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A Talk About Nerfs.... (Trinity)


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Moderator warning: I don’t want the topic moved (tulzscha) and I certainly don’t want it going into a megathread. My complaints on mega threads will come later but can the community moderators not move my thread into a mega thread.

Pre-Introduction: There will be a too long didn’t read for those who can’t digest the information on this topic. This post is about only trinity, I will make other threads from frames that are being debated at a later time (Down the Block/Soon).

Introduction: Before you comment down below, know that I am sort of in favor of a trinity nerf. However, I don’t want trinity to be useless or underused after the nerf (*points at frost) so I’m going to offer a list of nerfs that I think are reasonable to see what you think about them (More will be imputed at a later time when I’m done thinking about all of them). This post is also about nerfs in general and will talk about the ridiculous arguments for both sides.      

Part 1: The pretensions that DE stated.

DE mentioned in one of their older live streams (around update 10 or so) that they were going to buff frames and weapons to the level of the new weapons that came out at the time. These weapons and frames were Nova, Soma, and Galantine. Needless to say, this never actually was put into action as all the community has seen is nerfs and some buffs that weren’t good enough. Why would DE respond to the question posed about them mentioning buffs if they aren’t going to follow through? DE’s livestreams are one of the few ways to communicate to the developers but they still lied about the plans. Sure, maybe the nerfs were needed but DE shouldn’t have lied to the community about buffs instead of nerfs. This brings me to my main point: Buffs are easier to digest than nerfs for the community. This is a very obvious thing that the developers to know but for some reason DE seems to ignore it. These mentioning’s of nerfs has caused the community to fracture more than it used to be before. If DE continues to make controversial decisions, the community will tear itself to pieces over a nerf. I’m sure someone already is typing a comment to disagree with me right now about nerfing trinity. I know some frames may be OP, but buffs would have gone along with DE’s original plan and would have been smoother for the community to handle.

Part 2: The craziness of the arguments.

 Both sides have ridiculous arguments going for them. It’s not just the trinity defenders that have these arguments as both sides have their far share of arguments that are flawed. The arguments are brought up so much that discussion on the topic of nerfs about trinity doesn’t make any progress.

Trinity Defenders:

Argument 1: Points at another frame (nova/rhino)

Well, this is the most common argument that is made. People try to defend trinity by pointing at other frames and saying they are OP. What they don’t realize is that trinity scales infinitely and happens to cover the entire team. Also other frames abilities don’t resist all status procs (ironskin). It’s the most used and one of the weaker arguments. Trinity may not be the most OP frame, but she is up there in terms of support and viability.

Argument 2: It takes skill to use trinity.

This is a copy and paste argument that floats around different frames as well. It basically states that Trinity requires more skill than the average press 4 to win frames. The problem with this argument is that pressing four for trinity is the same for a rhino or nova. It isn’t hard to keep track of your teammates health ( hit z for their hp and shields) and it has unlimited range. Come on people, get off your high horse/kubrow. Even without trinity, this game is easy for the average player when you have the correct weapons and mods. The only way it really is hard is when the enemies do too much damage or you purposely make it harder. Using one frame from another may require more skill, but the skill involved isn’t that much.

Argument #3: If you don’t like it, don’t use it or it is a pve game.

This is one of the weirder arguments I’ve seen. Sure, this game is pve and you don’t have to use trinity, but balance is necessary in a pve game. Also not using a frame doesn’t remove the problem. Not everyone who thinks trinity is OP is going to stop using her. Ignoring a problem by not using it doesn’t really fix it at all.

For the nerf arguments:

Main argument: disgruntled players.

These people are the ones who clamor for the nerf the most. These people believe that trinity requires little skill or don’t like the invincibility. These people generally want trinity to be a frame that isn’t as good with a nerf. However, they generally want trinity to be nerfed to the ground. This will cause more fracturing in the community and makes trinity less viable. The nerfs should be fair to the point where she is viable, but not OP.

Part 3: Possible nerfs

Nerf 1: add a range limit to the blessing.

I feel that this would make trinity more balanced than she is right now. I know it would be annoying to people who stay far away from trinity and it kind of ruins narrow minded builds, but it would involve more staying close together and the narrow minded can be countered by stretch. The range limit would have to be high 35-40 to allow players to not have to be clumped together but close of enough so they can’t run off on their own.

