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Suggestions For Increasing The Visual Fidelity And Immersion Of Warframe On Pc


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I have been playing warframe for quite a while now since it caught my eye when nvidia announced physX support for this game. I was quite hooked after my first 30 hours and basically expected to have an enjoyable game since other Digital Extremes games such as Darkness 2 were absolutely stellar. 


Although the current graphics of warframe are generally quite impressive and ahead of many other games (even ahead of many triple A mainstream releases) I thought about some small additions that would be really nice in terms of minor details. I don't know much about the evolution engine which warframe utilizes so some of the suggestions I have may or may not apply due to technological constraints.


Here are some things I think would greatly benefit the graphics aspect of the game -


Inverse Kinematics - A feature which adjusts the player models limbs to appropriately respond to environmental changes (e.g standing on stairs, moving on uneven terrain on the Earth tileset) This feature would make the models feel a little more "alive" than they are currently and overall would be a great touch to accommodate for the new more organic tilesets.


More dismemberment segments - I find that the Grineer and Corpus do not have enough dismemberment to make them satisfying to kill with all weapons, I think it would be quite entertaining for bullets to make impact marks on enemies like on Source games. In addition to the aforementioned bullet decals on models, I feel as if there should be a few more segments of dismemberment for explosions, as of now they kind of just flop on the ground when shot with something like the Penta or Ogris. In addition to wanting some  more vivid combat, I think dismemberment needs to be added onto Moas, Kubrows and Spectres in dark sectors. Moas espcially, I hate those shockwave ones :D


Improved water effects - On Earth and Phobos, I find that the water is slightly lacking especially when treading deep into it (maybe it's just me?) but it seems like there is no longer an animation for water displacement when wading in water.


Minor additions - I would also like to contribute that I think it would be visually satisfying if spent casings from weapons that fire bullets would remain on the ground temporarily (like spent magazinges on the Soma). Also, reload animations on the braton, burston, lex and their prime counterparts could use a makeover (as of now they are just removing and placing nothing in random areas).


Thanks for reading if you read the entire thread!

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I'm not sure how easy a lot of these things would be to implement, because the Evolution Engine isn't particularly a well-equiped engine.


For example, it doesn't even support Ambient Occlusion. However, DE deserve a round of appluase and some cake because they do a beautiful job of hand-drawing it into their tilesets.


Along with some out-of-date texture work in some areas and the general lack of Shaders, I'm not sure how powerful the Evolution Engine truely is because we have never seen it be pushed to it's limits, as far as we know.


However, I cannot wait to see how DE is going to improve upon it in the future!

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Ultra high-res textures + msaa and smaa support + more tesselation + ultra high fidelity shading...

Been dreaming of those for a loooong while...

Please DE, please at least give us the ultra high res textures ! I'm sure you have those already...

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If WF was some sort of slow moving game where you had time to look at things, yea, maybe, but since I'm spending most of my time racing like a madmad and I am always neck deep in super bright, rainbow colored hailstorms of frame abilities, the fact that the water around my feet manages to reflect the exact particle effects of 200 exploding enemies in front of me, does not help me one iota.


Also, I find it slightly disturbing that one request is more dismemberment visual options that would "improve your immersion", and that you have actually noted that the enemies don't "dismember enough".

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If WF was some sort of slow moving game where you had time to look at things, yea, maybe, but since I'm spending most of my time racing like a madmad and I am always neck deep in super bright, rainbow colored hailstorms of frame abilities, the fact that the water around my feet manages to reflect the exact particle effects of 200 exploding enemies in front of me, does not help me one iota.


Also, I find it slightly disturbing that one request is more dismemberment visual options that would "improve your immersion", and that you have actually noted that the enemies don't "dismember enough".

It's because it makes the killing more satisfying on enemies. 

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