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The Truth Behind The Frames.


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Fine, please explain how garbage tier nova frame is somehow better than Ember, Nova's ult speeds the enemies up for christ sake.

Anti-Matter Drop, And Molecular Prime both outdamage all that Ember can put out.

With both being purely for damage, and one having an exceedingly higher output, the one with higher damage is better by default.

By the way, Molecular Prime can be customized to either speed up, or stop enemies in their tracks.

You lacking this knowledge makes it very convincing that you actually do not in fact play the game.

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Fine, please explain how garbage tier nova frame is somehow better than Ember, Nova's ult speeds the enemies up for christ sake. She has no stuns, her second skill does hardly any damage, an expensive and unreliable mobility skill, and her first ability is a waste of 25 energy.


While Ember has a stun that increases her damage significantly, a first skill that can be utilized for damage AND CC, a third skill that can redirect infested, and her fourth skill does crazy damage while she's moving.


In addition to GreyEnneract's post, Ember hardly compares to Nova.


Her fireball hardly counts as a CC with such a small AoE, and her accelerant has the same issue as Valkyr's Warcry in that it often only benefits her. Fire Blast's damage is fairly low and its damage per second only lasts as long as enemies stay in its pencil-thin area, and World on fire would be more impressive if it could hit more than 2 enemies per second.

Edited by endymion7
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Anti-Matter Drop, And Molecular Prime both outdamage all that Ember can put out.

With both being purely for damage, and one having an exceedingly higher output, the one with higher damage is better by default.

By the way, Molecular Prime can be customized to either speed up, or stop enemies in their tracks.

You lacking this knowledge makes it very convincing that you actually do not in fact play the game.

I'm fairly convinced you've been playing on mercury this whole time, Anti-matter drop does like 100 damage at max rank.

Edited by RancidTurnip1603
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I'm fairly convinced you've been playing on mercury this whole time, Anti-matter drop does like 100 damage at max rank.

It also absorbs weapon damage, with a multiplier.

I.e. Its nyx's ulti as a ranged attack, with half cost.

Edited by Tostov
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Fine, please explain how garbage tier nova frame is somehow better than Ember, Nova's ult speeds the enemies up for christ sake. She has no stuns, her second skill does hardly any damage, an expensive and unreliable mobility skill, and her first ability is a waste of 25 energy.

here-s what ember has>

1 fireball, it-s ok, actually it's a pretty nice skill really with stun, but once you stop killing stuff that's all it's good for, the very little stun area.

2 accelerant, probably her best skill, not because of the fire damage mind you, but because of the stun it causes


now let me break here for a moment to say ember is my top favorite frame, i've beaten almost the whole starchart just by using world on fire+ accelerant and running around* but when enemies start to scale, accelerant isn't gonna help your damage, especially if you modded your weapons against the enemy, nobody mods fire alone and even if you did, it's not the best idea due to armor scaling.


3 fire blast terrible skill, why on hell does it burn only on the outer ring? at least it stuns on cast but you can't increase the area so accelerant is better for stunning

4 it only hits one enemy at a time, and it's very easy on survivals for it to focus on a bombard or something that it just won't kill, even with accelerant, once it stops killing stuff, it's useless.






my brother has nova so i don't know the exact locations of the skills but

1: the neutron field thinguie, it sucks, never put it on, ever

2: i think this was the portal, useless if you have dual zorens, but you can also equip an ogris and hide on the ceiling for example so it helps you not take damage if you're a wuss,

3: antimatter drop: if you don't know how to use this skill, it sucks, if you DO however it deals the most damage in the whole game, and you'd be able to OHKO level 9999 enemies, constantly, if you're good enough

4: uhh... you know you can still slow enemies with this right? slow everything and it now shoots at you slower helping with survival, and everything receives 2x damage, much better than a bonus to just fire damage.


mix 3 and 4 and that's just mean

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Threads like these depress me. It just reminds me how all of those unique frames are just tossed to the side so DE can pump out as much new content onto the heaping pile of unbalanced, unpolished content that they can. I can't blame them for it because it's how the F2P model makes money, but I also don't like seeing more and more content of a game I personally enjoy just be abandoned in favor of blatant money-grabs.


