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New: T-Shirt Design Contest


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Игровой ник: Ksav1er

Название работы: Кто твой любимый Варфрейм

Пояснение: Работа сделана полностью в векторе и сохранена в Ai файл, для сохранения возможности любого размера картинки.

И представлена в двух вариантах, для белой и черной футболок. Место расположение на самой футболке может быть любым как в центре на груди, сбоку на груди, на рукаве или в нижней части футболки... 





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Greetings :)


I just started to play Warframe a couple days ago and the game is really fun and this contest seems fun also :)


Since I enjoying to design t-shirts, here are some designs that I've made.


I submit this #1 for contest: ( If I understand it correctly, only 1 design/entry is permitted, but if I'm wrong, feel free to take the other designs into account :P )




the others are:






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"Eyeless Slag? Nah, brah. Eyeless SWAG."


BTW, in case you guys were wondering... this is an image of the elusive being known as Swag Prime, found only on the dorsal side of the Troll King, Loki.

Edited by ElohiAdanvdo
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I appologise if someone has come up with this idea already, but I know I have spent a few too many times trying to pick a side when this comes up. I really hope this works, and I applogise again for the format. Im not the most art-oriented person haha.


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this is my entry. I know its not very creative but its quite relevant and "keep calm..." shirts are quite popular today. i actually said this phrase in-game yesterday while paying Ruk a couple visits, so i decided to put it on a shirt. thanks for viewing.

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My entry. It took a few days to come up with the layout, but the idea was there from almost as soon as the contest was announced.




Note: I'm trying to embed this link from my Deviant Art account. However, I keep being told that I'm not allowed use the %7Boption%7D extension on this community. Is there some kind of permission I'm missing because I also could not reply to his post when signed in under my PC login (Though I play on PS4)? Unfortunate.

Edited by (PS4)Suldae
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