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I have never ragequit anything before...


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I must preface this rant i'm about to go on with the notion that I, as a gamer, Do not get upset easily, I am not often frustrated, and as I play many games in beta, am used to a certain amount of issues and can normally look past them. But I feel the developers need to read this, and really take it to heart as I am not normally "one of those guys" who gets frustrated and goes on the internet to complain about things.

But here you go, This was my first day of playing Warframe, As I had signed up to test it a while back, and just got invited to the beta. I'm going to go through my first day playing experience, so you can feel with me what led to my first ragequit. So I get the game running, have no chance to change any settings ( bug : why does it default to 1028x720 every time still? my computer is a beast, and should have no issue with max resolution, even if i want to run borderless windowed.) I go through the tutorial no problem, then changed my settings, reset my keybinds to the layout i prefer (I know it's personal preference, but your default layout is drastically different than 90% of the games I play.. why?) Then, I click the first world as instructed, it attempts to get me into a team. I got disconnected the first time, but the second try the loading begins.. and here we go...!

Into the most silly amount of lag I've ever seen, I'm assuming i was matched into a group with some crazy combination of EU and Asian players or something, because it was unplayable. Keep in mind that I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing other than basic controls, and I'm not even able to see enemies that are shooting at me, as they appear and disappear all over the room, and appear to stand still when there is nobody actually there.. I assume this is not the standard experience, so i kind of laughed it off, and still someone managed to get to the end of the level (the other 3 players were doing all the work for sure). So after 3 more failed attempts to connect to the second level, I figured out you can put it on solo mode.

YAY, i can shoot guys now! I played through the next few levels without much issue, Like I said earlier, I play enough video games to be a pretty decent shot, and despite my issues with the sword not really working like I wanted it to (much more on that later). I upgraded some of my stuff, saw that whole "pro" thing on the weapons, and felt a little queesy about it (i understand it's Free to play and you got to make money, but unless there is a way to get platinum by playing the game (even if it took a LONG time to earn it) I just can't feel alright about pure Pay to Win schemes.

So, Here we arrive to the actual part of the story that matters, I was enjoying the game, figured out the basics with only a few hiccups, and even though I still couldn't get into a multiplayer match that wasn't absurdly laggy (maybe i just have bad luck?) I decided to go ahead and move on to the first boss encounter Solo. The start of the mission is like everything else so far, shoot some guys, move on, shoot some more guys, oh, that guy came in from the room behind you somehow - cut him in half with your sword! you know.. playing the game. Then I get to the Room with the boss. It is then i realize I'm only fighting guys with shotguns, so my rifle ammo is almost gone. (why does EVERYONE HAVE HEAVY ARMOR? 66% moar bullets!?!?) just so you know, I try and get every pickup i can find, I open all the crates, and look in every room, it's just the guys i'm killing simply aren't dropping ammo i can use.. So the boss appears and i clear the room with my pistol (why does this gun never shoot straight? feels odd...) I then realize like i'm sure many of you did, that he only has melee attacks.. So i just run backwards around a room and shoot him in his face with my pistol over and over and over and over (how much health does this guy have.. geez) and over and over until he dies. Now at this point, I've killed the boss and completed the mission, but i now have just 20 bullets left between both guns.

So when the game starts sending wave after wave of guys at me while i try to move toward the extraction point, I'm quickly out of bullets. I'm now forced to try and melee kill everyone, but when the room has more than 15 guys in it, it's very unwise to try and get in close with any of them. Eventually I get stuck within a small corridor with nowhere to fallback to because they locked it all down, and the only keypad near me is behind a locked door (i'm just assuming there is another one somewhere, but there is now 30 guys between me and wherever that may be) So i'm doing my best to try and take out guys one at a time, by hopping out and slashing a dude, and running back to cover to let me shield regen. (currently have 157 shields and 125 health total, with new upgrades i put in) I was also using my dash move to kill pairs of guys when i had energy to do so. But since these were all still shotgun and melee guys, still couldn't find any ammo. Then some dude with a rocket launcher hit me as i stepped out of cover with full shields to go stab some guy and i died instantly.. Well, that sucks.. Oh, i get revives. Ok sweet, I'll have bullets again.. NOPE... also, It only happened this first time, but it just respawned me right there in the same spot, where i immediately was murdered again by the same rocket guy.. which was rather annoying... So revive number 2 i go dashing out of the way of the rocket and get into cover, Still have 0 ammo, and still can't get to this damn keypad behind this locked door.

