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The Most Annoying Team Mates


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darnit Anaginor! 

Dang it Bobby, Dale, Boomhower, Bill!


Back to the subject, I've met these kinds of people from time to time and I usually see people asking to mark neural sensors more than salvages.

Edited by genthis
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Honestly I never really have these problems, and i've been playing this since before update 6. If people do talk it's usually asking, as i'm rank 15, what weapons and frames do I recommend. Other than that it's idle chit-chat or pleas for help when they go down, and I tend to try and revive anyone regardless of how much of an &#! they are. I mark beacons, Neurodes, Orokin cells, Neural sensors and mods by default. Everything else drops like candy so I see no point to. As for powers I already know when not to use certain skills, such as absorb, but really there are barely any detrimental effects to doing so, other than energy loss. People like things to play out the way they want. Unfortunately if you don't play with friends or solo then you need to learn that not everyone is willing to listen to you or do as you say.

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Seems to be somewhat of a courtesy thing, don't shoot mind controlled enemies because someone tells you not to, instead don't shoot them because it's the courteous thing to do. So basically no one is being inconvenienced. Same goes for trinties using energy vamp (more so before it got buffed).

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Honestly I never really have these problems, and i've been playing this since before update 6. If people do talk it's usually asking, as i'm rank 15, what weapons and frames do I recommend. Other than that it's idle chit-chat or pleas for help when they go down, and I tend to try and revive anyone regardless of how much of an @$$ they are. I mark beacons, Neurodes, Orokin cells, Neural sensors and mods by default. Everything else drops like candy so I see no point to. As for powers I already know when not to use certain skills, such as absorb, but really there are barely any detrimental effects to doing so, other than energy loss. People like things to play out the way they want. Unfortunately if you don't play with friends or solo then you need to learn that not everyone is willing to listen to you or do as you say.

This is precisely what players should strive to do by default, some of my best games have been with players who communicate/mark/are perceptive to abilities.
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I very seldom make such requests. the 1 instance where i would is when i'm exp farming on ODD or similar infested defence, and Frost insists on placing a snowglobe around the pod, preventing me or other teammates from being able to help clear the pod. In this case, i'll ask once, then when they continue, I'll just tell them "if you die inside there, you're on your own", coz chances are, death was caused by toxic ancient, and he's still in there, all nice and cozy, protected by the snow globe.


edit. I also will ask players to kill enemies closer to the pod ( on kiliken corpus defence for instance ) for exp sharing, as some guys tend to run off and kill all the way to the spawn rooms. if they continue, i'll just leave at wave 5 and start again.

Edited by Rashja
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There are certain Warframes that work well together.


Like Rhino, Nova, Ash, and Nekros.




Zephyr, Hydroid, Vauban, and Rhino


or the original team~


Excalibur, Mag, Loki, and Rhino


but yeah there are some frames that are more geared towards CC(Vauban,Rhino) and some frames more geared towards killing whatever in one shot(Ash,Nova), then we have the ones that like to throw things around (Zephyr,Hydroid).


You just gotta find the right frames for the right mixture.


Ash with corrupt build will kill anything in one shot just from spamming bladestorm, meanwhile there's Rhino with his infinite stasis.


I highly recommend Rhino users using the corrupt build to get Ash and try the same corrupt build on him.


Ash is amazing. So amazing.


Should make him look like this:


Get him all white then put some red and brown on him~  And maybe some black too!

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My most annoying team mates. Rusher Volt and Scumbag elevatorframe (it means he rides the elevator solo and doesnt wait for teammates) also ASH HATERS. COME ON HOW CAN YOU HATE ASH????????????

My most annoying team mates, the ones that make me lose out on 50k to 100k credit battlepay because they're not paying attention to the actual mission.

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If I'm running a Vaubon, I will do this every chance I get. Prioritizing your absorb over people getting more experience, more convenient item pickup, and faster runs for what? So you could FEEL like you're actually helping the team?


Warframe is a multiplayer game. So I consider that everybody on a team needs to help. Not just sitting there and do nothing until the mission ends just for XP and cash (in that case, there's two options : changing for another game, or pay someone to do the job for you).



Another thing do not chaos unless the group is pressured it does the same dang thing.


I don't mind if they kill the enemis while in Chaos. The power helps to take less damage.

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Besides the mind control, i don`t see the others as anything else than brainfarts... While it is infuriating for someone to kill my MC`d mob (if with Nyx), having someone tell me to stop using Tornado (if with Zephyr) is just idiotic... I`ve had this scenario (in mob def) multiple times:


1) I use Tornado when i can,

2) dude says "Sotp trnade pls." more than 5 times,

3) I comply purely to prove him how decent of a CC it is, and how stupid it is to demand someone to not use something to help.

4) We lose the mission within 2 minutes of me discontinuing the use of my Ulti.


And then for the completion you have to say at the end. "We could have done this easily if I had used my tornado, but you guys asked me to stop.  Good job team."

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I think you should go and play solo. You are one of those ´´rambo players´´ that most of us hate! And I gues you play alot with nova and rhino, and maybe you love too much zephyrs tornado? I don´t know, I´m just guessing.Maybe I´m wrong.

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Also Rude player. I asked them strategy for Lech Krill (didnt know how to kill him back then) and then BOOM  he started to call me a retard and my mother a (i wont post this here). Player are nice in this game but sometimes i wish i went solo on this mission.

