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King - Hunter/assassin Warframe


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Name: King

Gender: Male
Visual Concept: My only working idea at the moment is somehow SnakeMan from MegaMan-3 (http://megaman.wikia.com/wiki/Snake_Man), in WarFrame style. Easily as tall as (if not taller than) Oberon, and with a thin, lanky build. To be clear, the snake-helmet with the fangs and the snake-tail ponytail is an absolute must for his design.
Flavor Description: A ruthless melee-assassin, King's abilities embody the spirit of the serpent, chief among Ambush Predators. With abilities that help him both hide from AND seek out his enemies, no prey escapes when King is on the hunt.
(Rank 30 stats in parentheses)
Health: 125 (250)
Shield: 175 (350)
Armor: 65 
Power: 125 (200)
Speed: 1.0
Stamina: 200
Aura Polarity: Dash.
Additional Polarities: One Dash, one Triangle, in slots 2 and 7 respectively.
~ Ability-1: Snake Tunnel (25 Energy) ~
King creates a shadowy portal at his feet and vanishes into it (along with his companion, if he has one). While within the portal, King and his companion cannot attack, but they cannot be seen either (only the portal is seen, but this is only a reference for the player/allies and is invisible to enemies). While inside the portal, King can move over surfaces, including walls, but not over open pits. When King emerges from the portal, enemies nearby will stagger and become open to finisher prompts. King cannot attack while inside the portal, but he can pick up items (and so can his Carrier, if he has one).
Snake Tunnel will be vastly different from most stealth abilities in that it only loses time when King is moving. If he stays perfectly still, King can stay inside the tunnel indefinitely and it's time limit will not count down. Both duration AND range mods are great for Snake Tunnel, with range mods increasing the speed with which King moves while inside the portal, and duration affecting how much "time" he has inside it.

Snake Tunnel's effective duration and travel speed are increased as this ability is levelled up.
~ Ability-2: Snake Vision (10 Energy) ~
For 8/12/16/20 seconds, all squad members and NPC's within a radius of 10/15/20/25 meters are highlighted in color and can be seen through obstructions such as walls and floors (similar to looking through a Codex Scanner). Entities are highlighted in different colors that give King detailed information about the enemy. Enemies will also be indicated on the minimap when this ability is used.
White - Allies/Squadmates
Green - Enemy is not alerted to your presence.
Yellow - Enemy is on alert, but unaware of your presence.
Red - Enemy is alert and knows where you are.
~ Ability-3: Oroboros (25 Energy) ~
Allows King to recover HP by siphoning his own Shields at a rate of 20/30/40/50 per second (equal trade. 1 shield point per 1 hp restored). This regeneration continues for 5/6/7/8 seconds. Affected by duration mods. Regeneration continues even after all of King's shields are depleted, simply locking his shields at 0 until duration expires.
~ Ability-4: Mass Hypnosis (100 Energy) ~
Kings eyes will give off a hypnotic flash of light, causing any enemies within the range of this ability to be put in a TRANCE. Enemies in a TRANCE will be considered "unaware", and will take bonus STEALTH damage from melee attacks (although they are not open to finishers). In addition, hypnotized enemies will gather around King, calmly approaching and then standing idly by doing nothing, leaving themselves vulnerable to attack. The TRANCE lasts for up to 10/15/20/25 seconds and this duration is effected by duration mods.

When the TRANCE state expires, enemies will stagger, opening them up to finisher prompts, and be CONFUSED for 3 seconds before resuming normal behavior. The AOE of the initial cast is similar in shape to Radial Disarm, being able to affect enemies on higher or lower areas.
As this ability is leveled up, the range of the initial cast and the duration of the TRANCE state will increase.


WARFRAME PROFILE: KING (Lotus Explanation)
This... is King. The Hunter. The Killer.

King's abilities draw upon the spirit of a creature which strikes fear in the hearts of many. He awaits his enemies in the shadows, and is just as adept at finding his targets as he is at hiding from them.