Ok, here is where I launch into my rant with your frustrating Melee charge system. IT simply does not work like I want it to, Love to hear from other people if they like it or not, but here is my problem with it. When i charge up the strike, it just goes automatically as soon as it's full, often times just whiffing the guy your trying to slice in half by mere inches. But if you try and charge the attack up while your next to him, he will just instantly slap you or something that makes you stop charging.. Why won't you let me hold the charge for even a half a second, let me release the button when i want it to go off, It's so very annoying to charge an attack and have it be inches from the guys back, what kind of space ninja has such horrible depth perception as to let his strike go so early just because it's at full charge?

Ok so after slicing through all 20 of those guys, I found 20 rifle ammo, yay! too bad it takes 2 dozen shots to down one of these guys cause they are all heavily armored.... So i got past that rocket guy, but you'll never guess what the next room had in store for me. (i went to try and find a keypad.) YOU GUESSED IT!, another rocket guy. I was slicing some guy in half, and out of nowhere i exploded. I may have been a bit low on shields, but i know i was still at full health. so revive number 3 runs into the basically the same problem as number 1, but this time i just take a ton of splash damage as i try to dodge the rocket and attempt to run for cover, But somehow the area I was using as cover moments ago, you know, the one i had cleared all the bad guys out of with just my sword.. well it was now home to 3 shotgun guys who decided to not let me regen my shields and instead killed me. My last revive pulled me back to a different spot somehow, but that was also full of dudes and I had not a single piece of the room to hide in to regen my shields. So Mission failed. I immediately exited the game and uninstalled it. I Have never been so frustrated by the simplest combat problems in any game I've played.

Some of you will surely say that "it's a beta" and "the game gets better later on", and that's all well and good, But as a brand new player, My experience was catastrophic enough to just not give a crap about the usual excuses you can make for games still in development. So I hope the developers take my experience and make some changes while it is still in beta, so that I can give it another try later on down the road and see If I will enjoy myself then.

Good day to you all.

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one thing that has been pointed out by many forumers about this game

-until you have gear, this game is very hard to do solo

-once you have gear, the endgame is very hard to do with groups

might help if you decide to man up and try again

ps. never really had lag issues of my own personally and i played this game for about half a week

Edited by Sargeron
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I must have magically received the best drops ever because I just ran around with my Lato pistol shooting things at the beginning and did fine. The first thing I did when I saw it took a lot of bullets to kill things was go "oh crap I better conserve my shots and only take headshots". But yeah in total Warframe at the start requires some modicum of thinking and not just run around turning everything you see into swiss cheese like you're playing Cowadooty. Ammo conservation seems to be a non-concern in most shooters these days and it's a shame (damn kids, back in my day, etc.).

Protip: aim for the head and don't hold down the trigger so much

Keybinds are a pretty damn valid concern though. The day I can bind slide to Mouse 4 without 3rd party software will be a great day.

Edited by MegatechBody
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I had a similar experience with the lag, but thankfully, I've only seen two games with extreme amounts of lag. Nothing since the patch yesterday, though, so maybe that fixed something?

About the melee charge up attack, I find it a little annoying, just as you, but learning to time it correctly has been a fun experience for me, personally. I mean, since it one-shots (or almost, at least) any normal enemy, it has to be hard to land, no?

Playing solo was pretty hard in the beginning, to be honest, as the game does not seem to scale the enemies back to account for there being one player instead of four. Now that I've bought the Latron rifle, though, I can solo most everything I've seen, as my damage went from 4 to 12 on normal hits and from 12-18 to 34-38 on headshots - without reducing the amount of bullets I have available by more than 50-some. I.e. I can still carry 500 rounds of spare ammo, but since the clip has room for ~50 less bullets... Not even heavy units pose much of a threat anymore, as long as I'm in cover (and for some reason headshots do 78 damage to them, normal hits ~30).

