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T4 Credits Rewards


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From what I've noticed, we get the same amount of credits for completing T3 and T4 missions. It would seem logical that we should be awarded a bit more credits for completing missions which have stronger enemies.


I am not saying the reward should be ridiculously big but a few more thousands wouldn't hurt.

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That doesnt answer his question, and some people arent a grand master whos been here forever and have tons of extra plat.


Concerning the issue at hand as someone who also doesnt need credits, I agree. I think t4 should be rewarding more, logically. Harder missions, better rewards. Not just in prime stuff but in credits. I can get a ton of credits from doing Sechura, Id figure I should be getting a fairly reasonable reward for T4 as well.


I also think concerning the lore though, that morphics and cells are said to be lost tech found exclusively from the void. So why are enemies dropping control mods still? Grr... come on DE pay attention to your own lore at least. :/ Cells for a wave reward is BS. Take them and fusion cores out of the wave reward tables and just make the enemies drop them more here than in Saturn. :/

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The enemies are a higher level. Just not so high that its rediculous. Could maybe use another base level buff of +5 though. Anyway, Id like more corrupted enemies too not that we're on the topic of void difficulty. Whys there only gunners, ancients, and grunts? Why corrupt only those?

Edited by unmog
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