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What Does A Tenno Really Think?


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Once again, I request your forbearance in starting yet another Lore Thread ...

After a search of the forum data base, I could not find a focused discussion that specifically addressed what Tenno might actually think about

So consider this thread something akin to Tenno Psych 101 except there are no registration fees except civil discourse, no curriculum except for a lively imagination and no faculty except the forum moderators ...


Does their heads buzz with a collage of fragmentary memories punctuated with a barrage of irremissible directives or are they stoically single minded with no traces of emotional impotence?


What goes on in YOUR Tenno's head? 

Is it the wild abandonment of gameplay with no regard for the past or are they haunted by a lost past and an unclear future?


Below is a list of "good candidates" of what goes on inside a Tenno's head that I came up with while considering this question:


1. Strong survival instinct - well developed limbic system as apparently does not require much in the way of emotional or intellectually inspirational motivation


2. Excellent retained skilled motor memory - good cerebellar function, can maintain a high level of mission readiness even after extended storage (eg Excalibur's revival with Vor's approach)


3. Amnestic - long term memory loss incurred by cryodementia or repressed memories (childhood trauma with or without abandonment issues, adult PTSD in case of Valkyr)


4. Highly goal oriented - extremely focused while on mission deployment or when collaborating with fellow Clansmen


5. Obedient - unflinchingly confronts overwhelming odds and unwaveringly follows orders


6. Adaptable and adroit - quickly learns new skills (Tenno powers, ranking) and rapidly masters a diverse array of weaponry


7. Unemotional - outwardly detached, potentially one dimensional ... doesn't smile, doesn't laugh but will display intimidating or confidently poised body language when looked upon by others (stance setting) and can be paradoxically preoccupied with otherwise irrelevant cosmetic embellishments of their exo-suit (coloring, patches)


8. Simultaneously intensely loyal and independent - forms fiercely tight associations (Clans) as well as looser confederations (Alliances) and may readily engage in inter-tribal disputes but also willing to go it alone (solo missions)


9. Minimal residual human behavior - behaves more like a machine or a tool than an autonomous entity (aside from exercising a modest amount of independence in modifying in-the-field mission strategy)


Again, I look forward to your thoughts and critiques ...



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They are obedient, but only to the Lotus considering they slaughtered the Orokin after helping them win the war against the Sentients.


Feels like slaves to lettuce, considering they don't question anything she says/orders and just do it. Kill that guy, help that faction, nuke this ship.

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do as lotus says


I sometimes think of the tenno as contractors from the anime Darker Than Black.


emotionless beings with super powers (in the anime they have to give up something each time they use their abilitys)


and are also cold blooded killers


are hired to do various jobs from killing to escorting to exterminating.


We are rewarded in credits


The lotus tells us what to do, she said we are bringing peace to the universe (well we can only venture in this galaxy that i think is the 'center' of the universe)

Edited by n0lyfe
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1. Strong survival instinct - well developed limbic system as apparently does not require much in the way of emotional or intellectually inspirational motivation


2. Excellent retained skilled motor memory - good cerebellar function, can maintain a high level of mission readiness even after extended storage (eg Excalibur's revival with Vor's approach)


3. Amnestic - long term memory loss incurred by cryodementia or repressed memories (childhood trauma with or without abandonment issues, adult PTSD in case of Valkyr)


4. Highly goal oriented - extremely focused while on mission deployment or when collaborating with fellow Clansmen


5. Obedient - unflinchingly confronts overwhelming odds and unwaveringly follows orders


6. Adaptable and adroit - quickly learns new skills (Tenno powers, ranking) and rapidly masters a diverse array of weaponry


7. Unemotional - outwardly detached, potentially one dimensional ... doesn't smile, doesn't laugh but will display intimidating or confidently poised body language when looked upon by others (stance setting) and can be paradoxically preoccupied with otherwise irrelevant cosmetic embellishments of their exo-suit (coloring, patches)


8. Simultaneously intensely loyal and independent - forms fiercely tight associations (Clans) as well as looser confederations (Alliances) and may readily engage in inter-tribal disputes but also willing to go it alone (solo missions)


9. Minimal residual human behavior - behaves more like a machine or a tool than an autonomous entity (aside from exercising a modest amount of independence in modifying in-the-field mission strategy)


The way you phrased all of this, they seem rather autistic (I say this completely lovingly - I am, myself, autistic).

