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Has The Bo Staff Been Changed?



So I decided to whip out the old staff yesterday and slap some corpus around with it (great impact damage). I noticed it was no longer sending people into orbit, is this just me or is it everyone?

#BuffBoStaff #KindOfConfused #WhipOutYourStaff #OrbitalLaunch

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I would like to slap some corpus with my staff, hehe

On Melee 2.0 since it doesnt have a charge attack so it cant ragdoll enemies, though i Heard its slide attack does send them to Orbit. Right now the Only Melee weapon that im sure it send enemies to Orbit is the Jat Kitten, seriously try using a slam attack right on top of your enemy and they will literally dissapear due to how fast and far they are nocked away. Its amazing.

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I would like to slap some corpus with my staff, hehe

On Melee 2.0 since it doesnt have a charge attack so it cant ragdoll enemies, though i Heard its slide attack does send them to Orbit. Right now the Only Melee weapon that im sure it send enemies to Orbit is the Jat Kitten, seriously try using a slam attack right on top of your enemy and they will literally dissapear due to how fast and far they are nocked away. Its amazing.

I love how amazed you are lmao

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The finisher for Clashing Forest still does a small knock back. Couldn't get a good test without rolling solo so couldn't test instances where I wasn't the client.

It's completely different from the ragdoll tossing Bo and Amphis did when Melee 2.0 started though.

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Don't know about Bo, but Amphis was super fun just after release of Melee 2.0. You could equip Clashing Forest and just whirlwind yourself into some unlucky pack of enemies, watching them flying around. It worked regardless of being host/client.

Then, after 13.2.0 ragdolling was just... gone. 

I really appreciate if DE would return it back into pre-13.2.0 state.

Edited by Khranitel
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As long as we are talking about bo issues, it seems all staves have ground slam issues, regardless of host. When doing a ground slam, it won't go all the way to the ground, and will instead finish in the air, making the AoE effective at doing nothing aside from killing airborn ospreys. While this is nice, sometimes I just want to be able to go downwards.

I have more details about this in my own report thread, (Version number last reproduced on, video, checking for other causes. Pretty sure it wasn`t fixed yet, but I haven`t been able to play recently.) though being on mobile right now makes that complicated to link.

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There are a few confirmed reports about ragdoll/launches not working on Client, any chance you were a Client when this was the case? Did you execute a move that should have resulted in a finisher (slide attack as mentioned above)?


Pretty much everything physics-related will be wonky in one way or another when you're a client. Be it enemies or items.


It's time to either improve the netcode or chuck Peer2Peer multiplayer in the trashcan (where it belongs since the beginning of the millennium) and switch to proper game servers.

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