Nerf 2: Make the duration last shorter.

This would have the invincibility last shorter instead of the normal 10 seconds. The invincibility would be intact but people would just lose some duration. Since duration goes up very high for trinity, it would balance her by making it so people can’t just press 4 to survive for a long time.

Nerf 3: Make the cast time longer.

The blessing cast is already quite long but making it longer would help balance it out. It would make it so it takes longer to spam 4 and discourage players from spamming it when surrounded by enemies. Natural talent could mitigate the extended duration of the cast time.

Conclusion: If you understood nothing to very little of what I said, my main point is that nerfs are very bad for the community. It fosters ill will and causes discussion to be nothing but long arguments that go nowhere. We need to understand that trinity is getting nerfed anyways, so that we can stop trying to start flame wars. Instead of pointlessly arguing over a nerf with arguments that are mainly useless, we should make sure DE evaluates trinity fairly and gives her the balance she needs but not nerf her into the state of uselessness. I may have just made things worse with the post, but I would like to see your ideas of nerfs or opinions on the matter.

 Thanks for your time,




1. De lied about buffing frames instead of nerfing them which is causing the community to split.

2. Both sides of the arguments have some flaws and are ruining the discussion over the nerf.

3. We need to make it so trinity is balanced fairly instead of nerfed into the ground and stop arguing over the nerf (it’s going to happen).

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Moderator warning: I don’t want the topic moved (tulzscha) and I certainly don’t want it going into a megathread. My complaints on mega threads will come later but can the community moderators not move my thread into a mega thread.

Pre-Introduction: There will be a too long didn’t read for those who can’t digest the information on this topic. This post is about only trinity, I will make other threads from frames that are being debated at a later time (Down the Block/Soon).

Introduction: Before you comment down below, know that I am sort of in favor of a trinity nerf. However, I don’t want trinity to be useless or underused after the nerf (*points at frost) so I’m going to offer a list of nerfs that I think are reasonable to see what you think about them (More will be imputed at a later time when I’m done thinking about all of them). This post is also about nerfs in general and will talk about the ridiculous arguments for both sides.      

Part 1: The pretensions that DE stated.

DE mentioned in one of their older live streams (around update 10 or so) that they were going to buff frames and weapons to the level of the new weapons that came out at the time. These weapons and frames were Nova, Soma, and Galantine. Needless to say, this never actually was put into action as all the community has seen is nerfs and some buffs that weren’t good enough. Why would DE respond to the question posed about them mentioning buffs if they aren’t going to follow through? DE’s livestreams are one of the few ways to communicate to the developers but they still lied about the plans. Sure, maybe the nerfs were needed but DE shouldn’t have lied to the community about buffs instead of nerfs. This brings me to my main point: Buffs are easier to digest than nerfs for the community. This is a very obvious thing that the developers to know but for some reason DE seems to ignore it. These mentioning’s of nerfs has caused the community to fracture more than it used to be before. If DE continues to make controversial decisions, the community will tear itself to pieces over a nerf. I’m sure someone already is typing a comment to disagree with me right now about nerfing trinity. I know some frames may be OP, but buffs would have gone along with DE’s original plan and would have been smoother for the community to handle.

Part 2: The craziness of the arguments.

 Both sides have ridiculous arguments going for them. It’s not just the trinity defenders that have these arguments as both sides have their far share of arguments that are flawed. The arguments are brought up so much that discussion on the topic of nerfs about trinity doesn’t make any progress.

Trinity Defenders:

Argument 1: Points at another frame (nova/rhino)

Well, this is the most common argument that is made. People try to defend trinity by pointing at other frames and saying they are OP. What they don’t realize is that trinity scales infinitely and happens to cover the entire team. Also other frames abilities don’t resist all status procs (ironskin). It’s the most used and one of the weaker arguments. Trinity may not be the most OP frame, but she is up there in terms of support and viability.

Argument 2: It takes skill to use trinity.

