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At One Point Or Another, De Is Forcing Me To Buy Outrageously Expensive Platinum. - My Only Feeling As A Freshly New Player.


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There is no problem.


I played a number free to play games and never spent any money on them.


I started playing warframe with no expectation to spend money on it.


I looked around all of the UIs and saw instantly that I have limited frame slots and limited weapon slots, it was the first thing I saw more or less. (Now I'm not sure if that is still possible with the way the Liset works and progression of gui access).


When I started this game I thought "I want a sniper rifle", went to the shop. Sure I was confused for the first 15 seconds because everything looked like it costs plat but then I saw the blueprints tab.


In the first 5 minutes I knew everything there is to know about how to progress in warframe and what limits are imposed on me. This was perfectly acceptable to me because it's a free game. I'm not dirt poor, I have a job and generally can spend money on games, but am a bit stingy because I've been a gamer for a long time and prefer to spend my money on quality.


Having played warframe for quite some time (many months) I realized that I really enjoy this game and opted out to spend $10 dollars when I got a 50% coupon. Sure that's not availble to you but neither is it necessary. I trained up weapons and kept those I really liked, sold the rest. To this day (am mastery rank 14) I have less than 8 weapons in my inventory that I still use.



Boar Prime

Brakk - okay not everyone can get that, but before that I kept akfuris -> akmagnus etc.. I'd just keep on moving to the weapon I liked most.

Melee - Bo -> darka prime -> whatever I'm using now.


Bottom line is we both came to this game with the same goal but different expectation. I am fine with the limited slots because it's free. I can experience EVERYTHING, sure I can't keep it all but who cares. I kept what I thought was best and enjoyed the most. Later I decided to shell out the cash and have available every warframe that I managed to build thus far, only missing 2 with the expection of some primes.


So no there is no problem in my opinion. And if there is, its your desire to hoard 100 weapons which will cost money.


EVERYTHING IS AVAILABLE TO YOU, you just have to pick what you want to keep and what you must throw away. If you truly want to keep 100 guns and all the warframes it has been already explained how you can do so for free.

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So they have a gun to your head saying click it?


They aren't forcing you to buy anything.


Trade mods and prime parts for plat, there is always someone that needs something.


No one is forcing you to do anything, take that mentality elsewhere because it has too many negative waves man.



Edited by Scryed
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<= 16 years old brought up in an average wage family in a third-world country. I still manage to get around 10 warframe slots, 20 weap slots, some nice color packs, a bunch of potatoes ... etc . Every saying that WF is P2W is simply invalid to me :D



But hey , this thread was created in June

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I'm just going to say, no one is forcing you to do anything. You CAN get everything in the game and you CAN get platinum without paying.

F2P requires the use of a premium currency for income, but unlike some F2P games, you are not stopped by a pay wall.

Ask to get into missions in the void, sell some prime stuff, get platinum and be happy.

I think nyx prime set sells for like 200+ platinum if not even 300+ at the moment.


Also, it is about 0.067 dollars per platinum piece at the base rate when you buy 75 platinum. I know games that have it at like 1$ for 20 in premium currency where you need like 200 to get something kinda good or more for the really good stuff.

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Pretty much any time somebody says you are being "forced" to buy platinum I think its hilarious. Especially when there exists a trade channel in which you can buy and sell and trade items for platinum. I have made hundreds and hundreds of platinum simply by going out and farming stuff and selling it. Saying that you're "forced" to buy platinum is just silly. 


It may not be the most efficient way to get platinum...seeing as you can just go fork out money to get it instantly vs. spending hours farming and doing mind numbing trading for your platinum but at least the game doesn't force you into doing this.

Edited by grillv20
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I'm at a loss as to why you even think you are a customer, when you don't give the developers any money.

Your being a 17 year old who takes no initiative to acquire his own money, debit card or plat from in game market trading, for the things his parents won't get him, is honestly a personal problem.

Your complete lack of any money is the only reason you even think that plat for things as cheap as inventory slots are actually outrageously expensive. No amount of discount would even satiate someone like you who has no desire to pay one cent.

Even when I was 14, I had a debit card, and Mommy and Daddy didn't get it for me. I simply went and set up a checking account and put whatever money I could acquire at a particular time from things like summer or winter gigs, into the that account, well before I even had a steady part time job, of which I had by age 16 while I was still in school so don't give me any of this noise about "Us 17 year olds still go to school".

