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So Do I Get My Weekend/48Ish Hours Back? >405 Runs


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I hit 405 Friday, which means that my non-stop play for an entire weekend (48 hours?) has all been for nothing. Can you give me my time back DE? I would have much rather been doing something else. This is definitely not the correct fix to this problem.


Like, if I have to waste my weekend on this for nothing. Why can't you waste your weekend working to fix this? Or at least let us know about this before 5min before it happens? (You know so I can stop running..)


ha, haha, hahahahhaahahahahahaha


You actually played this game for 48 hours straight? Holy crap man, I played this game in 30 minute spurt with like, 5 hours in between, I got the stuff quickly and easily and will probably get even more in the coming days. Chill out and do something else once in a while, geez.

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well if no enemies were spawning in missions when players got high enough level , thats when someone should have brought it to the attention of DE again.


By continuing to play the game when no enemies are spawning then your still really exploiting a bug to inflate your scores. Most people could probly guess its wrong even though they kept doing it.


If im wrong about what this topic is about i appologise.



But on topic im not sure DE came up wiith the best solution either but i can live with it

Edited by -CM-SASMcBride
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Guest Shibboleet

I'll be posting a 4 minute solo run with Excalibur soon. It really didn't make much of a difference if there were no spawns.

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Just because everyone's doing it doesn't make it right lol :|


It's common sense not to take advantage of an exploit during an event on the off chance that it'll get reset.  Most companies have terms in the TOS specifically stating that you agree not to abuse exploits even.


Yeah I agree...just because you find an exploit doesnt mean you should take advantage of it.  No one who was playing and realized no enemies were spawning thought it may be a better idea to contact DE and wait for them to fix the issue, rather than just keep grinding the event?


And I guess only one clan got their score slashed because they were the only one taking advantage of this exploit.

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Guest Shibboleet

Yeah I agree...just because you find an exploit doesnt mean you should take advantage of it.  No one who was playing and realized no enemies were spawning thought it may be a better idea to contact DE and wait for them to fix the issue, rather than just keep grinding the event?


And I guess only one clan got their score slashed because they were the only one taking advantage of this exploit.

You think it was only one clan that got their score slashed?

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It was reported, and has been getting reported for 6 months

Doesn't matter

There were an incertitude zone in the scoring system and people decided to take the risk, they "fixed" it, no more no less.

DE being aware or not doesn't justify people's attitude it just mean they failed their event.

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Guest Shibboleet

Doesn't matter

There were an incertitude zone in the scoring system and people decided to take the risk, they "fixed" it, no more no less.

DE being aware or not doesn't justify people's attitude it just mean they failed their event.

To be fair with that logic, DE also failed the event on their end.

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I posted this before but just to make it absolutely clear to DE!

Look DE. I've got some demands I'll list them below:


I want:

- A free holiday to america for the trauma.

- 10,000 platinum for free.

- A Pony

- A coupon for 50% off Subway

- A New jacket because I spilt coke on it when I was doing the event.

- A New Coke which I spilt on my jacket when doing the event.

- A New account with a Braton Vandal, Lato Vandal and Founders Packs included.

- A new Warframe that I design.

- 50,000,000 Credits (I wasted 100k on items!)

- A Packet of Cool Original Doritos which I finished eating when I was grinding.

- A new car because I scratched it when I found out I lost my ranking on the scoreboard.

- A spot in the design council.

- I want some glue. Which I used during the event

- A new pair of trainers.

- £500,000 of compensation for the time spent on the event.

- A Planet and tileset which I get to name and design!

- A job in Digital Extremes.

- A Wacom Tablet

- 1,000,000 You Tube Subscribers  which I never got because I was playing the event!

- A private jet. Which I could have gotten if I wasn't playing the event!

- An Excalibur statue from your office also one of those chairs. (I spilt some coke on the chair too.)

- A pine apple pizza which I ate during the event.

- A new table

- Oil Paint set

- A trip to gamescom with the DE crew (all expenses paid)

- Money so I can update my passport to go to gamescom...

- A PS4 with pre-leveled Warframe Account

- An Xbox One with pre-leveled Warframe Account

- A billboard ad, advertising my You Tube Channel.

- Power Rangers Box set. (All series)

- A Costume of Trinity so I can wear it to a convention.

- A Thank you from all the developers from Digital Extremes.

-  A Zombie Vaccine just in case there is an apocalypse.

- A New Computer

- A desk fan or cooler.

- A vending machine.

- 100k worth of station cash or premium membership for 5 years

- A new house

- My Internet bill paid for the whole year.

- £100 worth of Steam Wallet.

- A paid train ride to and from london so I can go to CoxCon.

- A new keyboard (It got sticky, may or may not have been from the cola.)

- A couch bed because I can't sleep whilst playing video games.


Thank you DE.

I'll look forward to you leaving these items outside my house today.




(look this is a joke, but some people are making bizarre demands.)