Snake Tunnel will allow King to enter an inter-dimensional portal at his feet. While inside, he can move freely without fear of detection. If King isn't moving, he can remain within the tunnel as long as he desires, allowing him to find the perfect moment to strike an unsuspecting foe.

Open your eyes, Tenno. Snake Vision will grant King unparalleled sight on the field of battle, able to see not only his enemy's whereabouts, but also their state of mind. A target unaware of King's presence is a target easily slain, Tenno...

When you're running low on health, Oroboros will allow King to regenerate health by siphoning energy from his shields. It is advised only to use this ability in a safe location.

Hail to the King, Tenno. Mass Hypnosis allows King to place enemies around him in a trance. Enemies caught in this trance-like state will take bonus stealth damage from melee attacks, and will willingly surrender themselves to their new lord and master, standing idly by and awaiting their demise.

If used wisely, King can never be caught. And his prey... can never escape.

The hunt is on, Tenno...

Edited by Soldatto
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I would remove the crit buff on the first ability. On certain weapons that could give you over 200% crit chance, which would mean quadruple-damage red crits on every hit.

I can see that, yeah. Honestly I think the way mods play with Crits and Status buffs is a little wierd right now. I always feel like the mods should add a static value rather than a percentage of the current value, but that might be just me...

I'm not sure I want to get rid of the crit amp completely, though. Maybe just reduce it?



*SHNRK* Oh man, good stuff...

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I'm not sure I want to get rid of the crit amp completely, though. Maybe just reduce it?


I believe the highest possible crit value right now is 130%, so anything over 60 would push that into crazy territory. That said, even with 190 crit chance weapons like dread and synapse would be unbelievably broken.

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If you had that awesome "tail" from the helmet it would be awesome if you could used it to grab an enemy and either squeeze it for life and/or hold it up like a shield infront of you. Might be hard with vision though...hmm...I don't know :D maybe both - grab an enemy and squeeze it for life while holding it as a shield.


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This... I actually like this a lot.


For some reason though I can imagine him having what appears to be other smaller snakes incorporated into his armor that may move when he uses certain powers, especially Hypnosis, where they would all rear up (as much as their positioning would allow) and make their eyes light up too.

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This... I actually like this a lot.


For some reason though I can imagine him having what appears to be other smaller snakes incorporated into his armor that may move when he uses certain powers, especially Hypnosis, where they would all rear up (as much as their positioning would allow) and make their eyes light up too.

I thought about giving him an ability to summon snake bombs that crawl along the ground and seek the target, but I decided against it.


I believe the highest possible crit value right now is 130%, so anything over 60 would push that into crazy territory. That said, even with 190 crit chance weapons like dread and synapse would be unbelievably broken.

*Whistles* Damn. Well, I suppose the ability is strong enough what with the detailed information. *CRIT BUFF REMOVED*



If you had that awesome "tail" from the helmet it would be awesome if you could used it to grab an enemy and either squeeze it for life and/or hold it up like a shield infront of you. Might be hard with vision though...hmm...I don't know :D maybe both - grab an enemy and squeeze it for life while holding it as a shield.


Ahaha, naww... I like all of his current skills too much to consider replacing them with anything else at the moment.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

UPDATE: Swapped some of his abilities. Snake Tunnel is now the first and primary ability. Snake Vision is now a secondary ability that only costs 10 energy.


I like this :D More stealth frames!


can I try and draw this?

You sure can. 'tis a free country (at least where I live anyway).



I still like this idea, why does it have so few upvotes?! (mine) XD


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I like the idea for ouroboros and mass hypnosis,  snake tunnel and snake vision not so much

Not hating, just think there's space for improvements
The snake tunnel lasting indefinitely sounds a little too powerful. Leechers could just hide underground for the rest of the mission if they wanted to. They'd stay alive and get all the affinity from teammates. Give it a time limit.
Not too sure about the part where he can climb walls.

