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A Dream I Had About Warframe & Some Feedback Based On It


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The Dream

It's eerily quiet as the ship drops me off. It looks like the Corpus were here - there are machines and tarps over things all over the place. As I move forward, I begin to hear gunfire in the distance. I pick up my pace.

I find the source of the gunfire: 2 factions are fighting, and only one of them was what I expected. The Corpus are hunting down other Tenno. These Tenno are Excaliburs with Latos and Skanas - a newly risen bunch of Tenno. As evidenced by the Tenno corpses on the ground, these fresh-bloods didn't stand a chance against an organized Corpus onslaught. I move to help the few remaining Tenno still fighting. With my help, the Corpus are defeated - at least in this area. After the battle, I approach one of the Tenno still alive. It makes no gesture, save for one - a finger, pointing to where I need to go.

I continue on and stop when I reach a large drop. Below me looks like a large excavation site, with Tenno bodies strewn about, Corpus machinery here and there, and Corpus crewmen and ospreys patrolling the area. Were the Corpus looking for us? Hunting us down? For what purpose? In my search for answers, I made my way through the area stealthily - if I had a strong squad of Tenno, even this small Corpus army would be no threat, but alas I am on my own right now. I continue on until I reach something I didn't expect.

It was around 30 ft tall. Other than that, it looked exactly like any other Rhino warframe, save its slightly yellowish hue. I rush to the controls and activate it. It does not pay attention to me, though - its focus is on the Corpus, with fatal results. The giant Rhino smashes through the Corpus like nothing. Following its rampage, I come to a new big area, sort of like an arena. I soon found out it wasn't just 'like' an arena.

Rubble falls behind me as I enter, so there's no escape. As I look forward, I see the giant Rhino has stopped in front of some giant (30 ft tall), infested plant-like thing (which had huge jaws). A wave of spores burst from it, and when I go to look at it again I see a giant infested woman, instead of the plant-like creature. It refers to itself as the Queen of the Corpus, but I know better - it's nothing but a tool to the Corpus, a weapon that they can use, a hound that they can unleash. And whatever has been going on at this site, I know one thing: this creature needs to die, for the safety of all Tenno. I pull out my Dual Cestra, and its barrels begin to spin.

The fight was a brutal one. A ray of light would cover an area, and a second later the creature would spray some kind of poison or shoot several lasers in the marked area. It also occasionally chomped the ground with its jaws, causing an area of the floor to fall away, creating a hazard if I was standing atop it and making the fighting area smaller a time went on. In the end, the creature's shield was too powerful for my Dual Cestra to overcome, and I fell in defeat. With my defeat, I didn't get the answers I was looking for - I had failed my fellow Tenno.

It was the end of the mission, but not the end of me. The creature offered me a choice in defeat: agree to aid the Corpus in their time of need, or face some negative penalties (to stats) the next time I face off against the Corpus. I then made my choice.

Information about The Dream

This is an actual dream I had last night about Warframe. It being a dream and all, it probably doesn't make much sense at points, but I thought it was worth sharing, and that had some neat ideas worth exploring.

It reminded me very much of a dungeon/raid that you encounter in MMOs, which is what I'll primarily be touching on in my main points.

Main Point #1

My guy's difficulty was that he tried to solo it - which is much more difficult than going with a group, but not impossible thanks to 'allies' you can find around the environment. This makes the dungeon both group and solo friendly, which is something I think Warframe should aim for if it implements 'dungeons' of some kind.

Main Point #2

Also what was clear was that this was different than any tileset - it was its own unique area, which also lended itself to the 'dungeon' vibe it had going on.

Main Point #3

Another point it brought up is how useful stealth can be. The amount of Corpus in this area was simply too much, but stealth offered a way through. It even had a reward for it - activating the giant Rhino - which had very satisfying repercussions.

Main Point #4

A fourth point it brings up is an air of mystery and lore. Why were all these strange things happening? I was curious to find out the answers, as well as the truth about the final creature (the boss). I was actually excited about Warframe lore - and that's not something I can say very often. Perhaps 'dungeons' in Warframe could be used to expand upon its lore in interesting ways.

Main Point #5

The fifth point my dream brought up was an interesting one: choice in defeat. Notably, in my dream there was no Revive/Forfeit that came up. While I don't think that should necessarily go away, it'd be nice if dying had more consequences to it than 'you failed the mission'; however, you don't want to go too far with that - the Harvester (and that terrible mission that follows if you fail to defeat it) are perfect examples of this. Instead, make the consequences interesting. Agreeing to 'aid the Corpus in their time of need' could mean taking their side in an upcoming invasion or event, or it could mean that you are asked to stop Tenno operatives (i.e. other players) getting too close to Corpus intel/research (a special mission all its own - if the Stalker/Harvester/G3 is difficult, just imagine a MR15 Tenno showing up in your mission to take you down).

Admittedly, the other choice in defeat (lowered stats against Corpus) isn't all that interesting. But hey - it was a dream. Can't expect everything, can we? :P

Main Point #6

The last point my dream brought up is simple, yet powerful: the experience was a new one. I was in a place I hadn't been in before, I took part in a conflict I hadn't before, and I saw (giant Rhino) and fought things (the boss) that I hadn't encountered before. There was the simple feeling that it was new and exciting - a big breath of fresh air, compared to the rest of Warframe (which reuses the same tilesets and enemies to no end).

My Feedback / Summary

I think 'dungeons' (I use the term fairly loosely) should be added to Warframe, to give some much needed variety in both gameplay and lore.

I also think adding interesting consequences to death could make the game more fun and interesting overall.

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