Edited by Sutherland
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Guest Shibboleet

When I said they failed the event I meant DE if it's what you're talking about

Ahh, I read it wrong =)

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Well to be clear this is more a bad bug than an exploit. All you have to do to get the bug is beat the stage a lot. With that being said, DE should let the scores stand as they are and make sure the game doesn't allow this to occur again. If they really think it's unfair for leaderboard and clan ranking puproses then all scores to leaderboard/clan rankings from the event should be rescinded with a letter explaining what happened (I don't recommend this or the route DE went, for a reason I'll detail later). The players aren't obligated to not exploit the game. It's up to the game makers to stop the exploiting from happening if it's not a desired result (especially if it's a bug that's been reported). Particularly if that bug is guaranteed going to be hit by all if they play the game enough.


So why is changing the points or nullifying all points a bad idea? Well you have people who grinded the game to help get a clan rank or leaderboard score up through the event. They will be more reluctant to grind for those reasons now that the awards can be rescinded particularly if the bug or exploit is going to occur through no fault of their own by just playing the stage.

Edited by Trajhenkhetlive
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Not for the case of the event itself.  They clearly didn't intend for the event to work that way.  Thus playing the event after you hit the bug can be considered an exploit.




They're the developers.  They get to do that.  Whether something is considered an exploit is entirely their decision.  Hell, according to the TOS they could terminate your account for any or no reason at all if they wanted to.


Next time use some common sense.  There was no way they were going to let people keep massive amounts of easy point from abusing a design flaw.




By completing more missions, you will encounter more difficult hives and more difficult enemies! These difficulty increases will allow you to yield higher points in a single run, with endless potential if you want to compete in clan leaderboards!


Source: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/249133-update-1380-breeding-grounds/

Thats exactly how they intended the event to work. They encouraged players who wanted to be on the leaderboards to play endlessly, then didnt build the event in a way which that was possible. Then they wiped the points away from the players who did play endlessly for that leaderboard moment.

All debate aside about whether someones name in lights is worth the effort, the event told people they could go out and play with no upper limit, to compete. This isnt a case of a fringe exploit. Every single run above 405 points resulted in the 'exploit' 100% of the time. They told people to reach this point, they encouraged them to. And then they slapped them down when people did, and exposed a lack of forethought on DE's behalf.

TLDR; The event was intended to be played with no cap. People played it with no cap, and DE's lack of planning bit them on the @$$.

Edited by Elijin
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Source: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/249133-update-1380-breeding-grounds/

Thats exactly how they intended the event to work. They encouraged players who wanted to be on the leaderboards to play endlessly, then didnt build the event in a way which that was possible. Then they wiped the points away from the players who did play endlessly for that leaderboard moment.

All debate aside about whether someones name in lights is worth the effort, the event told people they could go out and play with no upper limit, to compete. This isnt a case of a fringe exploit. Every single run above 405 points resulted in the 'exploit' 100% of the time. They told people to reach this point, they encouraged them to. And then they slapped them down when people did, and exposed a lack of forethought on DE's behalf.

TLDR; The event was intended to be played with no cap. People played it with no cap, and DE's lack of planning bit them on the @$$.


To be fair, it took us 3 whole days to reach the 405+ points runs legit. Although DE may have understimated us, it wasn't a lack of planning (not).

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If there was an exploit.....then DE should just let it go for this time. Because some exploited to get high score, some didn't. If the records are erased, those that didn't exploit become victim. The good become victim in order to punish the bad. How is that justice?

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To be fair, it took us 3 whole days to reach the 405+ points runs legit. Although DE may have understimated us, it wasn't a lack of planning (not).

There are unlegit ways to get there?

Last I checked that was the entire point. That it wasn't as if they cheated to get there. Just that DE didn't have the event ready despite knowing that the spawn cap existed.

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Source: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/249133-update-1380-breeding-grounds/

Thats exactly how they intended the event to work. They encouraged players who wanted to be on the leaderboards to play endlessly, then didnt build the event in a way which that was possible. Then they wiped the points away from the players who did play endlessly for that leaderboard moment.

All debate aside about whether someones name in lights is worth the effort, the event told people they could go out and play with no upper limit, to compete. This isnt a case of a fringe exploit. Every single run above 405 points resulted in the 'exploit' 100% of the time. They told people to reach this point, they encouraged them to. And then they slapped them down when people did, and exposed a lack of forethought on DE's behalf.

TLDR; The event was intended to be played with no cap. People played it with no cap, and DE's lack of planning bit them on the @$$.


You know, if you're going to flaunt that sentence around you probably should read the whole thing and not just want you want to see.


 By completing more missions, you will encounter more difficult hives and more difficult enemies! These difficulty increases will allow you to yield higher points in a single run, with endless potential if you want to compete in clan leaderboards!



Note the underlined part.  It's kind of important to how the event was supposed to work and it clearly wasn't working once you got to a certain point.

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You know, if you're going to flaunt that sentence around you probably should read the whole thing and not just want you want to see.


 By completing more missions, you will encounter more difficult hives and more difficult enemies! These difficulty increases will allow you to yield higher points in a single run, with endless potential if you want to compete in clan leaderboards!



