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Am I The Only One Around Here That Spams E For Almost Every Melee Weapon?


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Spam attacks for me unless I'm messing around with the parry mod (and why is this a mod in the first place?). Quick attacks are *way* more practical than combos - even the basic spam combos, since there are no pauses for quick attacks. Also, slow, flashy and impractical animations are not worth giving up my ability to shoot things.

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With Fury + Berseker you have no other way like to spam E, because with high attack speed it's impossible to complete combos which consist of pause/hold without loosing DPS. By the way when you reach crazy atack speed(Dual Ichor) E spam is trigger comobo with pause almost always :D

Edited by Keetsune
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I'm perhaps one of the few people who use combos practically in battle, even in "high level" stuff. Yes, spamming E is actually still the most effective way to use melee in the game. However, some stances have rather awesome combos that I practically can't live without now, like Swirling Tiger, Seismic Palm, Clashing Forest, Brutal Tide, Burning Wasp, Coiling Viper, Crushing Ruin, Gleaming Talon, Iron Phoenix, Cleaving Whirlwind, Bleeding Willow etc.


Note that the majority of the stances I mention have combos that have inherent large-scale AoE and/or knockdown added to their attacks, which you can't replicate by just spamming E. I can spam E against an infested horde using a Glaive and be able to kill stuff yes. But I'm able to kill more of them faster if I spam the Silver Reach combo, which is easy to do even with Fury and Berserker. Using combos, the Glaive simply makes Infested a non-issue. Then there's Swirling Tiger, where its Dash-To-AoE in its Winding Claws combo is a great distance close, and is great against multiple enemies with its AoE knockdown (or when using Dual Heat Swords, AoE fire blast without needing to jump and thus break your attack combo). Also, I don't think people realize that many of the combos have forced procs associated with them: many have forced Slash procs that easily add damage like Decisive Judgement's Silent Acumen, and some have forced Impact. And of course, some have inherent attack multipliers, for example Iron Phoenix's sole combo.  


Though the key to my ease at pulling off combos is due to remapping my melee key to RMB during equip, allowing me to much better execute fast combos compared to if I had left the key on E.


if there's one thing that I think prevents combos from being performed more, it's that many of them require at least 3 normal attacks before you can execute them, which means that against single targets you don't make enough attacks to perform the combo right off the bat. Also, more combos need more of the aforementioned attack multipliers and forced proc features to be more effective (ex. Bleeding Willow's forced Impact procs make it infinitely more useful than Shimmering Blight, which has none at all, not to mention the former's mobility). Not all of the 27 stances I've tried and tested are any good (I have a low opinion of Shimmering Blight and Gnashing Payara for instance), and some do appear cosmetic (like aforementioned Shimmering Blight), but some of the good stances are VERY GOOD, with their potential wasted if one sticks to just spamming the melee button.

Edited by LGear
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