the dueling arenas and the obstacle course. That's fine. Friendly competition and sparring to help eachother and determine whose the best in the clan.


Conclaves... I guess it's acceptable.... dangerous, but acceptable.... competition between any Tenno or a way of clan vs clan competition.


The introduction of invasions. Makes sense... We pick sides to prevent any one side from gaining too much power, while also some siding with the opposite side to create even more confusion and such (dangerous though, since when you think about it, there would be chances of Tenno running into Tenno who sided with the opposing side (oh look, quite possibly another crazy idea/game feature DE might suddenly add because of my stupid rant/feedback to this topic about lores) and might cause us to fight eachother or to ignore eachother).

Now with the introduction of the dark sectors. Discovery of new lands.... Tenno (clans) can perhaps own land.... (personally I have not seen these "dark sector lands"). The problem: We are now contesting against eachother (basically fighting each other) for control of the solar railways (things we construct in our labs to go into the dark sector, in which we can impose taxes, whether credit or resource) into those dark sectors.


I can understand that Tenno will not always see eye to eye with eachother. But now it feels like DE is possibly suggesting that soon we will see some kind of mini-faction separation within the Tennos.....The balance that we are supposedly keeping are slowly becoming one of those "the means to get the result is not important" kind of thing.

We are slowly becoming the thing we would/are fighting against.

Next thing you know, DE is going to introduce some kind of Light and Shadow factions in the Tennos.....


No TL;DR versions.... sorry.

Edited by VoidWraith
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DE still like to remain ambiguous with their lores. 


I definitely agree with that.  Its a good strategy, since it keeps us players speculating, but right now the problem is there's too much speculating, not enough for us to chew on.  I've seen forum posts speculate on top of speculations.  Hence what led me to this idea, which is a fun way for DE to keep us interested.

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Keep in mind that there is lore and then there is narrative. Lore is more the background of a setting, while the narrative is the story being currently told. As for lore, your suggestion is another way players can learn about the background of Warframe, but narrative is better told through in game dialogue, cut scenes, etc. in my opinion. 


  I would like to see a campaign release either based on previous events or new, that can take new players through an extended tutorial of sorts, that is story driven and provides the basic mods needed, like serration, hornet shot, ect. as rewards. This first arc should end with players understanding the stakes in Warframe, the motivation of the Tenno, a better idea of the relation between the factions, and a sense of what is going on with the human colonist. (The Red Veil from the recent Rescue update is a good example)


  It would probably not be to linear, perhaps two or three mission per hub, up to the end of Earth or Mars. So six to eight campaign missions should be enough to introduce players to the game, and provide rewards that should leave them prepared to handled escalating missions in higher tiered hubs. A new campaign arc can be added, and keep being added until an end game campaign is introduced. After that you would be playing post end game, which is what Warframe feels like right now, a lot.

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Keep in mind that there is lore and then there is narrative. Lore is more the background of a setting, while the narrative is the story being currently told. As for lore, your suggestion is another way players can learn about the background of Warframe, but narrative is better told through in game dialogue, cut scenes, etc. in my opinion. 


  I would like to see a campaign release either based on previous events or new, that can take new players through an extended tutorial of sorts, that is story driven and provides the basic mods needed, like serration, hornet shot, ect. as rewards. This first arc should end with players understanding the stakes in Warframe, the motivation of the Tenno, a better idea of the relation between the factions, and a sense of what is going on with the human colonist. (The Red Veil from the recent Rescue update is a good example)


  It would probably not be to linear, perhaps two or three mission per hub, up to the end of Earth or Mars. So six to eight campaign missions should be enough to introduce players to the game, and provide rewards that should leave them prepared to handled escalating missions in higher tiered hubs. A new campaign arc can be added, and keep being added until an end game campaign is introduced. After that you would be playing post end game, which is what Warframe feels like right now, a lot.


DE said they would introduce something like a campaign storyline for each planet and such in one of the old livestreams, but their redoing bosses and such. We haven't heard any update about the story/campaign ever since.

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DE said they would introduce something like a campaign storyline for each planet and such in one of the old livestreams, but their redoing bosses and such. We haven't heard any update about the story/campaign ever since.



  I have heard as much too. I think it is inevitable that some form of campaign will come, and I look forward to it. Just a matter of time, and it is something I am craving now. A very rich and alluring setting, Warframe is. 

  As for the ambiguity in lore, that is fine up to a point. And the comparisons to Dark Souls light story ring partially true, DS and DS2 have a lot of lore, and its pretty well formed. Check out some of the DS lore youtube videos to see what I mean. DE would still need to layer in a few more sourced of lore before it was on DS level. 


  And again I reiterate that Lore is what was. I want to make the new lore, and that is done by having a narrative where your actions feel meaningful. I take a boss down, currently and all that happens is I get a drop item and unlock a new hub, with a sprinkle of story form lotus. So, I very much look forward to the future of narrative in Warframe. Keep up the work DE.

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Keep in mind that there is lore and then there is narrative. Lore is more the background of a setting, while the narrative is the story being currently told. As for lore, your suggestion is another way players can learn about the background of Warframe, but narrative is better told through in game dialogue, cut scenes, etc. in my opinion. 


Thanks for the input!  I agree, campaign/narrative is a totally different beast to tackle (good luck DE!), this is just something DE can do to separate the divide between mission grinding and the lore/background of the Warframe universe.

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Strange as I am never interested in the lore side of a game, but since this one is lacking and mysterious I kindda want to know myself. And missions or better yet quest to unlock stories is a good addition to this game, it is something different.

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  I have heard as much too. I think it is inevitable that some form of campaign will come, and I look forward to it. Just a matter of time, and it is something I am craving now. A very rich and alluring setting, Warframe is. 

