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Apply To Be An Official Warframe Fan Site Or Channel!


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Drew, at this moment I am mainly a Warframe channel, I do Devstream Recaps and other random nit bits.


I do plan to do other games in the future but keep warframe in the mix. With this system will it lock our content to Warframe alone or will we retain our content freedoms?

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I think it would be cool to write an actual application and explain ourselves, or even make a video application. It also might help to get rid of people who only apply to get platinum. If people have to work to get something, they are usually serious in the matter. Also i was wondering along with Darkfreack, we will be able to post other videos? If we do not get accepted are we still allowed to post Warframe videos?

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Does this system allow for single submissions? I really enjoy putting together certain videos and whatnot but don't do it nearly often enough to fit the criteria for channel submission as I am a full time working student. However I have one video I am especially proud of and would like to submit for use in some form or fashion.

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shadowofneo - i tried to log in with a similar handle using psn but alas there is no üse alternate account" option, sorry to be a hassle, check my channel over 1700 videos currently, 47 subscribers and 53000 views, modest yes, but i have a very loyal fanbase... i think.



Edited by (PS4)darkness_of_one
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Just curious if i read it correctly, but do the support things like plat and information only apply to the owner of that channel/site or do all members get access to it?

The warframe wikia for example, is the creator of that one the only one who gets those things or do the members that help with the wikia also get access to those things?

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