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Solar Rail Deployment


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how fast do you have to be to deploy a solar rail? is there a trick to deploy them I tried to deploy a few of them in different occasions and I always got the "could not deploy" message.  50mpbs down /27mbps up


You've gotta be fast and lucky enough to get in first, it's not so much a case of network uptime as it is clicking before the other guys.


Basically, only one clan/alliance can deploy a rail on a given node at a single time, and it's first come, first serve.


Having multiple people trying to clickspam first on a given node helps though.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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That stinks there could be another way ... I thought I was doing something wrong to... Why the heck not create some kind of line.  The clan who lost the rail can't challenge right after, any clan who lines up in idk a 10 sec time frame can create a line ... otherwise its going to be a team with 20 dedicated tacticians clicking on the button who dominate ... aka Eclipse (organized buttheads)   this is a game ...not a job.... give us a chance to... I want to participate in that part of the game to. 


I know I'm whining but it is kinda bull I have tried many times I must be losing by milliseconds.  I've set up alarms and have woken up at all hours just to try and get in.  btw I'm streaming on a 20+mbps 

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I was thinking that maybe because some community mods are with those "big" alliance clans. maybe DE favors the majority idk.. no one ever says anything and if you post something like that they will lock your thread within 1 min.

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The first come, first served system will eventually be changed. 


As it stands now, it's a terrible way to dictate attacks. So it has to be something else, something that isn't  "I hope I click in time".

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I doubt it will just be a queue. There will likely be some other elements, like completing missions for a specific challenging alliance, to win them the position to directly challenge the node. Which could easily take the place of the Armistice; a contested period where you can either launch a the mission as normal, or fight on the behalf of an attacking alliance.

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One idea that has been brought up is to basically have a blind bidding war, where clans and alliances bet a certain amount of credits that they want to wager and then the highest bidder wins the deployment. The most important aspect of that idea is that no clan or alliance can see another clan's or alliances offers in order to make it fair and balanced. There a other aspects that follow to a system like this but that is the bare bones concept.

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  • 5 weeks later...

One idea that has been brought up is to basically have a blind bidding war, where clans and alliances bet a certain amount of credits that they want to wager and then the highest bidder wins the deployment. The most important aspect of that idea is that no clan or alliance can see another clan's or alliances offers in order to make it fair and balanced. There a other aspects that follow to a system like this but that is the bare bones concept.


This or some sort of competition that's possible for even small clans to win... I like the betting idea, but it may make it hard for smaller clans like mine to actually get a chance...

It makes no sense that smaller clans shouldn't have a chance to run their own solar rail, although I'm only trying to deploy ours for the fun of it, as the clan vault (currently) sucks. So do the trading system, the trading system works well for non clan members, but there should be some clan vault where you can share stuff (mods, blueprints, coins, items... and why not also platinum)!

The game is fun, really fun... I've even bought (lots) of platinum (considering it's in-game money you buy for real money, and I'm not that rich). I know it's your only income as the game is free to play, but it really separates the rich from the poor (here I'm thinking about Warframe/Weapon slots, Forma and Orokin Reactor/Catalyst), it would be lovely to see more (advanced of cause) ways to get blueprints for these items.

You could say something like 1.000.000 credits for a new free slot, Forma or Reactor/Catalyst, even include other resources, it would make it a challenge to obtain and a good reason to play...

Just some thoughts on how to make the game even more entertaining (at least in my eyes)...

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This or some sort of competition that's possible for even small clans to win... I like the betting idea, but it may make it hard for smaller clans like mine to actually get a chance...


I don't see how. That's what alliances are for - so smaller clans can get together and pool their resources to be able to stand up against a clan or alliance 100x their size. If that small clan doesn't want to join or form an alliance, then that's their choice - but they then have to keep in mind that they're putting themselves at a disadvantage against a big clan/alliance by doing so. 


Even if that wasn't the case, how well do small clan stand up to big clans/alliance as of right now? They fair about the same chance of capturing and holding a node as they would without a system like that in place. 

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I don't see how. That's what alliances are for - so smaller clans can get together and pool their resources to be able to stand up against a clan or alliance 100x their size. If that small clan doesn't want to join or form an alliance, then that's their choice - but they then have to keep in mind that they're putting themselves at a disadvantage against a big clan/alliance by doing so. 


Even if that wasn't the case, how well do small clan stand up to big clans/alliance as of right now? They fair about the same chance of capturing and holding a node as they would without a system like that in place. 



Well okay, I see your point... I wouldn't mind joining an alliance either... It's properly just the fact that we have Solar Rail ready and really want's to try it out, even if it's doomed from the beginning... It just annoys me that you can push the button, set the rates, write a message and then get something like "can't deploy solar rail", you then leave the node and click it again... The button is still there, no one has (from what I can see) deployed their rail... Yet same error, then finally another solar rail was present...

I do however have a question, if some of you know... As far as I can tell, you need to be extremely fast and have multiple members trying, but when does it actually check for the first one... When clicking the first button or after setting tributes and messages?

Being a developer I see many ways to macro this, though that seems a lot like cheating and not something I would like to do... However by using 'macros' the only true latency would be the connection. (taking the stupid human out of the equation)

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Well okay, I see your point... I wouldn't mind joining an alliance either... It's properly just the fact that we have Solar Rail ready and really want's to try it out, even if it's doomed from the beginning... It just annoys me that you can push the button, set the rates, write a message and then get something like "can't deploy solar rail", you then leave the node and click it again... The button is still there, no one has (from what I can see) deployed their rail... Yet same error, then finally another solar rail was present...

I do however have a question, if some of you know... As far as I can tell, you need to be extremely fast and have multiple members trying, but when does it actually check for the first one... When clicking the first button or after setting tributes and messages?

Being a developer I see many ways to macro this, though that seems a lot like cheating and not something I would like to do... However by using 'macros' the only true latency would be the connection. (taking the stupid human out of the equation)

Your first mistake is trying to set tax’s and write a message – JUST DEPLOY YOUR RAIL


You can update the tax’s and write a message later, the most important thing is to get our rail out first.


Good luck it’s a b tch

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I do however have a question, if some of you know... As far as I can tell, you need to be extremely fast and have multiple members trying, but when does it actually check for the first one... When clicking the first button or after setting tributes and messages?

Being a developer I see many ways to macro this, though that seems a lot like cheating and not something I would like to do... However by using 'macros' the only true latency would be the connection. (taking the stupid human out of the equation)


Well in short, apparently DE is trying to address the ping war that is deployment, and you are completely in your right to say that it is unfair and poorly put together. From my own perspective, I'm not really sure though how the new deployment system that DE has discussed will fix the problem, so we'll just have to wait and see. If you want to review what they are proposing, here is the link where you can watch it. 

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