  As for the ambiguity in lore, that is fine up to a point. And the comparisons to Dark Souls light story ring partially true, DS and DS2 have a lot of lore, and its pretty well formed. Check out some of the DS lore youtube videos to see what I mean. DE would still need to layer in a few more sourced of lore before it was on DS level. 


  And again I reiterate that Lore is what was. I want to make the new lore, and that is done by having a narrative where your actions feel meaningful. I take a boss down, currently and all that happens is I get a drop item and unlock a new hub, with a sprinkle of story form lotus. So, I very much look forward to the future of narrative in Warframe. Keep up the work DE.


The lore stories in my opinion, from those youtube videos, aren't ACTUALLY the real lores. It's just what we learned and just put together/created from what little story was provided. Difference is Dark Souls was much more rich in it's lore/story.


There was even people saying how Demon Souls was it's prequel. It's not. It's more like Dark Souls was a spiritual successor/sequel to Demon Souls, but are in no way, related.


Dark Sector, the game with the main character Hayden Tenno in it. Everybody (almost/half) was on the hype train saying that Dark Sectors was the prequel and Warframe was the sequel to it. DE has said, Warframe is the "spiritual successor/sequel" to Dark Sectors, but the two games are separate/different games and storyline.


But yeah. Dark Souls 2 is the sequel to Dark Souls. Warframe on the other hand is a game on its own with some similar familiar stuff from Dark Sector. But since they are two separate games, The lore for Warframe is completely different and separate from Dark Sector. See the weird conundrum?

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The lore stories in my opinion, from those youtube videos, aren't ACTUALLY the real lores. It's just what we learned and just put together/created from what little story was provided. Difference is Dark Souls was much more rich in it's lore/story.


There was even people saying how Demon Souls was it's prequel. It's not. It's more like Dark Souls was a spiritual successor/sequel to Demon Souls, but are in no way, related.


Dark Sector, the game with the main character Hayden Tenno in it. Everybody (almost/half) was on the hype train saying that Dark Sectors was the prequel and Warframe was the sequel to it. DE has said, Warframe is the "spiritual successor/sequel" to Dark Sectors, but the two games are separate/different games and storyline.


But yeah. Dark Souls 2 is the sequel to Dark Souls. Warframe on the other hand is a game on its own with some similar familiar stuff from Dark Sector. But since they are two separate games, The lore for Warframe is completely different and separate from Dark Sector. See the weird conundrum?



  I was more referencing the lore videos for Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2 that where based entirely off in game lore, but was, and am to tired to link them. 


  Agreed, that Dark Souls is a spiritual successor to Demon Souls. Warframe too is a spiritual successor to Dark Sector, though there is debate on that topic, I think the best that people could hope for is a Dark Sector retcon into Warframe. If Hayden Tenno showed up, I wouldn't be surprised, but I am also totally cool with it remaining a fevered dream of a different past. (Dark Sector, that is)

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  I was more referencing the lore videos for Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2 that where based entirely off in game lore, but was, and am to tired to link them. 


  Agreed, that Dark Souls is a spiritual successor to Demon Souls. Warframe too is a spiritual successor to Dark Sector, though there is debate on that topic, I think the best that people could hope for is a Dark Sector retcon into Warframe. If Hayden Tenno showed up, I wouldn't be surprised, but I am also totally cool with it remaining a fevered dream of a different past. (Dark Sector, that is)


I have seen the Dark Souls Lore videos. I think it was actually fan-made but based on actual background lores/stories that you learned in-game. But like I said, in my opinion, I feel they aren't the actual lore/story.


This is the link I saw:  https://www.youtube.com/show/darksoulslore

(I think its probably the accepted truth, even if it isn't completely accurate with some missing details)


Hayden Tenno's armor is in the game in the form of the Anniversary market item (Proto-Excalibur Skin). But as for Hayden himself? nope.

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I have seen the Dark Souls Lore videos. I think it was actually fan-made but based on actual background lores/stories that you learned in-game. But like I said, in my opinion, I feel they aren't the actual lore/story.


This is the link I saw:  https://www.youtube.com/show/darksoulslore

(I think its probably the accepted truth, even if it isn't completely accurate with some missing details)


Hayden Tenno's armor is in the game in the form of the Anniversary market item (Proto-Excalibur Skin). But as for Hayden himself? nope.



  I believe it was VaatiVidya was the YouTuber I watched. Spot checking, I'm not sure it would change your mind as to wether it is a more accurate representation of the lore or not. 


 However, he does have a vid talking about the leaked, potential sequel, Project Beast. 


  I have the Proto-Armor, and enjoy using it a lot. But it changes little really. Dark Sector could still remain a pure separate entity, with Warframe a spiritual successor, or they could embrace the fan hype and retcon it into Warframe. I'm cool either way, but it would have to be a retcon.

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I believe it was VaatiVidya was the YouTuber I watched. Spot checking, I'm not sure it would change your mind as to wether it is a more accurate representation of the lore or not. 


 However, he does have a vid talking about the leaked, potential sequel, Project Beast. 


  I have the Proto-Armor, and enjoy using it a lot. But it changes little really. Dark Sector could still remain a pure separate entity, with Warframe a spiritual successor, or they could embrace the fan hype and retcon it into Warframe. I'm cool either way, but it would have to be a retcon.


Yeah... the lore is just his interpretation of it, from what he has learned in the game. It's a somewhat accurate/agreeable truth. But like I said, it's a fan-based created lore that was put together from what he learned/gathered from the game.


Dark Souls 2, I never played it, but the producers/developers did agree and say that it's a sequel to Dark Souls, but a few hundred years from Dark Souls time period.

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On another note, this could also be a great way to lead into events, for example replacing the hype site, (the one for U13) with pieces of Grineer transmissions and messages found by players in game (on Grineer maps to boot).

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