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Let's Say That Every Warframe Was Real


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I like Saryn and all, but her fleshy-growth bits would gross me out.


On the other hand, I'd hang out with Nyx she seems pretty chill. (Just so long as she doesn't control my mind or make me and my friends and loved ones bludgeon eachother)

Edited by (PS4)Gage_VH
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Nova and Nekros is probably what I fear the most, for obvious reasons.


On the other hand, I would feel comfortable around Frost because he seems like a cool guy.


I would also feel comfortable around Valkyr because she is cute, and in the words of Leekter: "Gammaion, your Valkyr looks so...slippery."

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Which warframe would you fear the most?


Probably Nova...


The whole "Yeah, I'll just generate anti-matter constantly" thing would terrify me - Just the idea that at any point in time a massive explosion could occur with little to no warning... Even without hostile action (It could be an accidental slip releasing anti-matter...)



Which warframe would feel the most comfortable with?


Probably Valkyr.


As someone who spends pretty much all their time in a state of feeling angry or straight up rage, I think we'd be able to relate to each other enough that she wouldn't want to claw me to pieces.

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I'd be most vomfortable with valkyr, she is mentally unstable, but she is the most human frame, no awkward silence let me explain in a skit.

Me: Hey valkyr how's the weather


Me: anyone trying to kill me?



Me: Hey other warframe how's the weather?

Other warframe: ...

Me : Anone trying to kill me?

*lights flicker*

Stalker: your time has come

Me: Save me tenno!

(here is where the path differentiates Loki/ash would go invis and tell me to F*** off. excalibur would try to melee him with a skana, oberon would slap down a little green carpet to do Something? i guess. rhino would stomp and walk out. hydroid would melt. saryn would miasma and kill both of us. mag would try and charge my shields an kill me. volt would do his jesus floating animation for overload as my head is cleaved from my body by the stalker's candy cane scythe. booben would bounce him for a while but run out of power. ember would light my house on fire. Nyx would take over my mind and have me fight him. banshee would take too long to get back from her church choir and not even show. frost would ice globe and freeze me to death. nekros would start a rockband. nova would kil my whole town. trinity would make my heart explode with life steal.  zephyr would try to fly away and hit her head.) But @(*()$ valkyr she would go RAAAAWR and then use her ult to rip stalker to shreds. 

I choose valkyr because she is more likely to want to kill me, but won't take me out by accident.

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Fear: Nyx. She could mind control me into thinking I'm in some safe mentality, heck she could've mind control us all to make us think that warframes aren't real.....  O.O


Love: Valkyr. 'Cause...reasons.... <3

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Scariest? Nova. She is held back by game mechanics. In real life AMD would be weapon of mass destruction. So much antimatter could vaporize countries. Nova could be sweetest girl next door with most honest intentions, but it would make no difference when planets crust gets a hole.

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Nova as other's said would be scary to me. I fear she would give me cancer, even if she meant no harm. Like X-men's Rogue, she may be sweet and lovable, but don't get too close. Ember and Saryn would also be scary to be around. We all know flame is dangerous in general...


Mag would be my frame to hang with. Imagine driving with her in car...traffic? Bad drivers? No worries, Mag will move them out of the way for you! Mag would be chill and fun (just keep her away from computers). I think Nekros would be cool as well. I feel like he'd be laid back. Just because he can control the dead and stuff, doesn't mean he's a bad dude. Don't fear the reaper.

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