Though Volt and Trinity have been long time favorites of mine I've gotten burned out on them, so I look at frames like Hydroid, Zephyr, and Banshee. Three frames that are interesting and relatively unique, I want to like them, I want them to be viable, but deep down I know that 99% of the time I'm just better off running the same 4 frames as everyone else because balance is less important than dumping out another SUPER COOL AWESOME clan weapon that turns "enemies into messy piles of meat and scrap metal" (seriously? this BS sensationalist hype is the kind you'd find in children's comic books)


I know that If I even try bringing one of these frames to a T4 match many people would force me to change to something that's actually useful, forcing me to play frames I either don't enjoy or have already put dozens of hours into, or in the case of  nekros, a frame that I both dislike playing AND have been forced to play until it's in my top 4 most played frames. However DE isn't going to fix anything, they nerf overpowered frames by buffing them, buff underpowered frames by adding small utility to comparatively useless skills, "buff" weapons by releasing similar weapons as an upgrade, and only nerf weapons when a new weapon that fits a similar role comes out.


The game is dying under the heaps of pointless content. All of which has to outdo the content before it so people will shell out as much money as they can.

Edited by RancidTurnip1603
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Is there anything a team made up of Nova, Trinity, Vauban, and Loki can't do?


Fight Ruk.




Extremely biased. Seems here we actually have someone who has looked up Warframe Hentai based on the Ember and Sayrn comment.

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Except that Nyx is garbage tier, she doesn't even have a mobility skill or a heal.


Also, the original post was built as a flame-bait. It doesn't matter what frame I like, in fact my three most played frames are either approved or Best-sellers because yes, some frames are just plain better.


But this thread is a garbage troll thread because OP set it up to troll/flame-bait.

You.. you dare... hate on Nyx?!!! I'm gonna go ahead and say that you've only been using Physic Bolts... Chaos is the best CC in game. Absorb scales so excelently. Good speed. So a frame doesn't have healing or mobile abilities so he/she is bad?! Your logic disappoints. I would more than happily pick Nyx for infested survival for chaos. It can save your life anywhere and any time. She should be a best seller but I can settle for approved. I played a 40 min ODS and I could just chaos 5-10 Ancients and 20-30 normal infested. Heck Chaos isn't even situational. She's an awesome frame and definitely not an all around frame. I have 9 frames and am rank 8.
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You.. you dare... hate on Nyx?!!! I'm gonna go ahead and say that you've only been using Physic Bolts... Chaos is the best CC in game. Absorb scales so excelently. Good speed. So a frame doesn't have healing or mobile abilities so he/she is bad?! Your logic disappoints. I would more than happily pick Nyx for infested survival for chaos. It can save your life anywhere and any time. She should be a best seller but I can settle for approved. I played a 40 min ODS and I could just chaos 5-10 Ancients and 20-30 normal infested. Heck Chaos isn't even situational. She's an awesome frame and definitely not an all around frame. I have 9 frames and am rank 8.

now now let-s not get ahead of ourselves, nyx is pretty cool but chaos is NOT the best CC in the game.

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now now let-s not get ahead of ourselves, nyx is pretty cool but chaos is NOT the best CC in the game.

Idk, no enemy cap, enemies can kill themselves, much less fire on us. It's one of the best but I don't use it on Defence.

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Tornado is.


Idk, no enemy cap, enemies can kill themselves, much less fire on us. It's one of the best but I don't use it on Defence.

vauban-s bastille is better, zero enemy fire, and after a while enemies don-t really hit each other for much damage due to armor, while you can still get blown to smithereens by one stray bullet

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this has to be a troll post or the OP really has no clue how to play, im desperately hoping its the first, as for the weapons ... where s the soma ? it kind of beats all of them, and the sybaris isnt far behind (ok regular reloads are a pain but it does crazy dmg).





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vauban-s bastille is better, zero enemy fire, and after a while enemies don-t really hit each other for much damage due to armor, while you can still get blown to smithereens by one stray bullet

Vauban's Bastille is better in ODD or with a Loki. Bastille doesn't move around, it doesn't stop enemy fire =.=... It only does IF the enemy actually does go in the trap but if he's out of range and has a range weapon you're still  gonna be having issues.  After a while?

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Vauban's Bastille is better in ODD or with a Loki. Bastille doesn't move around, it doesn't stop enemy fire =.=... It only does IF the enemy actually does go in the trap but if he's out of range and has a range weapon you're still  gonna be having issues.  After a while?

that-s why you throw the bastille away, or in corners andspecific spots. chaos doesn-t move either


ofc bastille or vortex] max range disarm is enough to do everything but toxics

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