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Thoughts On The Lotus And Economic Monopolies


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Have you ever noticed that Tenno are the only people who seem to use "credits"? You want to buy a blueprint at the market? Credits. Disposable one-use items? Credits. You want to build a room in your dojo, or a decoration? So very many credits.


Ever see Darvo sell things for credits? He uses Platinum. You think a shrewd businessman like him would be using Platinum if it was not the currency par excellence? Because I certainly don't.


Not the Lotus though. Where do you get credits from, exactly? She hands it out to we Tenno after successful missions. She gets it back from us when we need something.


"Ah", I hear you saying, "but we also get battle pay from both Grineer and Corpus, and they often pay out in credits!".


You naive fools. Lotus also sells us resources, doesn't she? For Platinum. Where do we get those resources from? The Grineer and the Corpus. I think they're in on it. The Lotus gets paid in resources from the two factions to hire us, and she issues worthless company scrip to us like it's actually worth anything at all as a result, selling us those very resources for the true currency of the universe: Platinum.


We Tenno have been cutting a bloody swath through their ranks for years, so there is no denying how effective we are at combat. Of course we would be the ideal mercenaries in their conflicts; you need only dangle the right prize before us and off we go like good little toy soldiers to lay waste to ship after ship. I see the Brakk sitting on my thigh and I know it is all the proof of this fact anyone could ever possibly need.


The Lotus is exploiting us. We work for the Lotus, and we must buy from the Lotus, for there is no-one else we can buy from. Not with credits. Oh no. Never credits.


I say we must find a way to fight back against her manipulation! She doesn't even count very well! How many times have you been fighting off hordes of enemies only to hear her admit that she underestimated the amount of time she would need to finish! And you're an even bigger fool if you think that when she cuts off her transmission she doesn't slip off that eye-blocking hat of hers and laugh at the idiot Tenno running around while she sips margaritas or whatever. It takes me five seconds to turn the Grineer security systems inside out! Five seconds! She makes us wait for minutes! Entire minutes while literal armies bear down upon us!


Down with the Lotus! Friends! Tenno! Who's with me?!?

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I don't know whether this is true or not, whether the Lotus is evil or just using us for a specific end goal, but I have suggested a different solution in it's own thread...


A sencondary Lotus character called Orchid (powered by DE Megan and can even have the red hair coming out the back of her different mask/helm).


She could come into play somewhere down the line and tell all tenno that the Lotus is not being honest with us and that she has kept quiet for the past however long, watching her, tapping into her feeds, to make sure that her assumptions were correct and now that she knows for sure, can tell us, definitively, that there is something amiss with her motives.


She could then give us the option to join with her or keep being manipulated by the Lotus. She of course will be more emotional than the Lotus.


I have a more descriptive thread somewhere if you care to read it.


That's all.


Thanks for reading!

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Think of the credits as a form of "Lotus voucher".

Collect 15000 of em and get a blueprint in exchange, those are back into the circle for another Tenno to collect.


Platinum is currency, which only materialists use.


This is no money, its loyalty reward.

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I don't know whether this is true or not, whether the Lotus is evil or just using us for a specific end goal, but I have suggested a different solution in it's own thread...


A sencondary Lotus character called Orchid (powered by DE Megan and can even have the red hair coming out the back of her different mask/helm).


She could come into play somewhere down the line and tell all tenno that the Lotus is not being honest with us and that she has kept quiet for the past however long, watching her, tapping into her feeds, to make sure that her assumptions were correct and now that she knows for sure, can tell us, definitively, that there is something amiss with her motives.


She could then give us the option to join with her or keep being manipulated by the Lotus. She of course will be more emotional than the Lotus.


Lotus: "We have been locked out"

Orchid: "OH NO! You, Tenno! Override the lock."

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That may be, but it's worthless currency that can be used to acquire a volatile arsenal of weaponry.


So, technically, we're getting free guns.


All so that we can continue to be perfect little mercenaries for the Lotus to fill her pockets with. She makes us work for our weapons, and puts us to work with them once we have them. All in exchange for spending all of our "money" at Lotus-mart and paying for Lotus-issued housing.


She's a crafty one. Even sneaks around and stuffs credits in lockers so we don't think twice. Therefore I applaud you fellow Tenno, for thinking twice!