And yeah, I found the inconsistency of the standard pistol to be strange, as well. The stats say it has 100 accuraccy, but it plainly does not. Shots go everywhere, even if you take your time and aim carefully.

So, my final thought is that the game, in it's current state, is not optimal for solo play. Getting a few friends to try it out with you is probably a good idea.

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I do feel that frustration quite a bit now more than i did before in the beginning of the game. Trying to solo anything in Pluto that isnt a extermination mission or a Defense mission is beyond me. It seems like instead of anything like varied enemies they just upped their hp and their damage and called it a day.

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I really don't get it, very few of those concerns are valid, and it only takes about three shots to the head to down anything on the first mission, also, that pistol does a fine job, and conserving ammo isn't really that hard....sounds like you just weren't thinking clearly when it came to ammo conservation and yeah, I've noticed ammo of the type that I need doesn't really drop often but that can be said for any type of gun you use, and I've never really had any ammo issues, must just be your playstyle, which needs some work

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I really don't get it, very few of those concerns are valid, and it only takes about three shots to the head to down anything on the first mission, also, that pistol does a fine job, and conserving ammo isn't really that hard....sounds like you just weren't thinking clearly when it came to ammo conservation and yeah, I've noticed ammo of the type that I need doesn't really drop often but that can be said for any type of gun you use, and I've never really had any ammo issues, must just be your playstyle, which needs some work

I tried to inform my statement with knowledge that I'm not just wasting ammo all "willy nilly". It is my first ever time of playing the game, and even with 1 fully automatic weapon and a pistol that doesn't seem to want to shoot straight my accuracy for most missions was 75% or so. I am aiming for headshots, but perhaps my skill level is not super amazing in that regard. 99% of my ammo problem was due to spending a good long while running around while the boss chased me and I shot him, combined with getting no ammo drops that i could use throughout the level. Hard to get consistent headshots while he's teleporting behind you to use his sword and all that... That is where I ran into this giant wall of an ammo shortage problem. There simply needs to be a way for a player of average skill to get more ammo in this situation, or they will get frustrated and quit like I did.

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I tried to inform my statement with knowledge that I'm not just wasting ammo all "willy nilly". It is my first ever time of playing the game, and even with 1 fully automatic weapon and a pistol that doesn't seem to want to shoot straight my accuracy for most missions was 75% or so. I am aiming for headshots, but perhaps my skill level is not super amazing in that regard. 99% of my ammo problem was due to spending a good long while running around while the boss chased me and I shot him, combined with getting no ammo drops that i could use throughout the level. Hard to get consistent headshots while he's teleporting behind you to use his sword and all that... That is where I ran into this giant wall of an ammo shortage problem. There simply needs to be a way for a player of average skill to get more ammo in this situation, or they will get frustrated and quit like I did.

You ever wonder if maybe you're just not that good at video games? It's cool I'm not good at things too but that doesn't mean I get mad at them and call them bad. I don't call the guitar a crappy instrument just because I don't know how to play it very well instantly. Nah but yeah part of being a game development team is balancing giving bad players the leg up to still have fun and give the good players a challenge.

In my opinion they should just switch everything over to unlimited energy ammo then I would never have to think about using my ammo wisely and I could run around blasting things into smithereens and get bored really fast.

Seriouspost time:

The obvious solution for the game developer to cater to all skill levels is to add multiple level difficulties with scaled rewards. That makes things like "matchmaking" harder though so it probably won't happen.

Edited by MegatechBody
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You ever wonder if maybe you're just not that good at video games? It's cool I'm not good at things too but that doesn't mean I get mad at them and call them bad. I don't call the guitar a crappy instrument just because I don't know how to play it very well instantly. Nah but yeah part of being a game development team is balancing giving bad players the leg up to still have fun and give the good players a challenge.

Let's assume you are a decent guitar player, and have many years of experience playing guitar fairly often. You aren't amazing, you won't be the lead guitarist in a Band that goes national, But your pretty good. Now this new guitar you're trying out is a new kind of guitar, It still basically works like all your other guitars, But the pickups just don't work 100% of the time, and the connection to the amp is kinda S#&$ty, where sometimes it takes a few seconds for the sound to come out.. oh, and after you play it for a bit, it stops working entirely and forces you to use it like a percussion instrument. Are you going to blame your skill at playing that guitar? no, you @(*()$ idiot, that guitar is broken, you best call up the manufacturer and tell them about the issues this guitar has... hopefully they can get those problems addressed and the next version of the guitar they put out you will like better.