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Hallway heroes. People just don't know how experience works in this game ... Unless it has changed in the past 8 months of my inactivity, I think it's the same (exp gained only if kills are within a certain range), correct me if I'm wrong.


Also Frosts that don't know how to use Snowglobe.

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Hallway heroes. People just don't know how experience works in this game ... Unless it has changed in the past 8 months of my inactivity, I think it's the same (exp gained only if kills are within a certain range), correct me if I'm wrong.


Also Frosts that don't know how to use Snowglobe.

50 meters

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"Dont kill my mind controlled monster"


As someone who plays Nyx a fair amount, this is perfectly reasonable. I often control a Shield Osprey which my teammates shoot down immediately, or control a Healing Ancient when the pod's down on low health so we can speed up its recovery - still gets shot to pieces. If it's an important unit and you shoot it down while it's mind-controlled, you're pretty much making someone's ability useless.


"Dont use your annoying ultimate ability"


The only reason anyone should care about ultimate abilities being used is if they're tryhards who want the most kills on the team.


"Dont steal my targets"


See above.


"Exit on my command"


The host has the key, so he's within his right to tell you to exit - otherwise you lose everything. No-one, however, other than the host can tell you when to exit.


"Mark all salvage but nothing else"


Why the Hek would you possibly need Salvage? I have about 100,000 of it.


"Stay within 20 meters of my mark"


In Survival and Defense, that can be reasonable. After all, by staying together you guarantee a steady stream of enemies coming at you rather than having them all over the place or by protecting the pod. Other than that, pointless to say.


This however doesn't generate many new "friends".


Well, duh.


I've tried negotiating and discussing whats reasonable, but when someone demands you stop using your abilities, or change frame mid-game, what can you do?


You say "no" and spam the hell out of it unless it's a reasonable request by someone with rustled jimmies because they spent energy wasted because of your ability.


My suggestion is a new button: mute whiner


Sure why not.


So my poll is: What do you do, when you encounter these types?


Nowhere. Either we keep silent or we get along fine.


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This is precisely what players should strive to do by default, some of my best games have been with players who communicate/mark/are perceptive to abilities.

Same here. We're all in it for the loot essentially. The prob;lem being that most people want to rush through it A.S.A.P. and don't care about anything but the end result.

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Besides the mind control, i don`t see the others as anything else than brainfarts... While it is infuriating for someone to kill my MC`d mob (if with Nyx), having someone tell me to stop using Tornado (if with Zephyr) is just idiotic... I`ve had this scenario (in mob def) multiple times:


1) I use Tornado when i can,

2) dude says "Sotp trnade pls." more than 5 times,

3) I comply purely to prove him how decent of a CC it is, and how stupid it is to demand someone to not use something to help.

4) We lose the mission within 2 minutes of me discontinuing the use of my Ulti.


Usually when I'm in game with Tornado happy zeppy, me running on low end comp makes the game near unplayable due to tornado being performance heavy ability (Ragdolls everywhere says hi) and will kindly ask to not use it/use it less because of performance issues. Same goes for why I prefer bastille over vortex on vauban in most cases, but will still use vortex if situation calls for it.


Of course tornado is great tool for CC but if there is someone on low end comp that skill can make game unplayable for them.and asks you to use it less please do so but not so far as to fail mission because of it (No mission requires ultimate spam but few well timed Ultimates can make almost hopeless mission to success).


There are reasons apart from "But my loot is in air" and "But I wanna kill stuff" that are reasonable to ask for.

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Of course I don't listen to these whiners and end up doing the opposite of what they demand.


Ahh yes, why did I not think of it before? How better to diffuse the situation than actively try to annoy my teammates.


Well done old chap, well done indeed!


Another upstanding Tenno citizen rejoicing within the community to make everyone's attitudes that little bit brighter!


/end sarcasm

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Besides the mind control, i don`t see the others as anything else than brainfarts... While it is infuriating for someone to kill my MC`d mob (if with Nyx), having someone tell me to stop using Tornado (if with Zephyr) is just idiotic... I`ve had this scenario (in mob def) multiple times:


1) I use Tornado when i can,

2) dude says "Sotp trnade pls." more than 5 times,

3) I comply purely to prove him how decent of a CC it is, and how stupid it is to demand someone to not use something to help.

4) We lose the mission within 2 minutes of me discontinuing the use of my Ulti.

People like you are bad players, pure and simple.


Unable to communicate and compromise will end up with you losing the mission. Same goes for the OP. 


See Blackout751's post to why you're whining about completely legitimate requests. Especially in Defense and Survival missions.

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Do you use Thief's Wit?  Countless times I 've seen mods stuck above the ceiling in the Void because of Tornado but I only know because I can see them through walls.  Luckily I use Carrier and can Vacuum them back through the wall but other players might miss out.


Yeah, have it, but i mostly take Saryn or Nyx into the Void, and usually play Void solo. Unless it`s Void 2 def/mob def/surv and Void 3.

Though i see how it could make stuff inaccessible, and i don`t spam it when it`s needless. Mostly when there`s a lot of dudes, or others are away from the pod and such. I personally like to shoot stuff more, or rely on getting close, and then using the TW+DB combo...

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I don't mind if they kill the enemis while in Chaos. The power helps to take less damage.


I was talking about that specif place. The volatile runners will explode after the stun thus wasting experience. In general play chaos is a plus but there not every wave.

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