Note the underlined part.  It's kind of important to how the event was supposed to work and it clearly wasn't working once you got to a certain point.

Which means its a bug, not an exploit.

Which means its DE's fault, not the people who wanted to push further. Especially since it was encouraged.

Its their fault for even having a capless score system to begin with.

But luckily they moved the goal posts.


Not a huge fan of Warbros, but seeing a clan get demonized simply because of an oversight by the developer is a real letdown.

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The point is that nobody exploited anything. They were told to run the mission endlessly to compete in the leaderboards, and they did.

There was no secret method, or underhanded tricks being used. You hit a point where you went 'Whaa?? Where are the enemies?' This was not something special you did, this was the event playing out exactly the same for everyone. At that point you got to make a decision between 'Do I stop playing the event and give up?' or 'Do I keep playing the event to continue competing for that trophy?'

That was literally the only options before they changed the points system. Give up, or keep playing. There was no magic exploit, you couldnt go 'Oh this cheap way I have been winning is clearly a bug, I should stop' It was a case of play the event, or dont play the event. Not an exploit.

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Which means its a bug, not an exploit.

Which means its DE's fault, not the people who wanted to push further. Especially since it was encouraged.

Its their fault for even having a capless score system to begin with.

But luckily they moved the goal posts.


Not a huge fan of Warbros, but seeing a clan get demonized simply because of an oversight by the developer is a real letdown.

Abusing a bug in order to gain an advantage over other players is an exploit. 




The point is that nobody exploited anything. They were told to run the mission endlessly to compete in the leaderboards, and they did.

There was no secret method, or underhanded tricks being used. You hit a point where you went 'Whaa?? Where are the enemies?' This was not something special you did, this was the event playing out exactly the same for everyone. At that point you got to make a decision between 'Do I stop playing the event and give up?' or 'Do I keep playing the event to continue competing for that trophy?'

That was literally the only options before they changed the points system. Give up, or keep playing. There was no magic exploit, you couldnt go 'Oh this cheap way I have been winning is clearly a bug, I should stop' It was a case of play the event, or dont play the event. Not an exploit.

I guess thinking for yourselves is too hard?  The minute the event wasn't working as intended, that's the time where you're supposed to use some critical thinking skills and ask yourself if it makes sense to keep on playing.  DE has rolled back points for the same reason in other events so common sense would dictate that they would do the same in this one as well.

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With thinking for yourself equating to abandoning the event?

Because again, people werent doing some nasty trick. The 'Stop exploiting' you're advocating here is literally 'Stop participating in the event'


I enjoy that a huge part of Aggh's argument is simply to be a condescending $&*^. Implying that we're all simply cheaters and low lifes, chasing points so hard we cant even think for ourselves.

Newsflash Aggh: My highest points is 49. I personally stopped the split second there was no more tangible reward. It doesnt change that I have the ability to read, and in that reading they said 'Hey Tenno, go out there and compete for number 1 spot, there is no limit!'

And then realised well after the fact they designed the event poorly, and now competitive clans have been out there battling it out for the most points in levels devoid of enemies because of poor design. But the lack of enemies was irrelevant, because as they'd been told they could, they were no longer competing against the event, but against the rival clans vying for that leaderboard spot.


So yes, they continued after the enemies stopped, because the enemies werent their intended target. The leaderboard position DE told them to chase was.

Edited by Elijin
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Guest Shibboleet

Abusing a bug in order to gain an advantage over other players is an exploit. 

They had no advantage over other players though, anyone could get that many points and start having no spawns.

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They had no advantage over other players though, anyone could get that many points and start having no spawns.

It gave them a huge advantage over players who hadn't reached 9999 yet.  Being able to gain more points even more easily at a point that is supposed to have increased difficulty creates an unbalanced situation where players are suddenly able to increase the gap between them and other players faster and more easily for no reason at all.




With thinking for yourself equating to abandoning the event?

Because again, people werent doing some nasty trick. The 'Stop exploiting' you're advocating here is literally 'Stop participating in the event'


I enjoy that a huge part of Aggh's argument is simply to be a condescending $&*^. Implying that we're all simply cheaters and low lifes, chasing points so hard we cant even think for ourselves.

Newsflash Aggh: My highest points is 49. I personally stopped the split second there was no more tangible reward. It doesnt change that I have the ability to read, and in that reading they said 'Hey Tenno, go out there and compete for number 1 spot, there is no limit!'

And then realised well after the fact they designed the event poorly, and now competitive clans have been out there battling it out for the most points in levels devoid of enemies because of poor design. But the lack of enemies was irrelevant, because as they'd been told they could, they were no longer competing against the event, but against the rival clans vying for that leaderboard spot.


So yes, they continued after the enemies stopped, because the enemies werent their intended target. The leaderboard position DE told them to chase was.

Newsflash, pretty much all the clans that have had huge amounts of points slashed have had points slashed for abusing exploits in other events.  The blame for their wasted effort lays equally at their feet.  They should have known better.  Or thought, "hey this is clearly not how the event is supposed to be working, maybe I should look up if this has happened before." 

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