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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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I have this issue where the game won't let me leave the chat window no matter what I press, unless I close the game. This has been really annoying when I am hosting a mission into the void and derelict.

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Not sure if this has been mentioned yet or not, but my Kubrow's colours change when it is equipped or not. 


Colour when equipped


Colour when not equipped


The colour that it has when it is not equipped is not an option when I go into it's appearance either, so I'm not sure where that's coming from. I would like it to be a colour option though! c: 

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After my Sunika Kubrow growed to mature, I realised that the game didnt gave me the Unleashed mod, it only gave me the Savagery mod, the two mods are their precepts, so it should give me the two.


Is this a bug or should I submt a ticket to the support?

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when forming a party while in ship, if I click or mouseover (not sure) the avatars or specifically the little 3 line thinggy next to them, it results in not being able to move or look in the ship, and esc key being only functional for minimizing chat.


And I'm sure it's been posted, but rhino prime skin, go back to gold, I beg you.


And please make quick with the nightmare mods not being rewarded, I needs one for my sweeper.

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Nightmare Missions - Not getting any mods as reward. Happened to me twice in a row on different missions both were sabatoge, both had obvious debuffs one was energy drain, the other was vampire. Could just be UI error still not used to the new system but I checked my recent mods (both times) and at the top was a standard mod, did not show a mod on either of the results screens as well.

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I seem to have run into an issue with warframe selection. when i go to change my warframe and press enter on my keypad the interface locks up and i can't close out of the menu nor exit the game though normal ways. Iv tested this a few times and it only seems to happen when i use the enter key over double clicking.

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Mirage / Kubrow bugs: 


- Sleight of Hand affecting Control Consoles / Hack Panels will draw Kubrows to stand in front of them for the whole duration of the ability.


- Kubrow Dens and crates created Radial Blind can blind Sentinels and Kubrows.

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1. Mirage's one Friendly Fires - It was amusing when it was killing players and sentinels but killing a Kubrow is not fun because the beasties loyalty takes a hit. Please fix this ASAP.


2. Connection issues, game is falling off on stability.

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Matchmaking issues. 


Happens frequently where I am in a mission when suddenly there is a host migration and I am kicked out of the mission. Has happened just now in three consecutive missions in Pluto Defense and Mercury Survival. I am not able to complete the missions at all. 

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When fusing mods, if you attempt to fuse a mod that is equipped when a weapon is using it and at it's max capacity, telling the game to unequip the mod from said weapon makes the game ignore all inputs past unselecting the mod and the process won't go through. The game then needs to be alt-tabbed out of and forced closed.


Also, whenever claiming materials from a Titan Extractor, the extractor is also claimed instead of just the materials. Another case of clicking going through the button and affecting the option layered behind the one being clicked.

Edited by Raloris
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On the Mod Fusion page: Sometimes after fusing a mod the prompt accept the fusion, with the price displayed, remains. From here backing out usually presents a blank page until I leave the mod inventory altogether. Sometimes though it can't exit out and I'm forced to restart.

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