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Let's assume some other person picked up the same guitar and played it great. That is literally what is happening. I am that other person playing this the game and the metaphorical guitar without a problem. In fact I find it to be a bit too easy. Maybe you were playing on guitars that were too simple and this one is just too complex for you to master at the current time.

Look I agree it would be great if there were different difficulties so players of different skill levels can have fun. I just think it's silly to blame the core game mechanics when plenty of other people aren't having an issue. If the issue is the game is too hard to play then it's important to properly articulate that issue so the developers can do something about it.

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Well considering you have 3 weapons types, the game does encourage you to utilize all three. So far I've managed to solo 5 maps on Pluto and other maps where I've killed 250 enemies by myself. Judging by your health and shield, I dont think you're that high yet. Running out of ammo that early in the game usually does indicate that you're not managing your weapons and/or aiming well.

Other issues seems like it's your computer. There are a few glitches/bug here and there but it hasnt really detered from my gameplay (except times where there is "no" key to open door).

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If game will stay at same state as now till release (50 platinum free), then i see no problems with "pay to win" thing. 50 platinum is more than enough to - unlock Pro for favorite warframe and unlock pro for favorite weapon. Curently i am trying to play at full free base - no pro Excalibur with no pro weapons. I plan to get Ember as it is and unlock first Pro on her (smart play). So far (fully unlocked excalibur) i had no problems with it. I am killing Saturn boss as easy as i do with my main Loki (Lv.25 Pro), with only difference - excalibur does it slightly longer and get shot one or twice. With all the mods game give, i see no problems with playing without pro till you get what you really want to use.

Besides, 75 platinum cost 6$, which is cheap and if you can't stand it, you can buy it when you really need it.

Shooting thing is smart. There is always tons of enemies and you always low on ammo. Althought even as newbie game not being THAT cruel as people whine about. Yes, you easily run out of ammo if you shoot everything and not thinking with your dumb head. At this point game hit hard with "reality" paddle. Tho i never seen problem with it. I used what i heared in tutorial mission and never had problem with ammo or killing. Yes, couple death at begin, but we all was there.

Game bugging and crashing and disconnecting and laging is ALL normal, it's just CBT. I didn't expect much and from prefomance but game is magnificent, so no problem with it. As russian player i see lot's and lot's of lags daily, but i am closing my eyes to that, because i know that it all will get better as we get out personal region, or when connection will be stabilized. Actually it already got decent better with recent patch.

That one part with "killing boss" and "shooting guys". Is one of my favorite because here it is:

Enemies AI is actually magnificent. They are smart and dumb at same time (!). They REMEMBER where you hide and they will try flank you. Oh thats brilliant, because enemy AI allow to trick them if they haven't notice you moving. Besides enemy will try to get you, so eventually they'll get close for a melee.

Boss is easy, you just was a first timer. It was your fault to run and as i know, he can be killed with ease if you cut him with heavy.

Your whole problem with control is just your lack of common sense. Game have hell load of magnificent moves to prefome, each one makes play faster and easier. Heavy charge made so in purpose, so enemy would have a chance (althought they don't. It's still one shot kill). If you miss or you get hit it's all your problem. Use weapon, study weapon and use your knowledge. Nothing in world work as you like, so you have to learn how it works.

Edited by Cleff
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while i would love to go and respond to each of these hilarious responses. It's fairly clear most of you didn't read my actual post. so just allow me to sum up my answers to you all. This is the FIRST IMPRESSION of a BRAND NEW PLAYER. and as that being what it is, it's horrible. I'm not trying to disparage the end-game, I'm not complaining about some kind of high level loot that I have no idea about. I'm Rank 1, I just started, It's my first time with all the standard gear, I'm not complaining about all kinds of things you guys seem to think i'm complaining about, like Enemy AI and stuff. My issues were lag, running out of ammo, and a minor gripe with the way the sword charge up works. Telling me I'm a bad player is not making the issue go away, Because the truth is I'm not a bad player, I'm also not an amazing player, I'm somewhere slightly above average. I'm OK with that, I'm not trying to be the best, I'm just trying to have fun, and some random circumstances involving the number of enemies I'm trying to shoot, the amount of bullets needed to kill a boss, and the severe lack of useful drops are severely impeding that. I do not lack common sense, I also do not lack to basic ability to play a video game with a mouse and keyboard. I do however lack "a hell load of magnificent moves to prefome" I have just one special attack cause I just started, which is fine, just totally unrelated to my actual issue. I understand you guys are fans of the game, and are going to defend it, But please just defend the game and stop trying to attribute this problem to some crazy idea that I'm $&*&*#(%& and can't function at a normal level.

