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[Allregion&casual] The Cutie Mark Crusaders!


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i just finished reading them please take me back in space is a big and cold place without friends 


Howdy again noirstream.


Sorry if I seemed unfriendly, however rules have to be followed.


As long as you continue to abide by our creeds, you will always be welcome here.


Invite sent. Welcome back, Crusader.



I would like to join back again, I know the creeds and Have been in CMC befor but was dropped due to inactivity.


IGN: Sileness


Howdy again, Sileness


As long as you continue to abide by our creeds, you will always be welcome here.


Invite sent. Welcome back, Crusader.



I would like to join again my nephew got on to my computer and left the clan i do know the creeds and have been in the clan before and loved it

im in north america


Howdy again doctorhooves


Sorry to hear about your situation. That said, we would be glad to have you back.


Invite sent. Welcome back, Crusader.

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Ok, I've reread, the rules and I even remembered some of the creeds from the last time I applied. I used to actually be in CMC but was kicked for inactivity. (life kind of got in the way) But now I'm back, and I'd like to rejoin the CMC. I miss all the nice people, and I'm eager to help new players. I was recently helped out by a member of another clan, and it made me realize I could do more good for more people if I was in a clan, and you all seem like nice folk.

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Ok, I've reread, the rules and I even remembered some of the creeds from the last time I applied. I used to actually be in CMC but was kicked for inactivity. (life kind of got in the way) But now I'm back, and I'd like to rejoin the CMC. I miss all the nice people, and I'm eager to help new players. I was recently helped out by a member of another clan, and it made me realize I could do more good for more people if I was in a clan, and you all seem like nice folk.

Hello, Terralord.


Much appreciated for getting reacquainted with the rules. Sounds like you've got a game plan and I see no reason why the CMC would not still work for you.


Invite sent. Welcome back, Crusader.

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I wish to join this clan. I am new to the game and i am looking for a casual and friendly people to play with.

I have read the rules and creeds and agree to them fully!


IGN: Tinytheo01

Hello Tinytheo01.


My apologies for being terse, but I am stretched thin today.


Wanting to play with friendly people seems reasonable.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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I have Read the rules and understanded them and i wanna join because i play this alot and i need guild darkmutant is my friend and he have helped me alot so i feel like i wanna help him and others too and good way of doing that is joining this clan and helping him and all others.

IGN: Tiides

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I have Read the rules and understanded them and i wanna join because i play this alot and i need guild darkmutant is my friend and he have helped me alot so i feel like i wanna help him and others too and good way of doing that is joining this clan and helping him and all others.

IGN: Tiides


Howdy Tiides.


As long as you continue to abide by our creeds, you will always be welcome. I hope you make many more friends with us in the future.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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I just started playing some warframe about a month ago, so I'm still a newb in many ways, but I am interested in joining your clan and having some good co-op fun. I was impressed with the amount of people in this thread who wanted to rejoin after inactivity, so it seems to be a good clan for someone like me who isn't looking for a huge time-commitment, but rather a more relaxed and fun atmosphere. I have also enjoyed my share of MLP, and although I'm not a hard-core fan, I will definitely appreciate any references.


I have read the creeds and am fully committed to following them.


IGN: Jollyfalcon

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I just started playing some warframe about a month ago, so I'm still a newb in many ways, but I am interested in joining your clan and having some good co-op fun. I was impressed with the amount of people in this thread who wanted to rejoin after inactivity, so it seems to be a good clan for someone like me who isn't looking for a huge time-commitment, but rather a more relaxed and fun atmosphere. I have also enjoyed my share of MLP, and although I'm not a hard-core fan, I will definitely appreciate any references.


I have read the creeds and am fully committed to following them.


IGN: Jollyfalcon

Hey there, Jollyfalcon.


I couldn't have asked for a better application. It sounds like the CMC would be a great fit for you and we are excited to have you aboard.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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Hello all! I am Kathy~


I have read an respect the groups rules.


I would like to join this group because it shares my love of mlp, provides a community where I can feel safe asking noob questions, and hopefully make new friends! ^u^


Howdy harvestmoono.


You've submitted a wonderful application and we would be happy to have you. I hope you enjoy your time with us.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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i would have liked to join but i didnt even realize that the cmc clan excisted until recently. are you open form an alliance?


