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Why 24 Hours Just To Rank Up?


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Just as the subject says, I basically would like to know why there is a 24 hour wait time to do the mission to rank up if you happen to fail. I can understand that you need to earn your rank - even though you have been leveling normally anyway - but when you fail the mission due to an issue that its not your fault as in a network problem or something like the server update issues they were having, you have to wait an entire day just to try it again. I mean if you are going to implement a penalty for failing the mission let it be like an hour wait at least....but a whole day? Why? whats the significance if anyone knows please reply. Thanks

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I kinda agree, but it's not like you're losing much from it.

Well, he's losing a lot actually.. If he's going from 1-2 maybe he really wants the Latron, or Heat swords, and now he has to wait an entire 24 hours just to have the chance *not garunteed* to unlock the next rank.
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Well basically this 'mastery ranking' system is to prove that u are strong enough to proceed on higher ranks.

Yes, i agree with the long waiting time of 24 hr but at least it gives u time to train up yr weapons b4 challenging it again (for instance, the pistol survival and melee survival rank up mission where u have to either survive for a set period of time or 3 waves).

So always be prepared for the rank up mission b4 doing it ( search up wikia for yr currenk rank up mission ) so that u wont have to wait for 24 hr just to get to know what wep u need to be highly trained with b4 entering ( i heard some mission requires shooting glowing orbs that connects and hacking of consoles so search them up if u have to)

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Well, he's losing a lot actually.. If he's going from 1-2 maybe he really wants the Latron, or Heat swords, and now he has to wait an entire 24 hours just to have the chance *not garunteed* to unlock the next rank.

24 hours really isn't that long. If missing out on an in-game item for one day is really paining you, perhaps you need to re-examine your priorities. I understand what it is to really long for a new frame or a new weapon. But as anyone that has spent a week grinding for a new frame, then another three days for the materials, plus the manufacturing time to actually make the thing - the wait, is what makes the end product even more worthwhile.

Aside from that perspective, many online games these days have waiting periods, some in excess of just 24 hours. Perma-death and periodic character locks is becoming more commonplace, so I don't really see that Warframe is introducing some new horrific concept here.

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24 hours really isn't that long. If missing out on an in-game item for one day is really paining you, perhaps you need to re-examine your priorities. I understand what it is to really long for a new frame or a new weapon. But as anyone that has spent a week grinding for a new frame, then another three days for the materials, plus the manufacturing time to actually make the thing - the wait, is what makes the end product even more worthwhile.

Aside from that perspective, many online games these days have waiting periods, some in excess of just 24 hours. Perma-death and periodic character locks is becoming more commonplace, so I don't really see that Warframe is introducing some new horrific concept here.

Agreed, I really like the wait system, it really makes it that much more worth while. Also, asking someone to wait 24 hours cause they failed at a mission is fine by me... Thats hardly a penalty at all. Would you rather them take something from you? Or perhaps you'd like them to reward you for your failure? Lol by the time anybody would be able to do anything about something thats "not your fault" you'll be able to try it again.

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The only thing I find irritating about the tests is that, for the 1-2 at least, it only tests your ability with a handgun.....I suck with a handgun:) but then I like playing with a frame modded for ability use ( volt+ nyx mostly) and very rarely in any mission do I even use a sidearm. If the tests were laid out in such a way that you could choose a particular aspect of gameplay you prefer that would be nice. Choosing between a test of sidearm/ power/ melee would be great for those who like playing in different ways.

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I don't mind the rank up tests. I think they're a pretty neat idea that can help players quantify their prowess. My only beef with it is that the last time I tried to rank up (Test 2) my game crashed and gave me the 24 hour penalty. Beta pains. So im going to spend the 24 hours getting some time on my pistols, gather more resources, buy blueprints, etc; so when I do pass my test, all I gotta do is throw it all in the oven.

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The only thing I find irritating about the tests is that, for the 1-2 at least, it only tests your ability with a handgun.....I suck with a handgun:) but then I like playing with a frame modded for ability use ( volt+ nyx mostly) and very rarely in any mission do I even use a sidearm. If the tests were laid out in such a way that you could choose a particular aspect of gameplay you prefer that would be nice. Choosing between a test of sidearm/ power/ melee would be great for those who like playing in different ways.

That's all very well and good, but when you take a driving test, do you get to specifiy "oh I'm only really good at driving in reverse, so can I do the entire test in reverse?" - or when applying to the defence force or the police force do you get to choose what parts of the application test to do?

I understand you have your own playstyle that's perfectly valid. But to earn the rank of ______ you have to demonstrate sufficient proficency with a sword, sidearm and long-gun. That is the way of the Tenno. The masters have specified that to be recognised as a _______ you have to be able to do ________.