This is a copy and paste argument that floats around different frames as well. It basically states that Trinity requires more skill than the average press 4 to win frames. The problem with this argument is that pressing four for trinity is the same for a rhino or nova. It isn’t hard to keep track of your teammates health ( hit z for their hp and shields) and it has unlimited range. Come on people, get off your high horse/kubrow. Even without trinity, this game is easy for the average player when you have the correct weapons and mods. The only way it really is hard is when the enemies do too much damage or you purposely make it harder. Using one frame from another may require more skill, but the skill involved isn’t that much.

Argument #3: If you don’t like it, don’t use it or it is a pve game.

This is one of the weirder arguments I’ve seen. Sure, this game is pve and you don’t have to use trinity, but balance is necessary in a pve game. Also not using a frame doesn’t remove the problem. Not everyone who thinks trinity is OP is going to stop using her. Ignoring a problem by not using it doesn’t really fix it at all.

For the nerf arguments:

Main argument: disgruntled players.

These people are the ones who clamor for the nerf the most. These people believe that trinity requires little skill or don’t like the invincibility. These people generally want trinity to be a frame that isn’t as good with a nerf. However, they generally want trinity to be nerfed to the ground. This will cause more fracturing in the community and makes trinity less viable. The nerfs should be fair to the point where she is viable, but not OP.

Part 3: Possible nerfs

Nerf 1: add a range limit to the blessing.

I feel that this would make trinity more balanced than she is right now. I know it would be annoying to people who stay far away from trinity and it kind of ruins narrow minded builds, but it would involve more staying close together and the narrow minded can be countered by stretch. The range limit would have to be high 35-40 to allow players to not have to be clumped together but close of enough so they can’t run off on their own.

Nerf 2: Make the duration last shorter.

This would have the invincibility last shorter instead of the normal 10 seconds. The invincibility would be intact but people would just lose some duration. Since duration goes up very high for trinity, it would balance her by making it so people can’t just press 4 to survive for a long time.

Nerf 3: Make the cast time longer.

The blessing cast is already quite long but making it longer would help balance it out. It would make it so it takes longer to spam 4 and discourage players from spamming it when surrounded by enemies. Natural talent could mitigate the extended duration of the cast time.

Conclusion: If you understood nothing to very little of what I said, my main point is that nerfs are very bad for the community. It fosters ill will and causes discussion to be nothing but long arguments that go nowhere. We need to understand that trinity is getting nerfed anyways, so that we can stop trying to start flame wars. Instead of pointlessly arguing over a nerf with arguments that are mainly useless, we should make sure DE evaluates trinity fairly and gives her the balance she needs but not nerf her into the state of uselessness. I may have just made things worse with the post, but I would like to see your ideas of nerfs or opinions on the matter.

 Thanks for your time,




1. De lied about buffing frames instead of nerfing them which is causing the community to split.

2. Both sides of the arguments have some flaws and are ruining the discussion over the nerf.

3. We need to make it so trinity is balanced fairly instead of nerfed into the ground and stop arguing over the nerf (it’s going to happen).

Spoiler 1:


The community isnt any more fractured than it has been


Were always divided in opinion and this just brings it to light a bit more


A bit dramatic with this, also


Any talk of nerfs is going to be controversial


Some people just dont want any nerfs at all


Spoiler 2:


Almost noone wants trinity to be nerfed to the ground


Thats total BS


Spoiler 3:


Adding a range limit and lowering the time is one solution to make her still viable but not broken


Increasing cast time alone has little if any effect on current trinity


Hiding from enemies isnt any kind of difficult when you have 30 seconds to do it in


As for the rest


Nerfs arent bad for the community


Again, The sides are divided regardless of whether or not it happens


Nerfs are good for the game if they go where they are needed


Trinity is one of the frames that most needs it so its good

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im a trinity user, i've got 4 forma and a potato in her, however i dont use her 24/7, in fact i rarely see people that do only time i do now is i feel like taking her out for a run, the effect of having her near infinite blessing kinda wears off fast.


in my opinion as a support frame which she was designed as she does it amazingly, but as a high damage dealing frame like nova or just a damage dealing frame in general you'd have better luck with an unranked soma even with my build there is very little damage which gets thrown back the the enemies.


im not saying im against a nerf but i wouldnt complain about maybe a 25% reduction in duration, but anything over that would kill her supportive role

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She's really not a good support frame when you take away blessing (which doesn't make her a good support anyways, just a game breaking role), which is why people spam it. The other skills she has for healing and energy are based on stationary targets, which is counter to how DE has built the game play for this game, and counter to how most people run missions.  I'm not saying zerg to the end, but we like fast game play. If you're sitting in one spot spamming skills, maybe it works fine.


