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So Do I Get My Weekend/48Ish Hours Back? >405 Runs


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Nope DE knows from the Beginning how the point system work, means they know from start that enemys reach lvl 9999 at a best score of ~400.

How cant they dont know it they make the System... its just a lil bit math for them.


Even if DE knew that enemies would reach level 9999 at approx. 400 points does not give the players a good excuse to exploit a known bug, even if it's been known for a long time. If they're receiving only reduced points they should be glad. DE could ban their account if they felt it was necessary.

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What they could do is ditch leaderboard scoring altogether at this point, since they're unbelieveably broken at this point, or perhaps seek out a better medium of scoring, or consider a second phase.

The event is still a wash as is.


Ditch the leaderboards entirely? That's not much of a solution. And a better medium of scoring or a second phase? Dude, don't just throw out impractical ideas here.

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 Dude, don't just throw out impractical ideas here.

The implication that impractical ideas aren't better than the solution currently implemented is absurd, and funny.


Also, a better medium of scoring and ditching leaderboards for the event aren't exactly impractical.

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The implication that impractical ideas aren't better than the solution currently implemented is absurd, and funny.




I don't agree. The "current system" worked okay for the past two events. This is basically a return to the system used for Tethra and Cicero. It had flaws, certainly, but it's better to have that than nothing.




Also, a better medium of scoring and ditching leaderboards for the event aren't exactly impractical.


They are when you just vaguely say "better medium for scoring" without any elucidation on it. What would be a better medium for scoring, exactly?

Ditching the leaderboards is highly impractical though, because only two things separate a normal event from a mini-event ala Oxium Espionage. Rewards and clan trophies. To dole out the latter you need some way of comparing clans, ie leaderboards.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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what they should of done is to make it so you have a timer and a kill C*** you need to reach, sure the perma stealth builds and invuln builds will still have a huge leg up (kind of avoiding the whole point of having to fight to clear the infestation in the first place - which in itself is kind of cheap and i dont really think its in the spirit of competition) as lets face it, NO ONE is surviving a hit or killing mobs at that level without cheesing it.






personalyl id rather see the kill counts and time as well as the scores, atleast would show who actually worked for their score (stealthing or invuln a whole mission isnt work or difficult so doesn't really deserve any praise let alone a prize)

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I find it boggling that people are still complaining that you lost points that you gained by doing nothing.


All the people who got to 405+ by riding along with five-digit-score clanmates through empty missions still get to keep their points, so it's not like you actually lost any time. And clans with the most members were still going to come out on top, because the guys who ground points for doing nothing ran their clanmembers through to get their scores up higher.


There's nothing wrong with that. Helping out clanmates is part of the event, it's not an exploit. Getting up to 9999 and the 405 score isn't an exploit, no matter how many people think it unfair to run an invisible Loki past one-shot-kill enemies.


But the people who are complaining that they lost the points they gained by doing nothing are utterly wrong. Having those points that could only be gained that way removed is a reasonable response. In theory, DE could have zeroed all points gained by anyone in a clan who had one member with a score above 405, because there's a reasonable chance many of those clan-members gained those points by running through empty missions without even the modicum of challenge. I personally think that would be unfair to all the people that didn't gain their points by exploiting.

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I don't agree. The "current system" worked okay for the past two events. This is basically a return to the system used for Tethra and Cicero. It had flaws, certainly, but it's better to have that than nothing.

Better than nothing? I'd rather have an average, which is a freaking joke in events like these because it really isn't fair, than have it favor zerg mindsets.

Perhaps a weighted average should be considered.




Ditching the leaderboards is highly impractical though, because only two things separate a normal event from a mini-event ala Oxium Espionage. Rewards and clan trophies. To dole out the latter you need some way of comparing clans, ie leaderboards.

That doesn't make it impractical. Impractical implies unwieldy or challenging to implement, which it is not.

Unappealing to the current top scoring clans is more of a term to be used.

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Lmfao. How can you get any more obvious? I mean really, guys. At least figure out some interesting names for your cheat accounts.


I tell ya, no matter what DE does, someone is going to try and find an exploit, broadcast it for everyone in their clan to use, and when DE finds said exploit, squashes it, and fixes the points, the same people are going to rage and cry and rant about it. It's a never ending cycle.


At least I have my popcorn. I think there's a little too much salt from dem tears now.



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Jesus, people. Has no one posted the images of how, of the Moon Clans, only WBP had 52k points cut, and Second Moon had not a single point cut, standing at 52k? Because it's a clear sign that DE hasn't done exactly the best "for the community".


And even ignoring that fact, we can see that their solution blatantly benefits zerg/giant clans instead of the hardworkers. Makes no sense in any kind of event or competition that tries to be seen seriously (but then again, we all know how DE does in that regard).

Or they have a higher average best score in their clan.  They'd only need ~200 players to hit 405 to get that many points.  The current leaderboards are more a test of how well a clan can organize its members to take part in the event rather than how hard their core players can no life it.

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"You should count yourself lucky DE lets you even play this game :^)"

Oh don't give me that type of a response, especially like this, DE didn't want this to begin with. It's up to the community whether or not we like it or not, and seeing as most of the community agrees with DE this is fine. 



I hate white knights as much as anyone, perhaps even more. But I know there are times it is required to be one. 

