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So Do I Get My Weekend/48Ish Hours Back? >405 Runs


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Guest Shibboleet

I was just arrested for stealing from a federal bank, and I demand reparations.


You see, the vault was wide open! That was the staff's fault, not mine! Anybody in the room could have walked in!


How was I supposed to know I wasn't meant to take the money sitting right in front of me? And then they arrest me for their mistakes?


How dare they?!

More like I was in an endless race vs others to see who could go the longest, and then there was an A/C'd building (it's a long building) after about 10 miles with refreshments. How is this unfair to anyone again?

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I was just arrested for stealing from a federal bank, and I demand reparations.


You see, the vault was wide open! That was the staff's fault, not mine! Anybody in the room could have walked in!


How was I supposed to know I wasn't meant to take the money sitting right in front of me? And then they arrest me for their mistakes?


How dare they?!


Funny thing about a federal bank....if it had been reported numerous times that a bank left their vault wide open and unguarded for several months time, bad things tend to happen.  Your real life example doesn't work considering DE told players to do what they did.  You can't arrest or punish someone for doing what they were told with your example as per your example management gave permission.  Especially since DE knew about the bugs before hand.  If they didn't (and no clue how they didn't know considering the non spawning has been reported numerous times prior to the event) then that shows a new level of incompetence for DE and does not bode well for the games future.  




Difficulty of the mission is increased in the following way:


You will notice a "Total" value in the UI under the Operations tab. The higher this number, the stronger the stink and more difficult the missions! All Tenno will begin playing ‘Difficulty 1’ missions with ‘Difficulty 1’ hives! But, this difficulty won’t stay at ‘1’ forever. The Infested can smell the carnage of your missions and will become more and more difficult and aggressive the more Breeding Ground missions you complete. It will take several runs for the stink of the Infested to stick to you. By completing more missions, you will encounter more difficult hives and more difficult enemies! These difficulty increases will allow you to yield higher points in a single run, with endless potential if you want to compete in clan leaderboards!

Note: grouping together with other Tenno will have an affect on difficulty depending on the level of combined stench!

Enjoy! We plan on making Hive Sabotage a permanent addition to the game down the road, so let us know what you think!




Players doing what they were told to do.  

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Funny thing about a federal bank....if it had been reported numerous times that a bank left their vault wide open and unguarded for several months time, bad things tend to happen.  Your real life example doesn't work considering DE told players to do what they did.  You can't arrest or punish someone for doing what they were told with your example.  


And yet somehow feigning ignorance over a bug that apparently was known about for months, and summarily abused which in turn is seeing the players try to turn it around on the developers for using the very thing that was broken in the first place is asinine. Justifying their fix (their game, their rules) by trying to make it sound like they took something precious away from those who used the broken instances extensively, boggles my mind.


I won't not hold DE accountable, sure they could have done a little more about this earlier, however the damage is done, and those people who explicitly *knew* that it was broken, spent all their free time on a video game, taking advantage of a bug, yes a bug (that is, what a programming error is, right?) for hours at a time and expecting things to not get fixed. That is absolutely outrageous. No analogies, its straight up dumb.


Who cares if everyone and their grandmother were able to do it too? That isn't the point; it was broken, they derped along happily using the bug to their advantage, the very definition of an exploit, and are now trying to wash their hands of getting caught by spinning back on the devs. This isn't so much white knighting as just asking what the hell is wrong with people, to where they refuse to acknowledge that at its very core, it wasn't meant to do that, so they suddenly need the devs to tell them not to do it? What are we, 5 years old?


If you want to "ad homein" me, go ahead. This is strictly opinion, and its not a very good view on the vocal minority shouting at the top of their lungs over time wasted on a *video game*. Period.

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And yet somehow feigning ignorance over a bug that apparently was known about for months, and summarily abused which in turn is seeing the players try to turn it around on the developers for using the very thing that was broken in the first place is asinine. Justifying their fix (their game, their rules) by trying to make it sound like they took something precious away from those who used the broken instances extensively, boggles my mind.


I won't not hold DE accountable, sure they could have done a little more about this earlier, however the damage is done, and those people who explicitly *knew* that it was broken, spent all their free time on a video game, taking advantage of a bug, yes a bug (that is, what a programming error is, right?) for hours at a time and expecting things to not get fixed. That is absolutely outrageous. No analogies, its straight up dumb.


Who cares if everyone and their grandmother were able to do it too? That isn't the point; it was broken, they derped along happily using the bug to their advantage, the very definition of an exploit, and are now trying to wash their hands of getting caught by spinning back on the devs. This isn't so much white knighting as just asking what the hell is wrong with people, to where they refuse to acknowledge that at its very core, it wasn't meant to do that, so they suddenly need the devs to tell them not to do it? What are we, 5 years old?


