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Next Three Primes


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If DE continues the trend and Primes the first group, all we have left is Ash, Trinity, and Volt. Now, Volt is way over due as he was one of the first few that we could choose from and was later replaced by Loki. I believe the order will be Volt, Ash, then Trinity. However, if they go boy, girl, boy. It has to be Volt, Trinity, then Ash. If we think further on this, the people may want to see a fan favorite first and we get Ash, Trinity, then Volt. We still have one last thing to consider, Trinity still has not received her immortal skin, so this may be a good time to offer them up as a package, this and the dangly bits still needed for her outfit. They will give us a package of her skin, new bits, and Prime. Leading to Trinity, Volt, then Ash. Or Trinity, Ash, then Volt.


So, what do you think the order will be and more importantly, why?

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Ummm Nyx is a very old frame as well.




Saryn needs to be in there somewhere to.



Two out of Trinity, Nyx or Banshee most likely for next 2 primes.   (Order so far 2 males, 2 females, 2 males. But they may break that)


Its very true about Trinity's Immortal skin, she also lacks cloth physics still and one of her helmets is still low res.

Edited by MDRLOz
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Nyx is a very old frame, but I don't think she was apart of the original 9. Ash, Ember, Excal, Frost, Loki, Mag, Rhino, Trinity, and Volt. I think these are the first group that they are doing first with primes, I may be wrong about all of this. If you think Nyx is one of the next three we can do that as well.

Edited by ZeroPhobic
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i thing that DE should Design Prime Secondary weapon more, because Prime Secondary weapon is so little in game, not enough for full set prime (Ex: Exc - Braton - Skana - Lato for a set, Frost - Reaper - Latron - Akbronco for a set, Ember - Paris - Sicarus - Glaive, and last: Rhino - Bolto - Lex - Akyros) and we not have  prime seconday weapon for Mag Prime (Mar Prime is only have Boar prime and Dakra Prime >_<) and now Loki Prime -_- not have Prime Secondary Prime too (We can use Bruston prime to make Prime Primary weapon for him, and we not have any Prime Secondary Weapon other for him -_- ) and Prime Melee in game is so much, i thing DE should stop design Prime Melee more, and focus about design Prime Secondary weapon, please

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I believe Nyx and Saryn, were made after the "original 9" which are the ones they seem to be doing first. And I say original 9 because these were the characters that were all apart of closed beta and Nyx and Saryn were the first of the frames made in open beta.

Edited by ZeroPhobic
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