Not just lockers. Containers, too. So I ask you: who would store actual money in sealed boxes that you have to break apart? Do you see how deep this goes yet?! The Lotus has even gone and printed fake money chips to convince you it's all legitimate! And given the design, the Corpus made them, too. It must have been Darvo. Why else would the Lotus let him get so close to us?

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I don't know whether this is true or not, whether the Lotus is evil or just using us for a specific end goal, but I have suggested a different solution in it's own thread...


A sencondary Lotus character called Orchid (powered by DE Megan and can even have the red hair coming out the back of her different mask/helm).


She could come into play somewhere down the line and tell all tenno that the Lotus is not being honest with us and that she has kept quiet for the past however long, watching her, tapping into her feeds, to make sure that her assumptions were correct and now that she knows for sure, can tell us, definitively, that there is something amiss with her motives.


She could then give us the option to join with her or keep being manipulated by the Lotus. She of course will be more emotional than the Lotus.


I have a more descriptive thread somewhere if you care to read it.


That's all.


Thanks for reading!

Best idea...ever

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Here is how it goes. DE wants money, so they make things in market that cost plat. The only way to get plat is to buy it, or trade which was boughten already or from a give away which will rarely happen to you. The grineer will only give you credit cause that would make DE make less money.

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Not just lockers. Containers, too. So I ask you: who would store actual money in sealed boxes that you have to break apart? Do you see how deep this goes yet?! The Lotus has even gone and printed fake money chips to convince you it's all legitimate! And given the design, the Corpus made them, too. It must have been Darvo. Why else would the Lotus let him get so close to us?


I always assumed that credits are actually entirely digital; the Lotus projects the image of them on our HUD, and awards us the amount when we pick them up, possibly as in incentive to ensure we do as much damage as possible to the enemy ships. In reality, those may just be trash cans for all we know.

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Why does our enemies drop credits then?

Trophies picked up off of the broken bodies of our fallen Tenno brothers, obviously. I know I'd collect the pop-top helmets of the Corpus fiends I've slaughtered if I could. They're just kinda... sizeable and unwieldy to stockpile. Wish they wore badges or something. Bottle caps, maybe. Space bottle caps. That would be easier to collect. 


Come on, friends! Can't you see it as clearly as I do yet? Does the Lotus has the wooly purple hat pulled over your eyes this well?

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Have you ever noticed that Tenno are the only people who seem to use "credits"? You want to buy a blueprint at the market? Credits. Disposable one-use items? Credits. You want to build a room in your dojo, or a decoration? So very many credits.


Ever see Darvo sell things for credits? He uses Platinum. You think a shrewd businessman like him would be using Platinum if it was not the currency par excellence? Because I certainly don't.


Not the Lotus though. Where do you get credits from, exactly? She hands it out to we Tenno after successful missions. She gets it back from us when we need something.


"Ah", I hear you saying, "but we also get battle pay from both Grineer and Corpus, and they often pay out in credits!".


You naive fools. Lotus also sells us resources, doesn't she? For Platinum. Where do we get those resources from? The Grineer and the Corpus. I think they're in on it. The Lotus gets paid in resources from the two factions to hire us, and she issues worthless company scrip to us like it's actually worth anything at all as a result, selling us those very resources for the true currency of the universe: Platinum.


We Tenno have been cutting a bloody swath through their ranks for years, so there is no denying how effective we are at combat. Of course we would be the ideal mercenaries in their conflicts; you need only dangle the right prize before us and off we go like good little toy soldiers to lay waste to ship after ship. I see the Brakk sitting on my thigh and I know it is all the proof of this fact anyone could ever possibly need.


The Lotus is exploiting us. We work for the Lotus, and we must buy from the Lotus, for there is no-one else we can buy from. Not with credits. Oh no. Never credits.


I say we must find a way to fight back against her manipulation! She doesn't even count very well! How many times have you been fighting off hordes of enemies only to hear her admit that she underestimated the amount of time she would need to finish! And you're an even bigger fool if you think that when she cuts off her transmission she doesn't slip off that eye-blocking hat of hers and laugh at the idiot Tenno running around while she sips margaritas or whatever. It takes me five seconds to turn the Grineer security systems inside out! Five seconds! She makes us wait for minutes! Entire minutes while literal armies bear down upon us!


Down with the Lotus! Friends! Tenno! Who's with me?!?

Shh you're thinking to hard again lay off the

puffs and come back later
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