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If Snipers And Shotguns Were To Be Buffed, How?

Guest khk6

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How Shotguns should be: 

-High Damage to one target

-Lower Damage to a whole group of targets


What Shotguns feel like:

-Latron Primes without the range

Exactly this.  

Shotguns have their damage roughly reduced to somewhere between 15-25 percent after falloff. Which makes sense comparing them to most rifles as they have 4-7 times more damage. But are fairly slower and have spread to further reduce single target damage at range.

Which means that in close range their performance slightly outdoes an Assault Rifle, but at Range an Assault Rifle is vastly superior. But in close ranges both perform very well. To up their damage further for close range combat hits diminishing returns quickly, and upping it for long range would be easier to accomplish just by fixing/adjusting or removing fall off.

Although I should not it probably shouldn't happen just yet. Falloff was balanced around a time when we had a lot less map variety and a lot more of the maps were very cramped and full of corridors. Which is why as DE continues to develop and design new maps that offer new scenarios and ranges the precise balance for falloff will shift. Earth and Ceres have many situations for massive range that just don't exist as often in Galleons or Corpus ships, but now the Breeding Grounds offer a lot of even more cramped and tight spaces. 

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I second the notion of snipers and shotguns getting more beefed up, I'm honestly sick and tired of the only top tier weapons being lackluster and bland, mostly automatics, bows and rocket launchers... I love explosions, but there's just something about multi headshotting a lot of enemies with snipers or blowing away an entire crowd of enemies with one pull of a shotgun trigger... I honestly only get that feeling from older games and not this one :/

Edited by R3DBelmont456
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Shotguns: More ammo at start, double that to 240. Much higher base status chance than in rifles then im fine. Damage fall off aint that big deal considering areas arent that big in this game, and all type movements what you can do to get close your target and out of dangerzone are enough for me.


Snipers: Make base damage on par or even higher than bows for example 140-200 puncture per shot. base critical chance around 40% and base critical damage 3x 10x on headshots. Give them punch through or give them their own unique proc, "cripple" wich would work like this: Shoot enemy at leg, if he/she/it survives, his/hers/its movement is greatly lowered, shoot at arm accuracity is greatly lowered, at the head, they become blinded and stunned.

Edited by (PS4)SofeSNBR
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Huge base damage increase, and nerf the critical chance to 10%-15%. (make them different from bows and give more elemental possibilities). Make it so you don't have to rely on crits, and when they occasionally do crit... very, very large numbers ensue.

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Huge base damage increase, and nerf the critical chance to 10%-15%. (make them different from bows and give more elemental possibilities). Make it so you don't have to rely on crits, and when they occasionally do crit... very, very large numbers ensue.

Dread: 200 base damage, x4.4 crit multiplier, effective 880 base damage with only crit mods. Unless you want to buff sniper damage to obscene levels, I think going with 100% crit and reasonable base damage is better.

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Shotguns need more pellets and damage, but wider spreads. Damage falloff needs to go as well, as it has for a few, but not all.

They should do ludicrous amounts of damage but require active mobility and evasive techniques, risk/reward play, etc. Rather than being particularly slow rifles, as they tend to play out now.


For snipers-

Global buffs:

•Dead Eye given 2 more ranks and changed from sniper rifle damage to headshot damage.

•Sniper rifle critical multipliers raised. 1.5x -> 2.5x, 2.0x -> 3.0x, etc.

•Sniper rifles guarantee critical hits on "weak point" shots (heads, sonar spots, etc) and roll randomly as normal on body shots.

•All other sniper rifles given inherent punch-through, though less than Lanka's inherent value.


Snipetron / Vulkar:

•Magazine size raised to 6.

•Reload speed reduced to 2.0 or less.

•Snipetron given a new model (and name?) and finally reintegrated into the game instead of whatever it is they're trying to do with it now.


I totally agree on all points here. I said in another thread that a shotgun's damage falloff should be due to less pellets hitting at range, and not because they magically turn into cotton balls. The only thing I'd add to this for snipers is variable zoom (maybe even for all weapons), and a menu option to disable scopes.

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for snipers add high innate punch through and stun (take a high-calibur round to the chest you won't stay standing), and maybe some higher damage values. also add a secondary scope that would act like the normal soom zoom on rifles.


for shotguns, remove damage falloff completely, this would make them far more versatile, fix the way status chance is listed as well as it confuses alot of people, increase damage at close range.

Edited by shepshifter
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