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Arcane Helmet Change Nerfing Not Again...


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Because it doesn't negatively effect them and they enjoy scamming people to bank platinum.


Either way, the choice that DE made fixes nothing.


If balance was the issue, leaving stat helmets for "veterans" does not fix the problem.

If aestetics and human indecisiveness was the issue, then all they needed to do was add a stat toggle.


Should DE actually claim they don't know how to add a toggle for stats, then they are either lying out their rear end or are quite possibly the most incompetant coders in this known universe. They're simply skirting around a non issue to appease a small few people. It really bothers me that they can only justify their decisions with 'b-but its in beta'.


This game is not in beta, the moment they started adding more content than actual fixes (important engine based fixes epecially) is when they stepped out of beta. They need to leave 'balance' alone until they understand some semblance of what the word means and for when they've made the game client itself more stable and less buggy.

I agree with everything exempting the beta argument.

When entirely new systems are being churned out nearly every major update (IE: Melee 2.0 for the most recent, hearing rumors for stealth 2.0 and focus is confirmed) then its far from full retail. I would consider the game to be in full release when new gameplay systems as a whole have stopped being added and all that is being added is tilesets, weapons, filler content and the like.

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I agree with everything exempting the beta argument.

When entirely new systems are being churned out nearly every major update (IE: Melee 2.0 for the most recent, hearing rumors for stealth 2.0 and focus is confirmed) then its far from full retail. I would consider the game to be in full release when new gameplay systems as a whole have stopped being added and all that is being added is tilesets, weapons, filler content and the like.

I don't agree to this considering majority of F2P MMO'S are always in development and changing their systems, balancing content, etc. yet they don't call themselves a beta.

Also the devs are free to change content in their game including items tied to purchases freely, most of the time when you create your account you agree to their terms and services which include content that they state will be changed and refunds will not be provided. From there it's up to the devs to decide how to compensate the players.

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I don't agree to this considering majority of F2P MMO'S are always in development and changing their systems, balancing content, etc. yet they don't call themselves a beta.

Changing a system minorly, balancing content, and adding filler isn't whats going on.

We still have FULL elements and mechanics not added to the game.

Stealth Namely


I have heard that in an early iteration of the game the parkour wasn't sticky, but when level geometry had more detail it messed stuff up. That could be true, and if it is thats just another thing that needs to be added.


Point is, when a game is missing FULL systems and others are extremely unpolished (gunplay needs some variety yo', get creative) then it really should be considered alpha. Alpha is when you create the actual game. Beta is when you polish the game or fix it, and we all know what a full release is.


Imagine if activision released call of duty with systems missing entirely such as classes or killstreaks (just using this as an example). Would you consider that to be the same as full release with the developers knowing they are missing key components of the game? I wouldn't. Just because the game has a cash shop and not as many things need fixing doesn't mean it isn't exempt from being in a development phase.


My 2cents.

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Other companies don't hesitate to nerf overpowered things even if players have spent effort/time/money in getting them. Why? Because it improves the game overall for everyone. 

See Heartstone for example  - a f2p game where you are required to either grid or pay real money to acquire packs with better cards which are essential for chance of winning. Yet they rebalance and nerf OP cards, strategies and characters continuously.  Because it improves the game.


DE should take notes.

Edited by Monolake
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Changing a system minorly, balancing content, and adding filler isn't whats going on.

We still have FULL elements and mechanics not added to the game.

Stealth Namely


I have heard that in an early iteration of the game the parkour wasn't sticky, but when level geometry had more detail it messed stuff up. That could be true, and if it is thats just another thing that needs to be added.


Point is, when a game is missing FULL systems and others are extremely unpolished (gunplay needs some variety yo', get creative) then it really should be considered alpha. Alpha is when you create the actual game. Beta is when you polish the game or fix it, and we all know what a full release is.


Imagine if activision released call of duty with systems missing entirely such as classes or killstreaks (just using this as an example). Would you consider that to be the same as full release with the developers knowing they are missing key components of the game? I wouldn't. Just because the game has a cash shop and not as many things need fixing doesn't mean it isn't exempt from being in a development phase.


My 2cents.


Every game is missing something (as you cant have everything),  if the core features are present and working properly - you can call it a release.  

Adding more is an expansion.

Afterall Its all moot and just a matter of what publisher/developer calls it, we all seen games with far worse quality than Wrframe being called a 'final release'. 

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I am Not interested in anyone that trolls my posts or has has anything to say about my spelling or punctuation. Period


Nobody is interested in your completely non-applicable metaphors. I read almost two whole lines of your post before I knew "oh, this person is wrong."

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If i Bought a Car from a dealership and it was a V8 then drove it home had it for a year then one day the dealership comes to my house and when i am not looking change it to a v6 without my permission with out compensation without regard for what i original paid for it what would u call that how would you feel.

And for those that say its only a game and its not the same, well heh i paid for the original things i earned them i slaved through the game i waited weeks and months for things to drop i lost sleep stayed awake countless nights from 10 pm to 10 am waiting for these objects went through pain yes pain and suffrage worked my fingers to the bone, i also become a founder and stayed with and support a game long before new players ever heard of this game and it is the players the supported the game and stayed with it promoted it. 


And when u use real world currency for a virtual game it is still hard cold cash that paid for the helmet and any other object i bought there should be some form on international online virtual property rights for things your purchase in game that remain what they were when u bought or earned them.


I also notice a convenient pattern of new players on forums and in game that complain or say i cant get that or i will never get that well bad luck i hate to say it but alot off us were here first and earned the right to keep what we have what’s give new players the right to windge and complain about something they had no involvement in didn’t pay for or earn someone and say where is mine  heh get used to it that’s real life and it filters through to game management too.


I personally think nerfing if a form of thieving and dishonest and is no way to treat a player base that support a game from its conception and beta and onto open we deserve to keep what we earned.


Like i aid if u buy something its yours to keep and shouldn’t be changed unless its broken if i buy something form ebay or any other online site i don’t expect something different to turn and expect swallow it and not complain and be happy i don’t see any different between buying something online or in person or in game or in a virtual sense property is property and cash is king.


I have seen this so many times in other games and it always &!$$es players off and leave a sour taste in ones mouth and it can cause players to loose respect and confidence in the developers and leave games and no longer play or support it if it become the only way the can deal with in balancing they created leave the dam thigs alone and work out other ways to solve something you knew would happen the moment you made it and use it as your get out of jail free card and be dammed to the players.


Its a slippery road if you continue to nerf stuff in  your game we will loose your good player base and reputation if that is the only way you know how to fix things.

So you are saying you spend countless hours farming some S#&$ty helmet? Boo @(*()$ hoo. Nerfs are needed for balance purposes. Don't whine like a baby when you don't get your way.

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Trust me, not as enriching as one would think.

Simple answer for a simple question.

But back on topic, this thread was made for the same exact reason other threads are made by it. The OP is stuck on the power progression cycle like many players, and won't step back to actually examine the game and are only concerned about what numbers appear on the screen.

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