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My Tenno Are a mix of 8. 6. I also have it so that for the most part, they became num to the moral problems their tactics and powers cause and came up with this logic, "Our entire culture is based on aesthetics and War, we might as well enjoy the killing and blood shed, enjoy the chaos and challenge, and decorate everything to your heart's content, it will make the killing less depressing and more of an energetic art in the end." Were stuck in a nightmare with no knowledge of the past, understanding the past is important but will not dictate how we will act in the end. We look forward to a day of peace and contact of the rest of humanity but for now, lets enjoy this rare chance in life.

Edited by Incrodon
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I cant speak for all, but as a rusher I've trained myself to believe without a doubt, that I'm being chased by a never-ending swarm of bees. 


In reality I imagine them being normal and all having personalities when off a job, but when on a mission, becoming 7ish, becoming completely focused on the objective.

Edited by DecapitatingJim
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I think it is open to speculation and out own interpretations. I personally think that Valkyr would be PTSD-stricken like you said, but her torture and rage being her reason for fighting, fighting for the Lotus in order to kill Corpus and seek revenge in order to get some sense of satisfaction. Other tenno might fight because they want to survive, or they want to make sure that people like the red veil aren't enslaved, or save fellow Tenno from being dissected or hunted down, or just to make a profit.


I think that right now all we can do is interpret the reasons Tenno fight for ourselves, with our own opinions on their personalities and motivations.

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Well like said. I think that each warframe(Tenno) is bacily a Gordon Freeman, you play as how you want them to act.


Its what im doing, sure I don't RP with others but I do myself by making files about their lives and history etc. It just keeps me happy and lets me play as the warframe as I want.


For Example: My Nekros was made by the Infested, and Nova has a crush on him.


But even if the DE say the warframes are nothing but soulless or emotionless Tenno, all in all they are YOUR warframes they are what you want them to be.


So in short. We are  their personalities and motivations.

Edited by LegionCynex
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Tenno are like master chief or gordon freeman, as the players avatar, they are inexpensive to let the player make a feeling of being them the ones inside the world instead of seeing an external, non-personal unattached being.


so i think tennos think what the players think..

Edited by Toppien
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Interesting replies ...


Maybe I should clarify one thing -

I am not expecting anyone to use the list I gave at the beginning as a template


Feel free to put down what you think as either logical from a Lore perspective or what actually goes on in your own head as your play

Both points of view are valid for the purposes of this thread

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Considering they are still essentially human, at thier core, one could assume they have a 'soul' and the composite memories that reside in that soul. If they are able to be entombed in a warframe with their still functional memory, I'd assume they act normal. Perhaps they have some psychological disorders having to do with becoming a warframe, but other than that they may be human in a more meaningful way than there appearance foreshadows.


Like the Rhino. I take his kind to be warriors, soldiers in the strictest sense of the word, more so than ninja or assasin. Big, burly, strong, loyal, and I imagine, jovial outside of missions. They may be stoic and solemn, but they could still partake of the more frivilous of human emotions. They have a sense of duty and honor, mentioned by the Lotus when doing invasion missions, which seems like a very human thing to have.


The only frames I can't see being either entirely human or sane are Hydroid (mostly because of the requirement to morph into a liquid state and still retain some cognitive ability), Nova (that's a lot of power, even for a psuedo human with 'magic' powers), and Valkyr (well.. she's insane for the most part when looking back on what was done to her). Every other frame I can see a nuanse of humanity and special sparks of individuality. Even Excaliber.


I'm not exactly sure if I answered the thought of this post, but my 2 cents have been added.

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I do love the fact that the Tenno are considered emotionless machines but when it comes to fashion it's like someone took a rainbow, put it in a blender and just hit the puree switch.




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For me I honestly think Rhino is a soft tank. Sounds kinda weird but I think that's how Rhino really is. I made a little story about my own Rhino about him being a quiet, loyal, and very trustworthy Tenno. :o


A soft tank? Like a tank balloon?

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