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Dual Swords, Not Just Sword + Dagger


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I have noticed that the Dual Heat Swords have reverted back to being a sword/dagger mix again, much to my personal disappointment (I probably won't use them anymore, knowing half of my hits are probably missed likely from the dagger's swings/short range), and it had me thinking. I believe that dual swords are better fitting being actually TWO SWORDS if there is a sword or machete like weapon in the setup (dual cleavers. zorens, ichors, and kamas are fine). It's not technically dual swords with a dagger involved honestly, and forcing a dagger on sword players would be a turn-off to them, but, if not possible to have that, is it possible for us to have twin sword- like dual sword set in the future with twin swords? 


By that, I mean no daggers and same size for both swords that aren't shorten down like dual skanas? The dual sword styles, stance and non-stance, have nice animations, but are personally being gimped by having a dagger on hand and disliked for utilizing 2 separate ranges.

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This should or could be merged with either of the above very recent threads in this same category.


But believe me WarGrylls, I feel your pain and agree with you 100% - except that I must confess that I personally have not noticed any non-cosmetic change in the effective range of the weapon since it reverted to sword and dagger. 


Thanks for your support for the restore dual heat sword to exalted awesomeness campaign :) 

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Ahh, cool! I'm happy to come back from outside to this thread to see that I'm not alone in this, especially after seeing the links. Merging into a Dual Longsword Megathread would be fine with me if the moderators do so.:D

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Not many of us see the potential in having dual longswords as a new weapon type, in my thread, some think it should just be skin for the existing dual swords all sharing the same animations and stances. Really people?


I for one hate the longsword/dagger combo.


Don't see why anyone would be against the idea of having twin longswords, we already have multiple dual daggers and longsword/dagger combos. Single handed daggers and single handed longswords


So why shouldn't we have twin longswords?


The obvious solution is not to make them into a stupid skin for existing weapon types like some have suggested in my thread. That wouldn't add anything fresh to the game since they would be sharing the same animations for longsword/dagger types.


Twin Longswords deserve to be their own weapon type and have their own stances and sheathing placements.




As for the DHS, DE already stated that it was a visual bug, it wasn't meant to have a 2nd longsword, hell I crafted them just because they were actual twin longswords albeit sharing the longsword/dagger stances and the awkward sheathing placement of 2nd sword, but it was fun while it lasted, haven't touched them since it was fixed and reverted back to the lame longsword/dagger combination.


If DHS ever do go back to 2 twin longswords with a possible new stance just for twin longswords if DE sees these threads and starts thinking about the possibility of adding a new dual weapn type, then I will use them again.

Edited by __Kanade__
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I for one would have no problem with DE releasing a special dual long sword stance - if they went for it (complete with new animations and sheathe positions, etc), I would be all for it.



The problem is that this would involve a LOT of work for DE's animation team, who already have their hands full with the new community-generated three weapons (Sword and Board, Blade Tonfa and Infested Mios), each of which are said to require a new stance. Whereas a more realistic and plausible and immediate way to get dual longswords back in the game would be to revert DHS to dual swords, or to make dual long swords optional skins for the other dual sword-types in game. 


Even if the former (i.e. your proposal) would be optimal, I would most definitely settle for the measures that I and others have suggested. As you have admitted, DHS just aren't the same anymore and they were more fun to play with the last hotfix....

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DE doesn't need to make a new stance just for twin longsworfs the stances we have now are fine. I just want to ne able to use swords in each hand and not that stupid dagger in my MAIN hand. I want DHS DHS Naomi Naomi. Sana sword S kana sword. ETHER SWORD. ETHER SWORD. BASICALLY I WANT SWORDS SWORDS SWORDS. And also give us dual Dakra prime

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(I probably won't use them anymore, knowing half of my hits are probably missed likely from the dagger's swings/short range)

Minor nitpicking here, but what you see is not exactly what you will get.  They could make the combo a heat sword and a galatine if they really wanted to, it wouldn't change the hit boxes.  We step forward with just about every swing though, so the dagger's range is never very noticeable.


I'm not against dual swords, but I'm not going to parade for it either.  I actually find the idea of a dagger and sword combo pretty cool, though it does suck that they went ahead and fixed this graphical bug despite all the protest.  Because you know... it was totally game breaking... like the myriad of other bugs they have left alone.


Auteur's make for horrible developers.  If a mistake or bug has no impact on game play what so ever but people like it, DON'T TOUCH IT!

Edited by Littleman88
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