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Or they have a higher average best score in their clan.  They'd only need ~200 players to get that many points.  The current leaderboards are more a test of how well a clan can organize its members to take part in the event rather than how hard their core players can no life it.

200 members is quite a bit of WBP.

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Better than nothing? I'd rather have an average, which is a freaking joke in events like these because it really isn't fair, than have it favor zerg mindsets.

But that doesnt make any sense! Obviously a man herding 100 infants barely able to scoot along the ground on their butts for a mile is far more impressive than a single olympic athlete sprinting 100 miles

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Obviously a man herding 100 infants barely able to scoot along the ground on their butts for a mile is far more impressive than a single olympic athlete sprinting 100 miles

Actually, that really would be quite impressive.

Also, I think you missed an important "weighted average"

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200 members is quite a bit of WBP.

Not in a 1000 member tier clan :|



But that doesnt make any sense! Obviously a man herding 100 infants barely able to scoot along the ground on their butts for a mile is far more impressive than a single olympic athlete sprinting 100 miles

If it's that simple why isn't warbros winning already then?  I'd liken more to something like a proper organized team versus a team that relies too much on a handful of players.

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That's their fault for not cleaning up and keeping their clan alive.

That doesn't change the fact that zerg mindset is bad leaderboard scoring at this point.

And that is what this grinds all the way down to, particularly when 1-3 people can carry tons of others to top score cap, if not close to it.

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That doesn't change the fact that zerg mindset is bad leaderboard scoring at this point.

And that is what this grinds all the way down to, particularly when 1-3 people can carry tons of others to top score cap, if not close to it.

Not any worse than turning it into a no life competition.  If anything I find it more disturbing than anything that DE would want to encourage people to do something so unhealthy as grinding for 48 hours straight like some players have done.  That's the kind of thing that they should actively be trying to discourage.  Having a clan leaderboard be an actual clan competition makes a lot more sense imo.

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Not any worse than turning it into a no life competition.  If anything I find it more disturbing than anything that DE would want to encourage people to do something so unhealthy as grinding for 48 hours straight like some players have done.  That's the kind of thing that they should actively be trying to discourage.

No worse and no better than any other game in those respects, I guess.

The only difference is since there is no real PvP, the events are left as endless grindfests for top scores, and often these weigh in favor of zerg, leaving the little guys to pump them keyboards of iron to even stand a chance.

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Jesus, people. Has no one posted the images of how, of the Moon Clans, only WBP had 52k points cut, and Second Moon had not a single point cut, standing at 52k? Because it's a clear sign that DE hasn't done exactly the best "for the community".


And even ignoring that fact, we can see that their solution blatantly benefits zerg/giant clans instead of the hardworkers. Makes no sense in any kind of event or competition that tries to be seen seriously (but then again, we all know how DE does in that regard).

images have been posted, they... don't last long if you catch my drift


That's their fault for not cleaning up and keeping their clan alive.

actually and from what i've seen, while most clans add anyone they can get their hands on to bolster their numbers, warbros only accepts those dedicated enough and with enough reading comprehension so their numbers even if everyone they had played at the same time, are fairly low, but that's because everyone in there can carry their own weight.


so every single event, it becomes a fight between clans with massive numbers and low dedication VS warbros very few yet very dedicated players.

and then something always happens that punishes the extreme (and unhealthy) dedication

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No worse and no better than any other game in those respects, I guess.

The only difference is since there is no real PvP, the events are left as endless grindfests for top scores, and often these weigh in favor of zerg, leaving the little guys to pump them keyboards of iron to even stand a chance.

They have clan tiers for a reason.  If you don't want to get zerged you should have sticked to a clan tier you can actually maintain and compete in.



images have been posted, they... don't last long if you catch my drift


actually and from what i've seen, while most clans add anyone they can get their hands on to bolster their numbers, warbros only accepts those dedicated enough and with enough reading comprehension so their numbers even if everyone they had played at the same time, are fairly low, but that's because everyone in there can carry their own weight.


so every single event, it becomes a fight between clans with massive numbers and low dedication VS warbros very few yet very dedicated players.

and then something always happens that punishes the extreme (and unhealthy) dedication

Their numbers are low because they've lost players every time they get pissy over the game not going the way they want it or some member managing to get themself banned etc. etc.  If they were anything more than an epeen stroking 4chan clan they'd have a much more stable, mature and dedicated membership.  I mean seriously, how many times have they announced their withdrawal from the game?

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I recognize that DE made a mistake in that topping the event leaderboards required using exploits because their own system eventually craps out and stops spawning enemies, but after knowingly abusing that very same bug, you have to be aware that there were potential consequences. In fact, it was ridiculous to think you would just get away with it, especially considering how many hotfixes they've put out to fix those exploits. I'm not going to say DE didn't mess up at all, but whining about the issue just makes you seem... really really sad. Seriously, you spent 48-ish hours grinding a video game to top a scoreboard, and for at least a good portion of that time, you weren't running into any enemies.


At any point did you stop to consider that you were spending hours and hours running in circles with no actual fighting to get your name on an event leaderboard? If there was a challenge in actually engaging the enemy, that'd be one thing, but... I don't really see how you could have thought this is what DE wanted for the event at all.

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