Hell, even when I was HOMELESS I was able to acqure at least some money and could even get a prepaid debit card, so I have little sympathy for you. How do you think this game even supports itself, you think it is from magic and specially made for you? It supports itself on people who want convenience just like you, you have to pay for that, otherwise, stick with the default, because you being an unpaying customer, have no right to demand anything unless you are going to pay at some point.

You're also 17, you should be pecked out of this mentality of a selfish and inconsiderate child who thinks everything revolves around their pleasure by now, not have it encouraged. You'll never be ready for a world outside of your parent's wallet with that mentality.

Concentrate on getting some income instead of playing this game and complaining about not having any, then come back.

Edited by UrielColtan
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50% plat discount and $25 will get you plenty of everything for a very long while. and if you cant get past t2, go to venus or mercury and farm mods and such to fuse with your weapons and upgrade your mods in order to go farther and sell items you get from harder missions.


@UrielColtan: I'm 17, I have a job, I've never had my parents spend money on any of my games. I dont find the plat over priced at all seeing as you can get discounts very easily or from trading. he needs to make some money if he wants to make this easier on himself, I got by with my starter gear for over a month, then I actually went through, made some plat, and got even better.

Edited by VYR3
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I really don't see a problem... All of the points you have brought up as semi-valid but not really valid are in fact valid. You are not expected to have full access to all of the game's features straight off. Work for it! I never bought plats. I have started the game again after quitting a year since, with completely nothing. I reckon that plats are an exclusive type of credit so I THINK before I spend it, and if need be I don't until I am unwavering on what to do with it, consequence-wise, advantage-wise. 


There is absolutely no need to be independant to gain access to top-tier void missions. What I did was ask politely to join a squad who sets out on a void mission informing them that I lack resources and am out of any use to them. I ASK FOR HELP. The player community in our game is fantabulous! I hardly encounter impolite people and or people who say "no" to most requests (such as tagging along on missions or even a free RARE mod). Take your time with progress. Acquire prime parts (nyx prime could get you a lot of plats right now) and sell them one by one. I am one month into the game from when I made my comeback. Only ONE month, and I already have all male frames, two primes, 20 weapon slots, a whole bunch of cosmetics, and TONS of equipment waiting at the manufacturing station to be redeemed (as I don't have enough slots).


The most irritating opinion I encounter is "this game is pay to play"... really? Warframe is the only game I know that puts members and free players on an absolutely equal footing in terms of features, and it is not even THAT hard to achieve. You can get everything as a free player, save for Excalibur Prime and prime time cosmetics, which is agh... Hell, the devs hand out free plats each dev stream!


As I said, take your time. Scaling the mountain too quick lacks the shine of success.  

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So a >1% drop chance isn't bad? oh but you're not forced to use it. Now try applying that logic to the likes of the Boltor Prime, or any of the numerous mods with a tiny drop chance, which to progress are almost required. 


Are you being dense deliberately? Do you know why RNG drops like this are skewed? Why does a boar or bronco bps drop with a 15% chance and the Rhino Prime >1%


If you're not going to grind for these items, then what's the point of playing? End game? There is none. DE themselves have gravitated towards a loot based game, so when your RNG is deliberately punishing to prevent you acquiring the items which is the core of the game's design, what do you call that? 


Are you that deluded you haven't noticed that the mechanics work on the same fundamental principle? To make it as onerous as possible to acquire items, so it pushes you to pay or buy the currency to circumvent the system which they put in place in the first place. I really can't believe you're being that obtuse.


It doesn't matter whether you call it pay to win, free to wait , whatever. There are ways of using this system without arm twisting your player base into purchases. Warframe is pushing it with the crappy RNG system.


For one, none of the Prime gear is even a necessity to progress, and secondly, you can't even buy all prime gear such as Boltor Prime, Rhino prime, Boar Prime or Bronco Prime in the market, the only way to buy them would be from trade now, so your argument is pretty shot. Same goes for specific mods.

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I don't know, I've been playing for 4-5 months, have 8 warframe slots all potatoed, several weapon slots, armor, syandana, colors...you name it, and I haven't spent a single dime in this game; truly the only advantage I had at earlier levels was the dex furis and nothing else.

I won't say "well farm for things in the void and get plat" just because I had some lucky strikes there, but the game does recquire you to spend plat (earned in any way possible) to progress. 

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