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Rainbow Energy?

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I love more customization. I love anything that includes more customization. This included. But I feel we need metallic colors for warframes first. After that, sure, gimme all of your rainbows and lollipops.

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Yes yes to all suggestion and also add a new skill that shoot bright colored rainbow from your frame arse, but not for enemies, instead it targets squad member. If successful it will do one of the following thigs:

1) Stun players, or

2) dazzle players, or

3) Confuses players, can't see, don't know where to shoot. And if lucky enough...

4) Jackpot, players game crashes.

Make it so DE.

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  • 6 years later...

Thread nekro real hard (usually threads this old are archived by now).

Now we have 2 things already sort of in this direction. Dual energy colors (I wouldn't classify this as good enough but it fits what at least one person in the thread suggested), and a gun (Cedo) that actually has rainbow energy in the form of every time it's secondary fire detonates it's color changes. It only has 4 colors but it really is pretty and not horribly distracting.

I'd like it to work similarly to how most rainbow rgb stuff works, just a full spectrum moving gradient. It would look really nice.

The main issue this game has with some energy colors is moreso brightness than what the color actually is. some energy colors flare up WAY more than they should and its a bit annoying that this issue is still present, but it's probably difficult to address. DE just needs to be conservative with the brightness on this option and it wont be as big of a blinding issue as some people here were making it out to be. Maybe varying brightness options so we can adjust that ourselves if we find that it's too bright on something we want to have it on.

If it has to be in the form of a color palate which I think would maybe make it easier to implement, It'd be important to address how it would work on physical materials and I think the best way to go about this would be a chromaflare effect. (color shifts based on viewing angle)



Both energy and material would probably be very difficult to implement in their own different ways tho. But I'd really love to see it.

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