If her healing and energy were based around the area of Trinity instead of around a mob (I do like the ability to take an enemy out of the fight, but not at the cost of forcing players to get near it for health and energy) it would make it easier to make those skills viable during game play instead of getting frustrated at people not listening to you as a Trinity, "stop what you're doing and get near that guy so I can give you some health/energy". Or even worse trying to predict which enemy a player is going to be near for a bit so they can get a tad of energy/health before they run off.


Removing the "self-damage Link" game breaking thing should be done.


Blessing should maybe become a long range revive instead. This would cut down on the four revives per day lost for one (not a huge deal but holds a little value) and also provide the option to cut down having to run after a friend who died while in an area that is just a bit far to reach.


Make Trinity a true Healer/Support caster. Blessing as it is right now is just bs.

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She's really not a good support frame when you take away blessing (which doesn't make her a good support anyways, just a game breaking role), which is why people spam it. The other skills she has for healing and energy are based on stationary targets, which is counter to how DE has built the game play for this game, and counter to how most people run missions.  I'm not saying zerg to the end, but we like fast game play. If you're sitting in one spot spamming skills, maybe it works fine.


If her healing and energy were based around the area of Trinity instead of around a mob (I do like the ability to take an enemy out of the fight, but not at the cost of forcing players to get near it for health and energy) it would make it easier to make those skills viable during game play instead of getting frustrated at people not listening to you as a Trinity, "stop what you're doing and get near that guy so I can give you some health/energy". Or even worse trying to predict which enemy a player is going to be near for a bit so they can get a tad of energy/health before they run off.


Removing the "self-damage Link" game breaking thing should be done.


Blessing should maybe become a long range revive instead. This would cut down on the four revives per day lost for one (not a huge deal but holds a little value) and also provide the option to cut down having to run after a friend who died while in an area that is just a bit far to reach.


Make Trinity a true Healer/Support caster. Blessing as it is right now is just bs.

This guy gets it.

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She's really not a good support frame when you take away blessing (which doesn't make her a good support anyways, just a game breaking role), which is why people spam it. The other skills she has for healing and energy are based on stationary targets, which is counter to how DE has built the game play for this game, and counter to how most people run missions.  I'm not saying zerg to the end, but we like fast game play. If you're sitting in one spot spamming skills, maybe it works fine.


If her healing and energy were based around the area of Trinity instead of around a mob (I do like the ability to take an enemy out of the fight, but not at the cost of forcing players to get near it for health and energy) it would make it easier to make those skills viable during game play instead of getting frustrated at people not listening to you as a Trinity, "stop what you're doing and get near that guy so I can give you some health/energy". Or even worse trying to predict which enemy a player is going to be near for a bit so they can get a tad of energy/health before they run off.


Removing the "self-damage Link" game breaking thing should be done.


Blessing should maybe become a long range revive instead. This would cut down on the four revives per day lost for one (not a huge deal but holds a little value) and also provide the option to cut down having to run after a friend who died while in an area that is just a bit far to reach.


Make Trinity a true Healer/Support caster. Blessing as it is right now is just bs.



wow this people are so ... smart... that they need an explanation. Okay, well trinity is not op, she just can survive, without her you coulndt reach waves 50 or more in endless games, I guess people do not care about it because they are weak and they usually get to wave 30 and get sacared off, but guess what you are not the only ones playing it. NOw trinity have two useful skills, and to be useful lategame, thay have to be activated at the same time, now you cant use fleeting expertise like with rhino cause duration does hurt, so you spend a looot of money doing so.


In order to nerf trinity you have to buff her aswell , so she is balanced. The first two spells cant work because of the rushers and they are single target, and quite useless. (remember we have FE, streamline, siphon and lifestrike) So spells like these are just futile no matter how "fixed" they get. Link needs to be activated along with blessing or you die because no armor, Blessing is her only complete ability you have, and everyone just cries because of it. 


