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[Allregion&casual] The Cutie Mark Crusaders!


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I would like to Rejoin, Something cought me in a bad time and has to leave Warframe for an undefinided time.

Of course if... you don't mind :)

Good to see you again, Firelordzx5. Of course life comes first, so I'm glad that you took that time to better your situation. You are more than welcome to rejoin, but I must ask that you head back to the front page and give the "Wanna join?" section a looking over. There are some things we need to verify first.

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Well, If you wanna get tecnical about me to join.


Wanna Join?

A: Yes I wanna Join, or rather rejoin in that case.


Know the Creeds?

A: I obey and mantain the creeds, I never insulted or acted against someone in the clan


Encouraged Guidelines?

A: I'm Charitable to a degree, I help too, I don't swear often, I don't complain in chat to prevent spam and I trade minimun with the Clan


IGN: firelordzx5.

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Well, If you wanna get tecnical about me to join.


Wanna Join?

A: Yes I wanna Join, or rather rejoin in that case.


Know the Creeds?

A: I obey and mantain the creeds, I never insulted or acted against someone in the clan


Encouraged Guidelines?

A: I'm Charitable to a degree, I help too, I don't swear often, I don't complain in chat to prevent spam and I trade minimun with the Clan


IGN: firelordzx5.


Howdy again firelordzx5, thanks for getting back to us.


As long as you continue to uphold our creeds, you will always have a home with us.


I have an invitation ready for you, but it seems you are already in a clan. You will need to leave your current clan in order for an invitation to be sent to you. Let us know when you're ready.



ign:Naxelito,have read the creeds and i totally agree :D

edit: am not very active ...just mentioning it :/


Howdy Naxelito.


Reading and agreeing to the creeds is very much appreciated, but you are missing some information we need provided in order to consider your application. To be specific, I need you to give a reason for wanting to join the CMC specifically, as we need to assure that we are the best fit clan for you.



I have read the rules and would like to join because what else i'm a brony and want hang with like minded people IGN cool36775


Howdy cool36775.


Very short and to the point. I see no reason to deny you.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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I'd Very much appreciate if Im included in this group!! FRIENDSHIP IS WITCHCRAFT


Howdy Gamer_Luna.


I need you to go back to the front page and read the "Wanna join?" section, as you have provided none of the information that we need.


IGN: Gamer_Luna

Rank 7

West Coast.




Buddy of mine show'd me you guys.

Cool beans. Finally Bronies. :D


Howdy Kykovic.


I'm confused. Are you the user that I'm responding to above, or am I misunderstanding something?


If you are not the person I'm responding to above, then I apologize, but I will tell you the same thing I told Gamer_Luna. I'm not going to work off assumptions, so saying "Creeds!" does not verify anything. There are also other pieces of information that you have not provided, so I am going to direct you back to the "Wanna join?" section on the front page.

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I was wondering if I could join or more accuracy rejoin.  I was a member from a while back and I’m fairly sure I just got removed during an inactivity sweep. The reasons for that were a mix of burn out on WF and other things going on in life. I have read the rules and if I have a case where I think I’ll be going inactive for a long period again I’ll make sure to inform someone. I’m just starting back in and I remember this being a great bunch of people and I would just like to be part of it again. 

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I was wondering if I could join or more accuracy rejoin.  I was a member from a while back and I’m fairly sure I just got removed during an inactivity sweep. The reasons for that were a mix of burn out on WF and other things going on in life. I have read the rules and if I have a case where I think I’ll be going inactive for a long period again I’ll make sure to inform someone. I’m just starting back in and I remember this being a great bunch of people and I would just like to be part of it again. 

Good to see you again, Gluuven.


No qualms at all about you taking that time off. I know I understand that burn out feeling and thus, there are no hard feelings. We do appreciate that notification if you are intending on being out for some time, just so we're aware of who drops out, and who has things they need to attend to.


Looks like everything is in order and we are more than happy to welcome you back.


Invite sent. Welcome back, Crusader.

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I'd Love to join! My In Game name is Gamer_Luna ! Please Invite me when you see this! Im staying guild-free until im invited c:

Hey there, Gamer_Luna. I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I'm going to have to ask you to head back to the first page and give the "Wanna join?" section a closer look.



Hi, I would like to join

IGN: DesmondChia


Hello, DesmondChia.


Please head back to the first page and give it a good looking over. You're missing some key details.

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Seem a fun clan

Need a clan who is active and can help me on mission .and  have some fun :))

ign: Elextronx


Howdy Elextronx


You are missing one small piece of information in your post here. Please go back to the first page, and read the "Wanna join?" section very carefully. There is one last step you need to take.

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IGN : Tarlakk


Seems like a great clan :D. Rules seem easy enough

Hey there, Tarlakk.


Please head back to the first page and give the "Wanna join?" section a good looking over and get back to us.

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Hello,my name is HunterXGhost27. I would like to join this clan as it was recommended by GhostExtremeZero. The creed is we will not tarnish the name of the CMC. I would also to learn more about this game and i enjoy playing warframe with more people and friends. Thanks PEACE :D

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Hello,my name is HunterXGhost27. I would like to join this clan as it was recommended by GhostExtremeZero. The creed is we will not tarnish the name of the CMC. I would also to learn more about this game and i enjoy playing warframe with more people and friends. Thanks PEACE :D


Howdy HunterXGhost27.


As long as you follow our creeds, I'm sure our members will have no problem helping you and answering any questions you have.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.



I want in. 2 Accounts. MEEBOSS 4EVERNOOB 

Had to leave last clan because I was the only active member and don't want to join a small clan and see the same results.






You seem to have skipped a step in your post here. Please go back to the front page and read the "Wanna join?" section carefully. I also have to confer with Haldos on this, but I believe we decided that an individual is only allowed membership for one account.

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a head's up, I'm on a month long school trip so I won't be active until july the 26th at the latest. 

Appreciate the notification, Aimop96. Have a great trip.


I'd like to join. Here are my following reasons:


1. I love the crest.

2. I love the crest.

3. I love the crest.

4. Because MLP.

5. In all seriousness, I can commit.

Hey there, Philisophicus.


While I appreciate your enthusiasm, please provide a reason you wish to join outside of just the clans theme. Please note, that while we do have an MLP inspired name and emblem, a good portion of members are not MLP fans as well. On that note, please head back to the first page and give the "Wanna join?" section another going over. There's another piece of information we need to confirm, on top of a reason.

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Hey there, Gamer_Luna. I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I'm going to have to ask you to head back to the first page and give the "Wanna join?" section a closer look.


Hello, DesmondChia.


Please head back to the first page and give it a good looking over. You're missing some key details.

Apologies. The creed is we will not tarnish the name of CMC. I was offered by my friend GhostExtremeZero to join this clan as this clan is also the clan of a few friends of mine. Wish to join them in the same clan. I used to play warframe a lot a couple of months back but I was busy with college, and now I am back.

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