If you want to "ad homein" me, go ahead. This is strictly opinion, and its not a very good view on the vocal minority shouting at the top of their lungs over time wasted on a *video game*. Period.


Here is a quote directly from rebecca's post




Difficulty of the mission is increased in the following way:


You will notice a "Total" value in the UI under the Operations tab. The higher this number, the stronger the stink and more difficult the missions! All Tenno will begin playing ‘Difficulty 1’ missions with ‘Difficulty 1’ hives! But, this difficulty won’t stay at ‘1’ forever. The Infested can smell the carnage of your missions and will become more and more difficult and aggressive the more Breeding Ground missions you complete. It will take several runs for the stink of the Infested to stick to you. By completing more missions, you will encounter more difficult hives and more difficult enemies! These difficulty increases will allow you to yield higher points in a single run, with endless potential if you want to compete in clan leaderboards!

Note: grouping together with other Tenno will have an affect on difficulty depending on the level of combined stench!

Enjoy! We plan on making Hive Sabotage a permanent addition to the game down the road, so let us know what you think!




By that point that I underlined, it tech was working as intended in regards to scoring....yet they changed the scoring (again) half way through rather than fix the issue of enemies not spawning.  

Edited by Zaresin
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Seriously, when you ran a few and realized that no enemies were spawning after they capped at level 10k what did you think?, oh this means i can run up as much score as i can with zero risk, or did you think, this isn't right, its not working like its supposed to, im gonna stop, they've already reset peoples points for exploiting, its not worth it, ill watch and see if they fix it


it doesn't take a 300 IQ to realize that it isn't working right, and your taking advantage of a flaw in the game(admittedly a reported flaw) to pad your stats with an exploit


Speaking as someone who's earned a max of 90 points total in this event, I'd think "oh, well this bug's been around forever and if DE is keeping it in for this event, then I shouldn't assume that they haven't done the bare minimum of testing necessary to prevent it and it's unlikely that they'd patch it out this far into the event. Thus, instead of assuming a point reset in the middle of the event, I'll continue grinding because if I sat back and waited for DE to reset scores, I'd lose my place at #8 in the leaderboard while everyone else outpaces me."


Of course, I don't have 300 IQ, so maybe I'm wrong! Who can say.

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Speaking as someone who's earned a max of 90 points total in this event, I'd think "oh, well this bug's been around forever and if DE is keeping it in for this event, then I shouldn't assume that they haven't done the bare minimum of testing necessary to prevent it and it's unlikely that they'd patch it out this far into the event. Thus, instead of assuming a point reset in the middle of the event, I'll continue grinding because if I sat back and waited for DE to reset scores, I'd lose my place at #8 in the leaderboard while everyone else outpaces me."


Of course, I don't have 300 IQ, so maybe I'm wrong! Who can say.


who was assuming? they had already reset points once or twice before that fix went in because people were exploiting, you use an exploit, especially one as blatant(and anyone who thinks having no spawns wasnt a blantant exploit is just fooling themselves) as this one and dont expect to maybe loose your exploited points?, when cheaters are caught there is generally some comeback, they lost their points.


a little common sense + a little fair play = never would have had this happen

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lol no, they should fix their game and ban exploiters plain and simple

Sorry, but that's naïve. If it was that simple, they would have done it already. No, you have to look beyond that. First off, how do they even know who has been using the exploit and who hasn't?

Second, even if they DO catch the exploiters, you're going to ban them straightaway? What if they say that the bug happened to them unintentionally, they weren't aiming to do it? There's no way to prove if they did the bug intentionally or unintentionally. So the decision to ban them can never be made, unless you use space magic to find out whether they were doing the bug on purpose.

Thirdly, if DE do ignore such reasons and ban these players anyway...many will protest, because that is quite harsh a punishment for one exploit. Ultimately, bugs are DE's fault in coding (but we don't blame them because they are humans too) but people will still find this a cause to say 'If DE hadn't let this be in the game, this wouldn't have happened'. Then there would be unhappiness, in the community, etc.

Simple solutions like banning when suggested would seem just and popular, but once they are carried out, there can be many consequences.

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wrighting full caps does not make you having the right answer


anyway you tried your luck you lost ...


i had 600  point none lost

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Merging dupe threads that all spoke to the same point,


"How could DE let a known issue exist in an event, then pull the rug under from players who participated in the event uncertain of intent?"


With the benefit of hindsight we get to remind ourselves that no matter how badly we want to test out brand-new game modes, doing it with a high-stakes event for competitive players is going to be intense and we will get reminded that we still have big items to fix! While we're trying to fix bugs and issues, we're also trying to keep incentive for participation in the large-scale introduction of a new game mode. The fundamental flaw in this case is on the game, not the players, and dev has been able to partially reign in an issue within the scope of the event and adjust accordingly, but it certainly requires thorough and comprehensive fix before this game mode is ready to be launched permanently. Sorry for the frustration to this point!

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