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Before We Rework Oberon/nekros Can We Please Rework Ember


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the floor is lava should replace fire blast. it could even do the same amount of damage as fire blast/ The slow would be very useful as a utility and make enemies take more damage. The problem with fire blast is that the enemies run in the ring and run out real quick. This slow would fix that.

Edited by aleco247
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She deffinetly needs a buff in armir and in ult damage) Because she is made as a glass cannon and glass cannons arent supposed to come close to enemy like nova


I am talking about grineer /corpus if you go to infeste of course she will be able to do damage for longer but still she would only affect very light enemies and not ancient . Any armor enemies laughs at her especialy Napalm / Heavy gunners 


 I would actually disagree that she is not powerful at all. I use a pure ability power set up and find her actually doing quite a bit of damage assuming I use Accelerant before any other ability. Since it does stun and keep enemies poised where they are at, it will also allow for increased elemental damage in regards to what she can perform. I can go up to level 40-50 enemies before I truly see my Ember having any trouble. If anything, I would say it's about making sure her abilities are used in chorus with one another and not just using one ability in assumption that you will get quite a bit of damage.

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 I would actually disagree that she is not powerful at all. I use a pure ability power set up and find her actually doing quite a bit of damage assuming I use Accelerant before any other ability. Since it does stun and keep enemies poised where they are at, it will also allow for increased elemental damage in regards to what she can perform. I can go up to level 40-50 enemies before I truly see my Ember having any trouble. If anything, I would say it's about making sure her abilities are used in chorus with one another and not just using one ability in assumption that you will get quite a bit of damage.

Maybe you could share your build?

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the floor is lava should replace fire blast. it could even do the same amount of damage as fire blast/ The slow would be very useful as a utility and make enemies take more damage. The problem with fire blast is that the enemies run in the ring and run out real quick. This slow would fix that.

Another good suggestion but you have to remember it wont slow enemies will sink in there and only upper half will be shown 

Edited by Garuger
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fire blast



but first, some background to this idea.

back in midevil times, a form of torture would be to take a rat, put it in a bucket, and put the bucket on someone's chest


lighting a fire on one end would cause the rat to panic and dig its way through the human



thankfuly we don't have that form of execution anymore.


but the method gave me an idea for fire blast. by giving ember some utility using fire.



how it works is it takes vauban's Bastille and combines it with Necro's terror.


ember slams the ground and makes a ring of fire.  enemys entering the ring take 400 dmg as if they were hit by a fireball (maxed out to 900. with a small fire proc chance)

once in the ring of fire, they panic and struggle to stay away from the fire, aka the middle of the ring. they are stuck there for the duration (they can not leave the ring. however players using knockback weapons can knock them out of the ring. so be careful)


while in the ring of fire, they take low fire dmg from the lack of oxygen (say 50 dmg per secound. which is not affected by mods)  and suffer a fire proc for the entire duration they are in the ring (the dmg from this fire proc will be low, but affected by mods)

the ring of fire will last around 8 secounds(or modded up to a max of 12)

and then here is where the fun part comes.  when the ring of fire ends, enemys suffer a panic attack similar to necro's terror skill.  they flee in any direction for 4 secounds wanting to escape where the fire was.





and thats the skill, combining a nerfed version of Vauban's Bastille and Necro's Terror  with a bit of fire.

its not a skill used for dmg, instead its a skill used for crowd control and utility for ember(as she currently lacks any)

the skill does not affect flying enemys, indeed infested flyers can carry infested OUT of the ring.

and ember could shoot fireballs into the ring for dmg, or use ignis or something else.




for 75 energy, it would be a fun skill to bring.


other ideas for it

*make it into a fire wall that blocks all enemys and range can be used to increase the length? (dungeons and Dragons much)


*Ember shoots fire out of her hands to impact the ground, hitting all enemys and throwing her into the air for a high jump to escape danger(excalibur super jump with dmg)


*ember creates a close range explosion to push her backwards.  enemys at the initial impact zone are hit, and all enemys hit by the knocked back ember are hurt  (bit like Vindictus's mage's mana warp.)


*a large area knockdown that deals moderate fire dmg while expanding and knocking down enemys (Fire commanders with a bit of dmg added in)

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Good point about the blinding fx. Since they changed the blending of fx, Ember abilities hinder the vision even more. Used to be unbearable with bright colors but fine with dark ones, now its almost opaque no matter what color.


Btw Oberon, as much as he sucks, can stun enemies for indefinitely long time 

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Good point about the blinding fx. Since they changed the blending of fx, Ember abilities hinder the vision even more. Used to be unbearable with bright colors but fine with dark ones, now its almost opaque no matter what color.


Btw Oberon, as much as he sucks, can stun enemies for indefinitely long time 

Oberon is not that bad just a bit above average 

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fire blasthttps://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/257436-embers-fireblast/ 

but first, some background to this idea.

back in midevil times, a form of torture would be to take a rat, put it in a bucket, and put the bucket on someone's chest lighting a fire on one end would cause the rat to panic and dig its way through the human 

 thankfuly we don't have that form of execution anymore. but the method gave me an idea for fire blast. by giving ember some utility using fire.  how it works is it takes vauban's Bastille and combines it with Necro's terror. ember slams the ground and makes a ring of fire.  enemys entering the ring take 400 dmg as if they were hit by a fireball (maxed out to 900. with a small fire proc chance)once in the ring of fire, they panic and struggle to stay away from the fire, aka the middle of the ring. they are stuck there for the duration (they can not leave the ring. however players using knockback weapons can knock them out of the ring. so be careful) while in the ring of fire, they take low fire dmg from the lack of oxygen (say 50 dmg per secound. which is not affected by mods)  and suffer a fire proc for the entire duration they are in the ring (the dmg from this fire proc will be low, but affected by mods)the ring of fire will last around 8 secounds(or modded up to a max of 12)and then here is where the fun part comes.  when the ring of fire ends, enemys suffer a panic attack similar to necro's terror skill.  they flee in any direction for 4 secounds wanting to escape where the fire was.    and thats the skill, combining a nerfed version of Vauban's Bastille and Necro's Terror  with a bit of fire.its not a skill used for dmg, instead its a skill used for crowd control and utility for ember(as she currently lacks any)the skill does not affect flying enemys, indeed infested flyers can carry infested OUT of the ring.and ember could shoot fireballs into the ring for dmg, or use ignis or something else.   for 75 energy, it would be a fun skill to bring.

 other ideas for it*make it into a fire wall that blocks all enemys and range can be used to increase the length? (dungeons and Dragons much) *Ember shoots fire out of her hands to impact the ground, hitting all enemys and throwing her into the air for a high jump to escape danger(excalibur super jump with dmg) *ember creates a close range explosion to push her backwards.  enemys at the initial impact zone are hit, and all enemys hit by the knocked back ember are hurt  (bit like Vindictus's mage's mana warp.) *a large area knockdown that deals moderate fire dmg while expanding and knocking down enemys (Fire commanders with a bit of dmg added in)

Fireblast is a little wtf?!?!If i want to cast fireball i will have to lift 24/7 in order to just cast it in situation when it suits it most
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