Allow me to appease some of you people and put some answers to a few issues I ran into earlier. I was talking to my roommate about the game (back when I liked it, like an hour before i made this thread.) So he went and found a key giveaway and downloaded it. So I Reinstalled my client so I could play it coop with him. We ran two missions, Had no lag issues at all (we are in the same house, so that's to be expected :) and went through the first level no problem. We also did some merchant ship mission with infected dudes and that also went fine. I put some freeze damage on my sword, I even started some 12 hour crafting thing for another sword that cost like all my credits, which seems like a really long time, but whatever that's another thing entirely and I already get the reason for all that.

Point is, He went to bed after just the 2 missions, So I decided to try and earlier level solo. I did the one where you gather up 4 data things and then go to the extraction. Besides the obvious issue of only being able to use the pistol for the entire time because your other hand is full... I still didn't have any ammo problems, because the stuff i was opening was giving me ammo all day, and there was no boss that takes like 200 bullets to kill. But I still got frustrated and quit the game again. 'But why?' you may be asking, 'your ammo was fine, what happened this time'? Well because of what I call "bullS#&$". I spent a good 20 minutes running around killing dudes and getting all 4 of the data things. I wasn't having any real trouble with any of the enemies, My aim is fine, I'm improving with the timing on the sword thing, and I got that improved sword dash So i can take out like whole rows of dudes at once, which is fun. So I'm heading to the extraction point, at a nice leisurely pace, staying in cover when i'm getting shot out, taking guys out methodically, when I run up on an unsuspecting dude looking the wrong way and slice him in half. Only to realize that this guy decided his last moment in life wasn't worth living, and he attempted to throw a grenade at where i was at before, only to have it stick to the large crate he had been hiding behind, but now I was here too, and as the sword sliced through his spine, There was an explosion just inches from my face, and I was killed instantly from full health and shields. And since I still don't have any revives because that system is lame, MISSION FAILED.

Moral of the story, Play with your friends, cause at least that works, Soloing is just way too frustrating for the beginning player.

Also, dude with the instrument metaphor. You suck, you broke the metaphor by magically fixing a broken guitar, and that does not make your argument valid. Good day.

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Also, dude with the instrument metaphor. You suck, you broke the metaphor by magically fixing a broken guitar, and that does not make your argument valid. Good day.

The only broken thing in the equation is between the keyboard and chair.

Edited by MegatechBody
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I've had no problems at all with this game so far, only teaming up against The Jackal, General Vor and pretty much every other map was soloe'd, including the first boss. From OP's post, I guess that he don't know that headshots do more damage, so that's a first tip. And the last one, because lack of shooter skills is nothing I can help with.

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You got in taste with a game and now rage about "lucky chance". Oh, if that would happen to me, i would be laughing my &#! off. It was nothing but exactly that precious moments to love gaming. I always appreciate games who can do that. It's just simply as it is to die from dropped grenade. Magnificent death for you and grineer. It's like one of those moments in movies when you go all like "OOOOWWW! Did you seen this?!". All i can tell you is just you are unfair to game. You run out of pace way too fast and not giving it a shot. Gaming skills got nothing with it. I never was good at games and always give up on half way through them, but i never had hard time on new games. Yes, when i first time played solo i was killed instantly. Then i keep losing at the very end, right before exit. Did it stoped me? Fat chance. Just put on my &#! kicking boots and came back as a winner. Game experience can't be complete without losing.

