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Dragon Nikana Coloring In Need Of Rework


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i recently got the Dragon Nikana and i like the weapon,
an improvement on the basic Nikana i'm many ways(not just damage),
that said i do believe that its color options need to be re-looked at,
the unfortunately most of the color options only change the colors of the sheath,

the Blade, hilt & handle are all one color, unlike the Original Nikata which has more options,

now i know you most of the time don't see too much of the Blade, hilt or handle when attacking,
but then why have it textured to look so amazing, having it only one color takes away from this,
with the original Nikana you have 3 colors that affect both the sheath and sword(Blade/hilt/handle),
i'm wondering why this approach wasn't used when designing the Dragon Nikana,

i believe there are 2 easy solutions to this,
the first being, just a simple color revamp, applying some of the colors from the sheath to the sword(like the Original Nikata),
the second being, release a skin for the Dragon Nikana, so we can make it look like Original Nikana,(offered from Alert or for Plat)

i enjoy both swords, and it was puzzling me why they opted to make the whole Blade/hilt/handle one color for the Dragon Nikana,
please post if you feel the same about your Dragon Nikana, or if you have a comment,

Edited by AndiNaga
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If you look at an actual Katana, the hilt and blade are generally made from one piece of metal


yes technically, but that goes for most swords, but the the hilts on swords usually have a covering, that is usually colored,

and most Katana's have ribbon or a lace for style and beauty over the hilt, hiding the raw metal,

also this topic isn't really about what katana's are like, as compared to the Nikana,

but the difference between the color options of the Nikana and Dragon Nikana(hilt/blade wise),

Edited by AndiNaga
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yes technically, but that goes for most swords, but the the hilts on swords usually have a covering, that is usually colored,

and most Katana's have ribbon or a lace for style and beauty over the hilt, hiding the raw metal,

also this topic isn't really about what katana's are like, as compared to the Nikana,

but the difference between the color options of the Nikana and Dragon Nikana(hilt/blade wise),

Yes but the Nikana and Dragon Nikana are both based on a real Katana, so similarities in colours/design must appear.

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Katanas have many things that are colourable though you shouldn't do so in real life but who cares this is a game. The cloth (twists around the hilt), sting ray skin (under the cloth) and tsuba (crossguard, the flower) being coloured (+ the sheath) would make it look really nice. I would like to see this.


I wouldn't touch the balde though as you can't see it over the energy and is sheathed right away.

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Yes but the Nikana and Dragon Nikana are both based on a real Katana, so similarities in colours/design must appear.


Not to the point of limiting one's color design, especially if regular Nikana already has better color channels on the blade. Why should Dragon, which has the exact same sword mesh, use such a plain, single color design?


Also, if we're going to be stingy and talk only about a real life katana's blade, then it doesn't have a guard attached to it, nor does the hilt have intricate design; yet the Nikana do have something like that. The fact that both Nikana have a semblance of a tsuba and a design on the hilt that reflects the cloth used IRL katanas means they already referred to that design.


Similarities are already there to begin with. They don't need to restrict anymore with a "single color hilt/guard/blade" for the Dragon (again, this only affects the Dragon Nikana, not regular Nikana, so there's inconsistency right there). Due to how the Nikana's texture looks, which doesn't even have pseudo-metallic reflection on the blade, one plain color makes it look even more plastic.


Edit: This topic has surfaced a few times. I made a little suggestion as to how the color channels could work with the sword, if DE's really intent is to make it color differently from regular Nikana (could have been done better if you ask me).



Compared to regular Nikana, Dragon's sword is one plain color. There's absolutely no separation between the handle, the blade and the guard. The Regular Nikana at least have all 4 colors attached to the sword with 2 of them linked to the scabbard. This shouldn't be too hard to change either, since it's not about adding more channels, but linking details to existing ones.


I think it wouldn't be hard to simply assign certain details on the Dragon's sword to the 4 color channels that affect its scabbard. For example, just by testing, Channel 1 can be good for the guard, Channel 2 for the handle, and Channel 4, which is currently used to paint THE WHOLE SWORD in one plain color, would be used to color the blade separately from the guard and handle.


Here's a quick edit, which illustrates exactly what my sword would look like if we follow those color channel assignment in the way I described.





My ideal (Channel 1 for guard + pommel cap ; Channel 2 for handle ; Channel 4 for blade)




This would allow  better customization as a whole. It would allow for player to control blade, guard and handle colors separately, without having to add a 5th color channel that isn't energy.

Edited by Casardis
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well first of all, while we actually dont see the blade all the time, when we do see it, it has the same color as the hilt, which in my opinion is completely wrong and poor implemented. A katana balde is always metal-colored, steel color...you know, shinny and everything. my D.nikana's hilt is black and i really don't like my blade to be black as well. as for the hilt it self, one plain color makes it look pooor. the normal nikana has way better color options and distribution. i agree with op, it needs to be reworked. imho. design is as important to a video game, as everything else. when you have more than 2 ppl observing the same issue with dislike... you gotta start looking at it with "fixi it" eyes.
on the other hand, since this is a game, a color blade customization option is viable and sounds good, but at least they should make it sperated from the hilt.

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