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What Does A Tenno Really Think?


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...they are like Guyver with bionic-armor, trying to remember their purpose. And the infested could be seen as failed/infected Orokin. There is a person in the suit alright but becomes one in body and consciousness with the armor once "put on". That also explains how the each WF can be dismember "nice and clean", in some teasers. And yet what's unique of WF is that the frame seems to be alive and is usable. Actually, all parts are alive and usable, as can be seen from the making of Zanuka and Valkyr, etc. They can form a new consciousness of a person/frame when "putting" together.

Edited by ndantony
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I, myself would like to see the Tenno's story to be built up and a person making conscious decisions to become apparent behind the mask.


I would imagine that the Tenno follow the Lotus because she wakes them up and they don't know much better.  Last I checked they have no memories of the past, after all.  The first thing they have in their memory is the Lotus telling them to wake up.

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I, myself would like to see the Tenno's story to be built up and a person making conscious decisions to become apparent behind the mask.


I would imagine that the Tenno follow the Lotus because she wakes them up and they don't know much better.  Last I checked they have no memories of the past, after all.  The first thing they have in their memory is the Lotus telling them to wake up.

Problem here.. do Tenno even have a 'conscious'?


Goes back to the initial question, what/who are Tenno? Mutated humans now only controled by some upper AI?  Humans in armor that honor the Original tenno whom the armor is named after, that are capable of making choices and have an opinion?


Some are perhaps happy they do not know who they are or (or what horrible things they might have done), others desperate seek their lost memories and want to purge the system of those twisted stuff like Grineer and infected...


I like that 'unknown' zone around Tenno's, they should keep that open for anyone's imagination.


Though i could think up a few things my Valkyr would think when going Hysteria... i doubt it will pass the filter on this forum :D

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It's my opinion that Tenno are actually just having a blast as they go out and do missions. It would make sense as to why a single tenno would go out painting the walls of countless space ships and facilities with the blood of their enemies and yet still be allowed to interact with others unsupervised if such activities were considered a form of recreation. Plus, it explains why they can be super goof balls (Shenanigans in actual gameplay) while still getting things done.


...I guess I see Tenno as well-behaved Orks in a way.

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I would imagine Loyal, Nobel, Ninja or Samurai sort of rule of conduct if possible.  Following their structure, but going against it at times if their code is slightly different.


But, I would imagine most people would simply go off topic, strip naked and go



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I have enjoyed reading each post and forgive my not specially responding to them in this post but I have a few quick ideas I would like to get down ...

First, unless bonding to the Warframe TOTALLY alters physical form, the Tenno operatives that are held in Grineer or Corpus cell blocks as well as those in cryostasis sarcophagi appear and behave COMPLETELY human

Second, Lotus consistently refers to us and other Tenno as "operatives" underscoring the covert nature of operations which are really nothing more than infiltrate and then either eliminate, liberate, obfuscate, decimate, hyperventillate, accumulate or retaliate

Rather diminishes any sense of nobility doesn't it?

Last point and off topic but when Lotus informes you that there are no other life forms but you after completing an elimination mission isn't she ignoring your Sentinel? For that matter what about the tree and plants and now Kubrows left on Terran outposts or the Sand Skates on Martian outposts or the Infested carpet wigglers on a Derilect ship?

Accuracy doesn't seem to be her strong suit ...

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'Coffee....' (after sleeping for so long).


Then it's all about finding a good station to listen to. 



But I can imagine some confusion on whats going on and a strong sense of some type of obligation. The time to gather thoughts and sort out who you should side with, if even, is going to take time. Thankfully you have the moral support/confusion of other Tenno to keep you company in the meantime.

Edited by (PS4)Folkeye
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I am a Valkyr, I am a very emotional person on the inside but not on the outside. I was never on your side Tenno, you just give me what I need to get back at the Corpus for what they did to me. In turn I get the power and resources I need to rip my enemies apart with my rage. Blood and gore is what I live for. HAHA I eat their souls and steal their live force with my claws made of pure rage! I am what rage looks like in physical form. I am rage personified, I have been crafted from torment, and I take control of my RAGE... I ROAR... HEAR ME ROAR! "RAWR"

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"Those shoes are killing me, we make impossible guns that detroy reality but cant make a normal Shoe"


"I would kill for some slippers right now, i mean i kill all the time but you get the point."


"Who do i even mean with you ? Its not like i have somebody else in my mind, i think, i hope...do i? "


"Oh Lotus no maybe im crazy ! No no im not dont be silly now me"

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To me the Tenno are not mindless murdering automatons, but rather honor bound warriors from a time now lost to the ages. Brothers and sisters awakened by the Lotus. Born in blood, violence, and chaos to bring order to those who would see the galaxy monopolized for profit, or dominated for pride. My Rhino is not cold, but driven. He is willing to do what it takes to silence anyone that would threaten his siblings, or the few innocents that still remain among the stars. He may side with the Grineer on occasion to push back the Corpus dogs and prevent his kin from being shredded for sale like meat in a grinder. He may exploit certain missions to increase his gains, and search whole ships to find that one unopened locker with 500 credits.....But in the end he is loyal not to the Grineer, not to his profit, not even the Lotus. He is loyal to his fellow Tenno. Brothers and Sisters of battle. Warrior gods gifted in the ways of gun and blade. His emotions are not missing, they are within, hidden behind a mask of blood and scars. He is not unaware of his actions, nor is he indifferent. My Rhino knows what he is doing, he is understanding of those whom he has torn asunder. He knows his actions may have consequences, and though he may feel these emotions in full force, you will not see him second guess his strikes nor will he pause and listen to the cries of those beneath his blade. He saves these feelings of thought and reflection for the Dojo, a place where he can meditate on battles past and fallen foes. My Rhino is a warrior, a brute, a savage, a mercenary, a realist, a survivor, a soldier, and a brother. He may not remember the past, but his fellow Tenno are in the present. Fighting in a broken world filled with carnage and death he sees but one thing, his kin, his siblings, his brothers and sisters, his Tenno.


My Rhino and his family are outnumbered and outgunned with no clear sight of whats to come. Its a good thing their loyalty holds strong, because after all.....4 ninjas are better than 1 :) 


Aaaand thats how you do that 

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@ Aramanth ... never saw that before - really like it, thanks!

BTW ever see/read Crying Freeman by Kazuo Koike?  Interesting and distinctive perspective of the mind of a COMPASSIONATE assassin


@ (PS4)Stuffffs ... nice read!  Reminiscent of Hagakure ...

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