She has no damaging abilities, remove blessing, link becomes less usefull, remove auto damage no one would like it. So no ur "solutions" are non intelligent, and it seems you are being a little selfish dont you think?

Edited by Hayzemet
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wow this people are so ... smart... that they need an explanation. Okay, well trinity is not op, she just can survive, without her you coulndt reach waves 50 or more in endless games, I guess people do not care about it because they are weak and they usually get to wave 30 and get sacared off, but guess what you are not the only ones playing it. NOw trinity have two useful skills, and to be useful lategame, thay have to be activated at the same time, now you cant use fleeting expertise like with rhino cause duration does hurt, so you spend a looot of money doing so.

There is just so much wrong in that first paragraph alone, that I just stopped reading (And I don't mean the typos).

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im a trinity user, i've got 4 forma and a potato in her, however i dont use her 24/7, in fact i rarely see people that do only time i do now is i feel like taking her out for a run, the effect of having her near infinite blessing kinda wears off fast.


in my opinion as a support frame which she was designed as she does it amazingly, but as a high damage dealing frame like nova or just a damage dealing frame in general you'd have better luck with an unranked soma even with my build there is very little damage which gets thrown back the the enemies.


im not saying im against a nerf but i wouldnt complain about maybe a 25% reduction in duration, but anything over that would kill her supportive role

for her to have a support role she would need to either


a ) have blessing made so it cant be spammed, a duration x2 cooldown or something so you would have to decide when you really need the blessing and a range limit a small one at that if you're a field medic you have to go the patient.  blessing now is the prime example of an "OH SH!T" button gone wrong.




b) replace it with a long lasting useful buff, maybe energy/life regen over time + damage mitigation but a benefit not plain immortality.


that way it would be useful to get one with you the same way a volt speed is a nice addition and not an annoying game breaker as it is now.

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wow this people are so ... smart... that they need an explanation. Okay, well trinity is not op, she just can survive, without her you coulndt reach waves 50 or more in endless games, I guess people do not care about it because they are weak and they usually get to wave 30 and get sacared off, but guess what you are not the only ones playing it. NOw trinity have two useful skills, and to be useful lategame, thay have to be activated at the same time, now you cant use fleeting expertise like with rhino cause duration does hurt, so you spend a looot of money doing so.


you spent a " looot of money "? on a non prime frame? which doesn't really need a great or hard to get build?...  where? ranking blessing to 3? those were hard to get 10k creds!!!


also you need god mode to get to wave 50 and you call others weak?


i have made it beyond wave 50 without a trinity and there's not really any reason to get there anyway except exp but you wouldn't try that on an unmoded weapon and most likely waves 1 to 50 is enough to get from rank 1 to 30 in a single round, so i stopped caring about high wave counts


actually link is supposed to be a defensive skill(reduces incoming damage and redirects) which makes no sense together with blessing immortality, and since its a proven fact that enemies damage is what better scales (which makes Nyx so popular for end game) removing self damage would still let you bless and jump in the open making enemies attack you and kill each other, which would at least require you to watch your timing for going in and out.


and about the first skills i still want to figure out how stopping a single high priority target from attacking seems useless to you.


try Nyx mind control enemy shines and as such attracts fire from both sides.

Edited by Edgedemon
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She's really not a good support frame when you take away blessing (which doesn't make her a good support anyways, just a game breaking role), which is why people spam it. The other skills she has for healing and energy are based on stationary targets, which is counter to how DE has built the game play for this game, and counter to how most people run missions.  I'm not saying zerg to the end, but we like fast game play. If you're sitting in one spot spamming skills, maybe it works fine.


If her healing and energy were based around the area of Trinity instead of around a mob (I do like the ability to take an enemy out of the fight, but not at the cost of forcing players to get near it for health and energy) it would make it easier to make those skills viable during game play instead of getting frustrated at people not listening to you as a Trinity, "stop what you're doing and get near that guy so I can give you some health/energy". Or even worse trying to predict which enemy a player is going to be near for a bit so they can get a tad of energy/health before they run off.


Removing the "self-damage Link" game breaking thing should be done.


Blessing should maybe become a long range revive instead. This would cut down on the four revives per day lost for one (not a huge deal but holds a little value) and also provide the option to cut down having to run after a friend who died while in an area that is just a bit far to reach.