Banshee's sonar is basically the exact same thing with snake vision, so unless they change her skill... you're gonna have to think of another.

Edit: I totally like the idea of snake warframe tho

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I like the idea for ouroboros and mass hypnosis,  snake tunnel and snake vision not so much

Not hating, just think there's space for improvements

The snake tunnel lasting indefinitely sounds a little too powerful. Leechers could just hide underground for the rest of the mission if they wanted to. They'd stay alive and get all the affinity from teammates. Give it a time limit.

Not too sure about the part where he can climb walls.

You know, I always think it's a bit too much of a poorly thought-out, knee-jerk reaction to "punish" trolls by nerfing the abilities they're using to do it.

Yes they're abusing a mechanic of the ability to do something their team-mates don't approve of, but at the same time a lot of these inherent functions of the abilities are important to that warframe's gameplay in other ways, and many of them have excellent, legitimate team-play uses (like Loki's Switch Teleport, or Limbo's Banish, which helps regenerate an ally's energy).

I'm not saying you're wrong. Snake Tunnel has potential for abuse, but it MUST stay the way it is because it is in every way the essence of a snake lying in wait for the perfect ambush and is an integral part of what he is. In fact I'd say it and Snake Vision are the abilities with the best symbolism of snakiness in general.

In other news, if a troll does this to you, you and your like-minded comrades can just abandon the mission and force him to do the work by himself. The absolute best way to punish a troll is to stop playing with him. Always.


Banshee's sonar is basically the exact same thing with snake vision, so unless they change her skill... you're gonna have to think of another.

Not exactly. Banshee's Sonar costs 50 energy to cast but also increases crit damage by letting you shoot targets in identified "weak-spots". I originally had King's Snake Vision do the same thing, but decided against it. Now King's Snake Vision is only a free "Enemy Sense" mod with additional codex scanner vision and colorization of targets to help you decide how to plan your ambushes.

Also, Slash Dash and Rhino Charge. And pretty much every "make everything die in an AOE around you" move ever.

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I really like this idea. I give you a +1. I would like to see some concept art soon, my idea for this guy would be a long trenchcoat like Frost but flowy and a hood/mask that would cover his face until an ability was activated, then it would split in half and tuck into his hood.

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I'll be honest... when I saw "King" I thought of the Tekken King and not the snake... still pretty cool though! I like the abilities you've got there. Though if I had to say, Mass Hypnosis is kind of similar to Savage Silence for Banshee, and the lack of finisher prompts makes a little sad :<

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I'll be honest... when I saw "King" I thought of the Tekken King and not the snake... still pretty cool though! I like the abilities you've got there. Though if I had to say, Mass Hypnosis is kind of similar to Savage Silence for Banshee, and the lack of finisher prompts makes a little sad :<

The lack of finisher prompts is done to help King kill things faster. Mass Hypnosis lasts for a limited duration so this lets him kill everyone under his spell as fast as possible without having to worry about being stuck in a finisher prompt.

I know what you mean, though. Finishers are hella fun. An alternate version of this idea was to have it generate a one-time flash that hypnotizes all enemies within range. The victims would be in a trance permanently, and would be open to finisher prompts. As a consequence, though, since the ability is a radial one-time burst, he has to re-cast it to continue hypnotizing more people.

The reason I went with the current idea was to follow the theme of his other abilities benefiting from duration, but I might swap back to the alternate version because it would make Mass Hypnosis the one skill that isn't negatively effected by a Fleeting Expertise build. Hmm...

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UPDATE: I have changed Mass Hypnosis to deliver a radial burst (similar in AOE to Radial Disarm) on cast. TRANCE effect has it's own duration which increases as the ability is ranked up and is affected by duration mods. Enemies coming out of trance will stagger and be confused for a bit, opening them up to finisher prompts and making it likely they will accidentally attack someone else first.

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