Seriously, I get where you're coming from. But I can't really see how its a realistic stance to take.

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I actually agree 100% with being punished for failing and rewarded for winning. What i disagree with is the time you have to wait for the reward you're getting. If you're going from rank 1-2, all you are unlocking a new weapon choice basically. So for lower ranks they can have a shorter time to wait but at like a higher level if you have better rewards then by all means slap dat 24 hour wait period on me for flopping the rank up mission!

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I think a 24 hours is excessive however I am not really bothered by it. I've only failed the first test and not because i suck with pistols but rather because I brought my AFuris along think. Well, test with pistols gonna bring my good ones... Nope, bring the bad Lato cause otherwise you lose not for sucking, but for not having enough ammo... Of course I passed it on the next day with no problems at all.

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I like the 24 hour mandatory wait, what I don't like is when one grineer doesn't come out from behind a pillar and I fail because I stepped out of the circle to see what's up with that. If its going to test your skill with _____ then it should make sure that you can reasonable complete the challenge each time. Though it is a beta so im not &!$$ed just concerned about the future.

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Some things in some games suck just because they can: i.e., dog balls. (Why does a dog lick his balls? Because he can. Dog balls actually explains a lot of things in life.) The 24-hour wait, the damn Nervos balls, many things suck because they can. I'm not trying to be harsh, and please feel free to vent to we fellow Tenno all you want on the forums, because we all understand where you're coming from. But truthfully & honestly--that's just the way it is, deal with it.

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That's all very well and good, but when you take a driving test, do you get to specifiy "oh I'm only really good at driving in reverse, so can I do the entire test in reverse?" - or when applying to the defence force or the police force do you get to choose what parts of the application test to do?

I understand you have your own playstyle that's perfectly valid. But to earn the rank of ______ you have to demonstrate sufficient proficency with a sword, sidearm and long-gun. That is the way of the Tenno. The masters have specified that to be recognised as a _______ you have to be able to do ________.

Seriously, I get where you're coming from. But I can't really see how its a realistic stance to take.

Fair enough but let's face it, if all the test is about is some RP aspect then that is not really a good enough reason to penalize people. And I'm an avid RP'er in games that lend themselves to it far more than Warframe.

If being good with a pistol made a material difference to the success of the team then I could understand it, but that's not really the case. You can fail the first test and still jump into missions that are above your level and solo them with ease (relative ease perhaps). For the test to be in any way meaningful it would not only prevent you gaining access to certain weapons/ frames but also missions. As far as I can tell it doesn't. Please correct me if I'm wrong on this score, as far as I've experienced so long as you complete a given mission the next one is unlocked regardles of your rank.

I don't think it's unrealistic to support a system that allows for various playstyles in a game that supposedly encourages different playstyles from the very outset, if it didn't there would be no need for any more than one warframe and one set of weapons. But it's not a major issue, just something I'd like to see perhaps to encourage variety in the future.

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^ That

kinda need to agree. for once its something that isnt holding your hand thoughout the game. yeah 24 hours can be a while but... it doesnt mean you still cant level your Warframe and weapons... it doesnt mean you cant get more materials and cash, and as far as I can tell its not like you cant keep exploring the solar system during the wait..

in short its not like "you cannot continue in any way, shape or form" during the wait

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Imo, I think 12 hours should be enough :x

I think 24 hours is reasonable, 12 hours is often too short as in 8 can be slept away. Adversity facing the player when they mess up should not be something we scorn but rather embrace.

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I think 24 hours is reasonable, 12 hours is often too short as in 8 can be slept away. Adversity facing the player when they mess up should not be something we scorn but rather embrace.

I think 12 hours should be enough because when I first messed up on my qualification, I never knew that there was a timer...So messing up due to a timer and costing me a whole day before attempting to re-qualify seems unreasonable.

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Fair enough but let's face it, if all the test is about is some RP aspect then that is not really a good enough reason to penalize people. And I'm an avid RP'er in games that lend themselves to it far more than Warframe.

I don't think it's unrealistic to support a system that allows for various playstyles in a game that supposedly encourages different playstyles from the very outset, if it didn't there would be no need for any more than one warframe and one set of weapons. But it's not a major issue, just something I'd like to see perhaps to encourage variety in the future.

I agree, but I don't really see how they'd possibly implement a system of tests that allowed for as many different play-styles as are currently viable, without making the entire thing a joke. True the test are already a bit of a joke, but they can also be seen as a sort of achievement, more so than a test of skill. Rank has no impact on you unlocking levels, only weapons, which lets face it, are technically optional.

So these things are really less like "Pro skill challenges" and more like "Obscure Acheivements." You know, kick 25 grineer to death and get 50 Unicorn points. Only in this case you also unlock guns. And level up your warframe ego.

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