Make Trinity a true Healer/Support caster. Blessing as it is right now is just bs.

An infinite range revive with a short invi would be amazing


The only issue is shed need a change to her other skills for support but thats a great idea still




wow this people are so ... smart... that they need an explanation. Okay, well trinity is not op, she just can survive, without her you coulndt reach waves 50 or more in endless games, I guess people do not care about it because they are weak and they usually get to wave 30 and get sacared off, but guess what you are not the only ones playing it. NOw trinity have two useful skills, and to be useful lategame, thay have to be activated at the same time, now you cant use fleeting expertise like with rhino cause duration does hurt, so you spend a looot of money doing so.


In order to nerf trinity you have to buff her aswell , so she is balanced. The first two spells cant work because of the rushers and they are single target, and quite useless. (remember we have FE, streamline, siphon and lifestrike) So spells like these are just futile no matter how "fixed" they get. Link needs to be activated along with blessing or you die because no armor, Blessing is her only complete ability you have, and everyone just cries because of it. 


She has no damaging abilities, remove blessing, link becomes less usefull, remove auto damage no one would like it. So no ur "solutions" are non intelligent, and it seems you are being a little selfish dont you think?

Im sorry to say but i think this is the most ignorant thing ive read on these forums yet


And believe me when i say there are some extremely heavy contenders.......

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There is just so much wrong in that first paragraph alone, that I just stopped reading (And I don't mean the typos).

It physically pains me that people can actually go down logical thought processes like him and not notice something wrong.

Do people honestly not get that we have no true endgame, and that what we do have is pointless and terrible?

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- snip -


As Trinity is my favorite warframe and the one I primarily use, I approach any discussion about nerfing Trinity with a bit of bias.  However, I have to admit that some of your nerfs are actually not bad at all.  I wouldn't mind a range limit as long as it's reasonable (it should be comparable with the ultimates of other caster frames, at least), and making the invincibility last shorter would be fine by me as long as it's still usable (so maybe around 5 seconds?).  I don't like your third proposed nerf (increased cast time) for two reasons:  I feel it'd be more annoying than anything else and I don't think it'd be all that effective as a nerf.

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The real problem with Trinity is NOT HER ABILITIES. It's the freaking corrupted mods that need changing. Everyone is pointing fingers but they're pointing at the wrong damn thing. Would blessing really be considered OP if it didn't either last forever or wasn't able to be spammed constantly?




I have 0 corrupted warframe mods and I NEVER feel like the frames I use are somehow abuseable. I even get *@##$ed at on occasion when I use trinity because I can't keep blessing up 100% of the time. But you know what - that's how it should be.


Quit blaming the abilities and look at the real issue.

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The real problem with Trinity is NOT HER ABILITIES. It's the freaking corrupted mods that need changing. Everyone is pointing fingers but they're pointing at the wrong damn thing. Would blessing really be considered OP if it didn't either last forever or wasn't able to be spammed constantly?




I have 0 corrupted warframe mods and I NEVER feel like the frames I use are somehow abuseable. I even get *@##$ed at on occasion when I use trinity because I can't keep blessing up 100% of the time. But you know what - that's how it should be.


Quit blaming the abilities and look at the real issue.

Even without that


The infinite range god mode is OP


And though its tougher without corrupted mods, its still OP having so much god mode time

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In order to nerf trinity you have to buff her aswell , so she is balanced

This is the only good point you've made.



The real problem with Trinity is NOT HER ABILITIES. It's the freaking corrupted mods that need changing. Everyone is pointing fingers but they're pointing at the wrong damn thing. Would blessing really be considered OP if it didn't either last forever or wasn't able to be spammed constantly?




I have 0 corrupted warframe mods and I NEVER feel like the frames I use are somehow abuseable. I even get *@##$ed at on occasion when I use trinity because I can't keep blessing up 100% of the time. But you know what - that's how it should be.


Quit blaming the abilities and look at the real issue.

The real issue is energy system.

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Mad people.. and i meant energy in the money part. You can say im ignorant or whatever that does not take truth away from what i have said. Lol

Yes it does. You don't know what you are talking about, or just don't get it. That makes what you are saying wrong.

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