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How Hard Have You Carried?


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Only time I can take pride in out killing people by double their kills is when I'm using a utility frame with a burst / single shot weapon against Rhino / Novas with Amprex / Soma / Boltor P

Happens surprisingly often... But it's not really carrying since I know for a fact that they can complete the mission solo. I just happen to be a faster shot, which really doesn't mean anything in a PvE game.

Edited by HolidayPi3
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Idk why kills are your guys' definition of carrying. If I'm a frost on a defense and I get 0 kills, I carried them because without me the pod would die and we would lose. Kills aren't everything.

Carrying the team means doing most of the work.  It isn't the necessarily the same as being essential to the team.  Even when I get a lot of the kills, I figure there's a good deal of social loafing going on, and if I hadn't been on the team then the other teammates would have stepped up.

Edited by Fretless
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To the people commenting on how damage means nothing, I did specify that there were other ways of carrying.  And of course the scorescreen is a terrible way to represent how the game went, but it gives an idea of who's pulling the group in the damage aspect.  


This might be in the wrong section, but I'd like to see some screenshots and hear some stories of times when you guys carried a team whether it be through kills, revives, just teammates going down constantly.  We've all had missions like this, so how hard have you carried?





Judging how hard you "carried" by the end screen stats is pretty silly.


For instance, just today I was in a T4 defense with an Oberon that appeared to have max range mods.  I was playing Nova.  Instead of running around shooting everything after I used Molecular prime, I climbed to the upper level then chased down the stragglers that I inevitably slowed with Mprime while Oberon ran around spamming his ult killing everything, largely due to the x2 damage debuff and chain explosions.


Sure that Oberon "beat" me in damage.  However, the mission would have taken alot longer if I wasn't running around after stragglers or if I would have simply just picked a frame other than Nova.


There's plenty of other examples of how players contribute meaningfully outside of doing da most damage.  For example, CC powers and reviving teammates.

As Joocyfroot explains, people do what they can to "carry" whether it be to room clear or to chase of stragglers.  Or (from a comment earlier) to keep your teammates alive with Trinity blessing.


Kill counts means absolutely nothing. If you are a Rhino that spams stomp 24/7, then your team mates wont have a chance to get any kills. A lot of players actually tries to get the most kills, and then when they look at the final scores, they look down on their team mates for not having as much.


All that matters is wether or not the mission succeeds.


But would the mission succeed if someone weren't spamming their 4 and tapping the LS beacons every once in a while, or (in other cases) spamming their snowglobe?  What if the snowglobe did damage in a defense mission as well as protect?  Would you say that person who spammed their snowglobe didn't carry?  Because they were spamming it?  


I get that people don't agree with posting endgame stats, but if you tell the story of the game with it, does it matter?  Just trying to share stories is all.


Edit: Thanks for all the "F*** you OP" posts... Really keeps the community together, ya know?

Edited by Auramau
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Do suspicious shipments count? there was one of them where all 3 of them afked and all i had was volt, a lvl 10 miter and a level 15 glaive p


210 kills was nice, even tho i <3 dem boxehedz


Then i realized.... I forgot to screenshot it *facepalm*


I guess this doesn't count then :/

Godspeed though :D

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This might be in the wrong section, but I'd like to see some screenshots and hear some stories of times when you guys carried a team whether it be through kills, revives, just teammates going down constantly.  We've all had missions like this, so how hard have you carried?


Going to post an SS of a recent survival mission where I was leveling up my Vectis and Oberon.  Admittedly, I was lagging to hell so mobs weren't hitting me... but still doesn't excuse my teammates lol



Don't bring this type of thread here, it's not wanted.

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To the people commenting on how damage means nothing, I did specify that there were other ways of carrying.  And of course the scorescreen is a terrible way to represent how the game went, but it gives an idea of who's pulling the group in the damage aspect.  




As Joocyfroot explains, people do what they can to "carry" whether it be to room clear or to chase of stragglers.  Or (from a comment earlier) to keep your teammates alive with Trinity blessing.



But would the mission succeed if someone weren't spamming their 4 and tapping the LS beacons every once in a while, or (in other cases) spamming their snowglobe?  What if the snowglobe did damage in a defense mission as well as protect?  Would you say that person who spammed their snowglobe didn't carry?  Because they were spamming it?  


I get that people don't agree with posting endgame stats, but if you tell the story of the game with it, does it matter?  Just trying to share stories is all.


Edit: Thanks for all the "F*** you OP" posts... Really keeps the community together, ya know?

My point is, even if person A has 700 kills, and person B has 100 kills, doesn't mean person B was less important in achieving victory.


Example: Maybe person A is just faster at killing, leaving less for person B to kill. Maybe person B only focus on heavy targets. Maybe person B focus on CC.

Edited by Zareek
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My point is, even if person A has 700 kills, and person B has 100 kills, doesn't mean person B was less important in achieving victory.


Example: Maybe person A is just faster at killing, leaving less for person B to kill. Maybe person B only focus on heavy targets. Maybe person B focus on CC.

And I agree with you.

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So you chose a random thread  which happened to pertain to the comment you aired against some mystery person who is not here?  What?


I chose to make a statement in regards to future posters of the thread, why is this hard for you? Very simply: Nobody is impressed by you "carrying" the team unless the difficulty of the mission was sufficiently challenging. Penta/Mercury was an example.

Seriously, catch up.  

Edited by Acos
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