Solo is not frustrating for beginer, it's challenging. Taking down as much as possible enemies unmarked. Rushing for your life when you are almost dead. Camping for whole 10 mins to take down all enemy in big hall before entering. It's all small pieces to build up your gaming experience.

Edited by Cleff
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Read my other topic : Warframe = Terrible

Since the smart people say they wont reset a beta then we shouldn't judge it as a beta ...

The REASON IT"S CALLED BETA IS TESTING!!! why keep my character stats and we have to fight our way through countless of bugs and glitches and save it on our account info and character progression

NO ... we beta testers are treated like S#&$! they should be thankful that we come here to test their crap and they say that NO RESET! WTF??!

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Time to leave, bro.

Cleff why don't you leave , BRO .. 10 posts probably don't even know what i am talking about .. Have you played the game? are you happy that there is no reset and you have to progress through the countless bugs and glitches and unfair exp people gain? NO

NO RESET means this is not judged as BETA

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You are one who unhappy with something, which only makes sense for you to leave. Less problems with things you are not deal with. Trying to be less rude as you should stop to be less stupid.

Beta counts as it's a current state of the game. It's possible to not reset, as some games actually do. Some games keep progress since dev version, so that's your dumbiest point. If USUALLY CBT means reset, it doesn't mean it should be.

Beta will show main problems with warframe at current state and will cause major improving of the game code, connection and overall prefomance. Ive seen much worse projects and i can surely say - Warframe team doing a great job.

Amount of post just shows that i am not wasting my time on worthless jabbering overplace.

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Read my other topic : Warframe = Terrible

Since the smart people say they wont reset a beta then we shouldn't judge it as a beta ...

The REASON IT"S CALLED BETA IS TESTING!!! why keep my character stats and we have to fight our way through countless of bugs and glitches and save it on our account info and character progression

NO ... we beta testers are treated like S#&$! they should be thankful that we come here to test their crap and they say that NO RESET! WTF??!

Cleff why don't you leave , BRO .. 10 posts probably don't even know what i am talking about .. Have you played the game? are you happy that there is no reset and you have to progress through the countless bugs and glitches and unfair exp people gain? NO

NO RESET means this is not judged as BETA

Cleff I read a post that DESteve said no reset planned are you happy now?

They said NO RESET planed do you understand now ? OR must I make it more simple for you to understand that they are doing wrong things?

whow whow who ok im a little confused but please just clam down im not entriely sure where youre comin from are you getting mad because there is no reset planned and your annoyed cause you want to start fresh and you dont want to progress threw the game with the ammount of bugs (tbh there not really a tons of bugs the game is playable but not that unplayable)

either way i can sum up that therewill be a RESET or a couple in the future , for now Steve only said there is no reset planned , me my self i was a little bumbed that there was no reset cause ive made bad purchase buying ash , what i think is that the bug game update is not ready atm hence why there is no ETA on the patch dropping so thats why they have no come to a point where if it would be wise to do a reset or not

either way just calm down a bit , alot of people on the forums including me are getting very annoyed and angry over some points and how some cant agree with others

there will be bug fixes just that they have alot on their plate atm i think they have let in a little to many to the beta , for me i would suggest they stop with the invites , focus more on solving the most importent bugs and fix the deadly bugs that pose great annoyance...

but for now i think some or most of us can take a little brake , lets just clear out heads for a sec

Edited by DiBBz
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Sounds like you got the general beta problems and a fun adventure during the mission.

I had something like that where i ran out of bullets and i had to pick my targets and maneuver around so i could hack and run to regain shields. It was annoying as hell while it was happening but the closer i got to the end the more exiciting it became.

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Sounds like you got the general beta problems and a fun adventure during the mission.

I had something like that where i ran out of bullets and i had to pick my targets and maneuver around so i could hack and run to regain shields. It was annoying as hell while it was happening but the closer i got to the end the more exiciting it became.

Some of the most fun I have on the harder pluto missions is being smart about ammo consumption and often having to decide to thin out enemy ranks to sneak or rush by instead of just mindlessly killing them all. In effect that's what makes warframe stand apart from other shooters, having to decide if you want to just kill everything and probably run out of ammo or wait to use that ammo for when poopoo is really hitting the fan. Dodging attacks and using the movement system to get a better shot to make sure I make my shots count is also enjoyable.

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