Howdy Ulquiorra313.


I do believe our alliance is open, but you will need to make a request to user yuikami for it, as I believe they are the head of the alliance. We leaders and moderators in the CMC have no control over who joins it, so you'll have to ask them.



I Wanna join :D 

you guys seem awesome :3


Howdy skyofshadow.


Wanting to join is great, but you need some more information in your post here before we can accept you. Please go to the front page of this thread and read and follow the steps in the "Wanna join?" section.



I would love to join. Looking for people to do some fun runs with and have fun! Randoms only go so far...

I have fully (re)read the rules and accept them.


region: USA east


Howdy AuroraNightscape.


Reading and accepting our rules is most definitely appreciated. This may seem strange to you, but before I send you an invite, I'd like for you to tell me why you specifically want to join the Cutie Mark Crusaders. There are other casual clans that are recruiting for new members, so I'd like to know why you want to join the CMC above all others. I ask this to make sure that we are a good fit for you.



You do know you need to put much more than that right...


Howdy again TheKingOfAllNoobs.


Glad to see you're doing well. I appreciate the help, but I think we have things covered here. I hope to hear more from you.

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Howdy AuroraNightscape.


Reading and accepting our rules is most definitely appreciated. This may seem strange to you, but before I send you an invite, I'd like for you to tell me why you specifically want to join the Cutie Mark Crusaders. There are other casual clans that are recruiting for new members, so I'd like to know why you want to join the CMC above all others. I ask this to make sure that we are a good fit for you.





As to why specifically want to join is that I was once in the clan before, and want to return. Other clans just dont seem apealing to me as this one does. A good code to follow to make sure everyone gets along and have fun. With hopes of no drama.

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Hi there!


I used to play warframe a lot with a friend two years ago. I have only started to play the game again few days ago, but my friend refuses to play this game again. 


Sadly, I'm a lonely person in other more serious aspects of life too, so this application isn't just about pure gaming.

What I really want is to find friendly, fun-loving people. I want to be part of brony community and possibly even become good friends with them. I'm more than happy to help anyone in need.


I've read the group rules and encouraged guidelines and I agree and abide by with them completely.


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As to why specifically want to join is that I was once in the clan before, and want to return. Other clans just dont seem apealing to me as this one does. A good code to follow to make sure everyone gets along and have fun. With hopes of no drama.


Howdy again AuroraNightscape.


Sorry if I seemed a little rude. Just wanted to get that cleared up. The CMC would be glad to have you again.


Invite sent. Welcome back, Crusader.



Hi there!


I used to play warframe a lot with a friend two years ago. I have only started to play the game again few days ago, but my friend refuses to play this game again. 


Sadly, I'm a lonely person in other more serious aspects of life too, so this application isn't just about pure gaming.

What I really want is to find friendly, fun-loving people. I want to be part of brony community and possibly even become good friends with them. I'm more than happy to help anyone in need.


I've read the group rules and encouraged guidelines and I agree and abide by with them completely.


Howdy Denapekka.


I'm sorry to hear about your troubling situation. The CMC would be happy to have you. I hope you make many new friends with us. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to let either myself, Haldos or one of our Heroes know.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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Hello CMC! I used to be a part of the clan long ago, but unfortunate circumstances made me quit the game for a long time until recently.


My friends brought me back and, while they are part of this clan as well, I still would like to be readmitted if at all possible.

I also reacquinted myself with the rules of the group so there is no risk of me having forgotten anything.


If I could be invited into the clan, then that would super duper double whooperrific :)

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Hello CMC! I used to be a part of the clan long ago, but unfortunate circumstances made me quit the game for a long time until recently.


My friends brought me back and, while they are part of this clan as well, I still would like to be readmitted if at all possible.

I also reacquinted myself with the rules of the group so there is no risk of me having forgotten anything.


If I could be invited into the clan, then that would super duper double whooperrific :)

Hello again, BrotherRoga.


Always good to have a returning Crusader. Much appreciated for looking over the rules again.

Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.


Hi. I've read the rules and want to join your clan. The reason is that I want to be a part of big and friendly community. IGN: dartcraft

Hello, Dartcraft.


It seems you are in a clan already. Please disband yourself from your current clan and get back to us, if you still wish to join.

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