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Let's Discuss Loki.


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Have you read any of the posts in this thread, or are you just purposely joining the fray and posting spam towards me? I've had nothing but insults all night into the morning on this thread. I haven't insulted anyone with any of my replies to get my point across.

because you insulted loki with personal bias. you didnt approach this neutral.

and then you didnt promote discussion debate. ofc youre going to get backlash. but no one has out right insulted you. just shot down your opnion and faults. sorry if you consider taht insulting. 

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Yeah? I'll report you too. I at least put detail into my posts. You? You just post spam that's insults towards me.

You're a master and you're reporting people for little reason. You're meant to be setting an example for new players in this community.

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You're a master and you're reporting people for little reason. You're meant to be setting an example for new players in this community.

Little? Check all the posts directed towards me, and then try telling me it's little.

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Are you just here to say negative things to people or what? Want a medal? Quit your whining? Not a single thing based on this thread

I'm sorry if I'm just laughing at these peoples silly remarks toward a thread of Loki. This is his opinion, be it many peoples opinion. It may not live up to your standards of your "Loki Master-Race", but it is still his to have an opinion on. That doesn't give you the right to call him stupid or silly or anything else for him having an opinion. Do we live in Iraq? Palestine? Maybe, but not on the Forum, we don't. Stop trying to control everybodies opinions, that goes for anyone else on this Topic.

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